09 | meet the boys

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"Man, no one told me she was hot."

"Shut the fuck up. We're not here to stare."

"Yeah, we have a mission to do and we better to do it quickly, otherwise people will get suspicious. We risked getting caught bringing her here.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. But she is super hot though- Am I the only one thinking that?"

"No, you're not."

"Wait, why is she in that sexy black dress?"

"I told you this before Matthews, Hogwarts was hosting an autumn ball."

"Yeah Matthews, get it together."

"Oh shit guys, it looks like she's waking up!"

Layla's eyes slowly blink open, as she wakes up from unconsciousness. Her eyes adjusting to the light, and her surroundings. She feels her hands tied to the arms of the chair she's sitting on, as well as her legs to the legs of the chair.

She immediately looks up, coming to the realisation that she's been abducted. Her eyes immediately meet with six boys standing before her, their gaze locked on her as their jaw drops when they see that she has awakened.

Four brunettes. One with good cheekbones and one with soft looking hair, but both carrying guns on their vest. The third brunette, also wearing an armoured vest, but also wearing hand wraps... a boxer maybe? And the last, looking like the shortest one, also wearing an armoured vest.

Among the six boys, who seem to be around her age, also stand Blaise and Draco. Layla's face drops when she seems them, and she instantly attempts to break out of the ropes that are keeping her imprisoned.

She tries to scream, but the duct tape plastered over her mouth blocks her from doing so, and so her breathing becomes heavier, and her muffled cries for help become louder.

"Shall we take the tape off?" One of the four brunette haired boys suggests.

"No, let her struggle."

Suddenly, the sound of another boy's deep voice reaches Layla's ears, but she can't make out where the voice is coming from.

But that's when she spots a tall man leaning against a wall behind the boys, now stepping out of the shadows that hid him, and into the light.

She instantly stops moving, and pauses to examine the tall boy with brunette curls, a darkening stare and a scar across the bridge of his nose and sharp cheekbone. He also wears an armoured vest, but his with multiple knives and daggers in its pockets.

Layla watches as he clenches his jaw, slowly approaching her and then placing both of his hands at the back of the chair, leaning down and forward so their faces are merely centimetres apart.

"Well, she certainly does look like a fucking Lopez." He spits, holding up her chin slowly, as if to examine her face but she shakes her head, shoving his hand away.

Suddenly, he rips the tape off of her mouth.

"You were right Enzo, what a pretty face." The guy raises a brow.

"Who even are you!?" Layla exclaims, eyeing up the boy standing in front of her.

"You can call me Mattheo, love."

"Layla Lopez. Nice to fucking meet you. Now what the fuck do you want from me!?" She answers back.

"Woah, she's a fiesty one!" The guy with good cheekbones and guns says.

"So are we all like introducing ourselves?" The shorter dopey looking boy says. "I'm Liam Matthews, nice to meet ya!"

"Don't give your full name away idiot!" The boxer nudges him. "I'm Dylan. It's a pleasure."

"I'm Lorenzo, but you can call me Enzo sweetheart." The boy with the good cheekbones winks.

"Theodore." The last brunette says.

Layla scoffs. "And who are you two boys? Hiding at the back over there? Right, Zabini and Malfoy. Who would have fucking thought!? I won't hesitate to tell Luna about this Blaise, she won't ever fucking go near you again! You hear me!?"

"Begin the interrogation Mattheo. I've just about had enough of this." Draco states, taking a bite of a green apple.

"Interrogation!? What the fuck is going on? Anyone care to tell me!?"

"Tell us. Who are your parents?" Mattheo questions.

Layla shudders at the idea of her parents being brought into this - and she has a feeling she knows exactly why. But... how could these pathetic boys know of her family secret?

Everyone knows about the Lopez bloodline magic... but the only person left alive to know the truth is Layla.

So what could these boys possibly want?

"Alejandro Lopez and Mary Lopez."

At the sound of their names, the boys take a quick glance at each other.

"Now tell me, what do you know of your family's power?" Mattheo asks her, his eyes darkening as he locks his eyes onto hers, craving to get an answer out of her.

"Everyone fucking knows about my family's history of special magic. Why are you asking me?"

"We're asking of what you know. There must be more to it."

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but there isn't. Now fucking free me!"

Suddenly, Mattheo whips out a knife from his vest and points it straight at her her neck. Layla gasps in shock and notices how he didn't flinch or hesitate to make such a move.

"Well, we sure do know one fucking thing." He says, tilting his head to the side a bit, examining my face.

"And what's that?" Layla barely makes out, the tip of the knife right against her skin as she struggles not to move.

"You've inherited the powers of Mutantur Materia."

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