78 | whispers and rumours

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Draco's POV

No one's spoken in two days. No one will say anything. They're all so broken it's pathetic.

Nott. Berkshire. Zabini. Matthews. Jacobs. None of them will speak about what's happened. They don't know what to do. They have no hope - because our boss, Riddle, he has no clue what to do either.

Mattheo's been stuck at base this whole time, and he won't return to the castle. Drinking away his feelings I presume.

He hasn't even allowed us to contact him... so he doesn't know.

He doesn't know that back at the castle... everyone's against him. Everyone now knows he's the son of Lord Voldemort.

Word spreads fast in the Wizarding World. Especially if it has to do with the Dark Lord's return.

Me and the boys have been interrogated multiple times.

"Where is he?"

"Is he really the Dark Lord's son?"

"What are his goals?"

"Did he take Layla Lopez?"

"Are we all going to die?"

We stayed silent.

We stayed loyal.

Told them this is the first we've heard of it. But now... the whole school hates us too. They even hate Kamala, and she hasn't done anything. Just because she's been hanging out with me... just because I've been comforting her through this hard time.

Layla's disappearance has affected us all. It's hurt us all in some way, even me.

But right now, we need to stay strong for her.

Layla's POV


I've been trapped for five days.

Five whole days.

The shackles on my wrists, keeping me from using my powers - keeping me from doing anything.

Spector imprisoned me. In this dark cell - no crack of light - no sign of life. No hint of warmth - just... cold. Everywhere.

They send me a small dish of cold soup and a cup of water once everyday. Breakfast in the morning if I'm lucky too - half a slice of toast and a cup of water.

I can already feel I'm getting weak with each passing day. The shivers, the hunger, the lack of comfort. The lack of vision to see anything.

This is my hell.

And I don't know how long I'm going to be trapped in it.


Draco's POV

We all sluggishly make our way to lessons, none of us speaking once again. Each of us remain silent as we walk through the hallways, sending glares to the other students who whisper and gossip as we walk by.

"They were death eaters once before. Of course they're associated with Riddle."

"Traitors. Look at them!"

"I heard that their parents were just the same - loyal to the Dark Lord."

Suddenly, Berkshire lunges at the student, gripping them by their collars as he slams them into the wall.

"SPEAK AGAIN! I FUCKING DARE YOU!" He shouts into their face and everyone crowds around the scene.

Theodore pulls Enzo off of the boy, and his face is red, filled with anger.

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