87 | fire is catching

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Layla's POV

I feel weak all over. Helpless, as Liam carries me to the base. We make it, and Blaise tends to Enzo first.

"Feeling any better Enzo?" I ask him quietly, moving a piece of hair out of his face as he lays peacefully on the bed.

"A lot better angel." He smiles. "How are you?"

"I'm doing okay." I sigh.

"Here, drink this Layla. It'll make you feel better in no time." Blaise says, handing me a cup of tea. His magic herbs certainly do trick, because as soon as I take a sip, I'm already starting to feel better than ever.

"What did Spector do to you Layla?" Enzo asks, sitting up in his seat as Blaise bandages him up.

"He confined me in a cell." I say, recalling everything that happened. "It stripped all my magic away from me so I couldn't save myself. It was horrible."

"Well we're glad you're okay now Layla." Liam says, bringing something in a box to me. "Here's your super suit. It'll enhance your powers."

Excited, I change into it, and it fits perfectly. It hugs my body in all the right places, black in colour, and extremely easy to move in. I put my boots on, and my belt to carry my knives.

I'm sure Mattheo would love to see me in this. I begin my stretches, getting ready to leave base, when suddenly a huge explosion is heard outside.

Enzo, Blaise and Liam rush to by my side as we look at each other with widened eyes.

"What in the bloody hell was that!?" Enzo gasps.

"It's Spector's men. We didn't use our invisibility gadgets on the way here so I'm guessing they've found us." Liam tells us. "Suit up guys. We've got to get to the castle."

We all nod and make our way outside, only to find three of Spector's goons standing before us, each with a wand in their hand and black smoke radiating off of them.

"The darkness has consumed them." I say lowly, and hold up my hands, ready to fight. Enzo takes out his guns, spinning them in his fingers.

"PREPARE FOR DEATH BITCHES!" Enzo exclaims, and all four of us begin to attack. I conjure up knives and shoot it at each of the men, within seconds they fall to the ground.

"Oh." Enzo pauses. "That wasn't much of a fight."

I chuckle but then my smile fades. "There's more coming." We watch black smoke head towards us fast, as it swims across the forest floor, making its way directly to us.

The fight continues. We do everything we can to fight them all off.

"There's too many of them!" Blaise shouts, casting spells with his wand.

"We've got to get to the castle!" I tell them, as I throw my conjured knives towards the wizards.

There's got to be a way to get us to the castle. I've got to use my powers somehow. To cause a distraction so we can leave. I close my eyes and kneel to the ground, focusing on the energy within me.

In a matter of moments, a fire is spread across the forest floor, burning down any remaining men. Most of them begin to flee, trying to escape from the forest but there's no use.

The fire is catching.

"That's our cue to leave." Liam says, and I conjure up four brooms for the each of us, a new trick I learned during training.

We each hop on and fly towards the castle. We make it outside the Forbidden Forest, looking down at it to find the fire spreading faster than ever. It lights up the darkness of the night... and it almost looks beautiful.

"We'll that's not good." I gulp.

I smile knowing we're getting closer to the castle, but no. Something hits us and we plummet to the ground. I take a hard hit to the grass and everything goes black for a moment.

I blink. I see the night sky. The twinkling stars.

A high frequency plays in my ears. Everything goes silent.


But then I hear an evil chuckle approaching us. I blink more but I cannot move. Something's keeping me down, pushing me towards the ground.

A force.


Dark magic.

"Well, well, well." I hear a menacing voice getting closer by the second.

"Spector." I whisper under my breath, trying to move my body, wriggling about as I try to escape this spell.

"Well if it isn't the Lopez' golden child." He stands next to me, towering over me so I can see the evil grin across his face. "How are your parents by the way?"

"Don't worry, you'll end up dead like them too, bitch." I say and he scoffs.

"What, are you going to kill me too? Just how you killed them?" He smirks, placing his foot on my stomach and leaning down.

I groan at the pain, finding it difficult to breathe.

He knows.

Of course he knows I killed them.

"You know they deserved it, and so do you." I spit back.

"Now what makes you the mighty judge of that? You're not so perfect yourself. You also possess the same magic as I do." His eyes darken, as black smoke begins to radiate off of him.

Nice way to fucking flex.

"No, that's where you've got it wrong." I reply, and he raises a brow, waiting for me to enlighten him. "I'm not a pussy like you, the darkness has completely consumed you. It takes control of you. Me on the other hand? I'm doing just fine."

There's a moment of silence as I watch his face drop.

"Trust me when I say this Lopez, you haven't unlocked your true potential, where as I have. And you'll be able to face my wrath when the time is right. So will your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend. I will take that throne, and take over the wizarding world. Whether you like it or not." He presses his foot harder onto me and I scream at the pain.

"B-TEC VOLDEMORT FOR REAL!" Enzo shouts out and I internally smack my head.

He's going to get himself hurt, what's he doing!?

"What the fuck did you just say?" Spector asks, heading towards Enzo.

Holy shit.

He's going to die.

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