03 | return to the warzone

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"Laylaaa," she hears a voice say, getting louder as they approach her. "Laylaaa! It's time for school!" Her eyes suddenly pop right open to find Ryle standing beside her bed, as she slowly sits up and rubs her eyes.

"It's way to early for this."

"Come on, don't be lazy. It's our first day back!"

"Okay, okay. I genuinely don't know how you always have so much energy." Layla laughs, lazily standing up from her bed and sliding into her fluffy slippers.

"Right, get ready quick and father will use the teleportation spell to transfer all your possessions to your dorm at Hogwarts."

"Okay." Layla yawns, pushing Ryle out of her room so she can get changed.

With Layla's powers, she always had things easy. She could just click her fingers and she'd be changed into a new outfit, it was that simple.

Although, now that she'll be returning Hogwarts, she's forbidden to use her magic at all. Mr and Mrs Stokes think that's the best way to keep Layla safe, and reduce any risk of her peers finding out about her power.

Layla understood. It was quite reasonable, and she was sure she can survive without using her powers at school. She's been doing it her whole school life.

As soon as Layla is ready, she heads downstairs to find Ryle and his brother Jack waiting for her at the fireplace.

"You nervous Jack? Your first year at Hogwarts!" I ask him and he looks up at me with a smirk.

"Me? Nervous? Pfft, no." He says, crossing his arms, making me and Ryle snigger.

"Wow, you're so brave Jack. Anyways let's go." Layla says, rubbing her hands together.

"Here's the floo powder." Mrs Stokes says, handing them each a handful of powder.

Each of them use the floo transportation to make it to the train station, where they took their trolleys and headed towards platform 9¾. The three of them, including Mr and Mrs Stokes, run straight into the brick wall, transporting them to the famous platform.

The sudden crowd of people appear before them, parents and children rushing around and saying their goodbyes as their kids hop onto the train.

After the war and the Dark Lord's death, it's only invited more people to join Hogwarts, because they don't have to live in fear anymore.

"Right children. This is goodbye now." Mrs Stokes says with glossy eyes, on the verge of crying.

"Goodbye Mr and Mrs Stokes! Thank you for having me!" Layla says, hugging the both of them.

Everyone says their goodbyes but Mrs Stokes holds Layla back for a moment. "Remember Layla," she says in a low voice, loud enough for her to hear over the buzzing crowd of people. "Keep your powers hidden."

"Will do." Layla nods, before heading to the train. Ryle holds onto her hand, helping her up and they make their way inside, trying to find their friends in the compartments.

Ryle often hung out with the Weasley twins. Layla however was friends with them, but not as close. She tends to avoid all Gryffindors, seen as though she's in Slytherin. The people of Gryffindor aren't all inviting to people like her, even if her parents were major Harry Potter supporters.

So, Layla made friends with Luna Lovegood instead. She was the only friend Layla ever needed. No one else. "Luna!" She exclaims, finally finding her friend in a compartment.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Ryle says and Layla quickly nods, before rushing into Luna's compartment and giving her a tight hug.

"I missed you!" She says with a smile, happiness filling her from seeing her best friend since a very long time - since the war actually.

"I missed you too Layla!" She says with her sweet voice. They part from their hug, only for Layla to notice two other boys from her house sitting down watching Layla and Luna's reunion as if it were a Netflix show.

"Blaise. Draco." Layla says.

"Lopez." Draco replies with a cold face.

"How are you?" Blaise asks politely.

"I'm good thank you. How has your break been?" She asks but before he could answer, Draco interrupts.

"Don't answer her. You know who her family is." Draco mutters to Zabini.

Some Slytherins, including Draco were involved in the war, but on the opposing side - the Dark Lord's death eaters. Everyone knew Draco was a death eater, so seeing him return to Hogwarts is shocking.

But the reason why Draco already despises Layla is because of who her family is - The Lopez's. The bloodline who have always resented the Dark Lord and his motives. Hence the reason why Draco thinks he has to hate her.

"Malfoy, the Dark Lord is dead. There's no reason to hate me now." Layla laughs. He doesn't respond but all four of us know what he's thinking.

How is that Draco is still loyal to the Dark Lord?

Well it seems like it - it would be the only reason for him still hating Layla. Although this could all just be a misconception. Draco is just a brat at heart anyways. His behaviour isn't surprising.

"So why are you sitting with these two anyways Luna?" Layla whispers to her.

"Oh, Blaise is my friend." She smiles and I raise my brows, looking up at Blaise who looks down with a red face.

"Ah, I see."


After a while, everyone gets off the train when it finally arrives at the castle. Everyone gasps at the view of the magical landscape against the night sky, the twinkling stars glistening in contrast.

This never gets old.

"Whoever repaired the castle did a bloody good job." Blaise says.

"They sure did. It looks just like before." Layla agrees.

Maybe being at the castle won't effect her as much as she thought it would. She thought she'd see damage or remains from the war, but thankfully not. It seems like everyone is relieved.

Everyone makes their way inside the castle and into the Great Hall, where the tables are set out and candles are floating in the air, the house flags hanging down from the ceiling.

"I'll see you later Luna." Layla says, waving to her friend as Luna makes her way to the Ravenclaw tables, and Layla to the Slytherin ones. She decides to sit down next to her new found friend Blaise.

"There's a lot of newcomers." Blaise says, Layla noticing Malfoy giving Zabini a strange glance.

"There sure is. It's time for the sorting hat."

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