83 | a white door

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"WE FOUND IT!" Dylan exclaims, rushing into the common room with Blaise.

"God Dylan slow down!" Blaise huffs. "Bro should become a runner."

"Keep your voices down!" Draco says, standing up from the sofa along with Mattheo and Enzo.

The three of them had fallen asleep on the sofas overnight, waiting for the boys to return.

When suddenly, Liam and Theodore too appear in front of their faces out of thin air. Startled, Enzo stumbles back.

They put their invisibility devices in their pockets and the two of them hold two cardboard boxes each, breathing heavily as if they've ran a marathon.

It's about seven in the morning so thankfully no other Slytherins are awake yet to see the boys in the room.

"Okay wait." Mattheo sighs. "Liam and Theodore putt the boxes on the table. Dylan and Blaise report back to me. Now. Tell me what happened."

"Okay so. We followed Spector. He got into this limousine type car, and it had a bunch of seats. So me and Zabini did the first most stupidest thing we could think of."

Blaise let's out a breath. "We got into the car."

"You did what!?" Enzo gasps.

"We sat at the back, and thankfully Spector didn't realise I thing. We kept quiet the whole flight there as the car flew in the sky to wherever it needed to go." Dylan explains. "Until we realised it was taking us to the muggle world. To London."

"We got out of the car when Spector did and followed him as he walked through some streets and alleyways." Blaise says. "It was quite scary."

"He entered a grand grand building, with crowds of people dressed up all fancy flooding their way in." Dylan says. "We thought it was some kind of party or whatever..."

"It was a nightclub." Blaise finishes. "But he didn't stop for a sing and dance. He nods at one of the guards as if he knows them, guarding this white door that he opens and walks through, before heading down some white stairs. We didn't follow him inside because the guard kept the door closed. But we're sure that wherever Spector went, that's where he's keeping Layla."

Mattheo's expression brightens and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Great job boys." He laughs. "We finally have him. Now Liam and Theodore. The suits. Are they done?"

"All of our suits are done, including Kamala's and Layla's." He explains. "These suits are tailored by me to function for each of our abilities, so when in combat, it'll make it much easier for all of us."

"Brilliant." Mattheo says, putting an arm around Liam. "We can't go back to base again, it's too risky. So we're going to have to keep these suits somewhere safe, where they won't be found."

"I can put them under my bed." Enzo raises his hand. "No one will suspect to look there."

"Fine Enzo." Mattheo chuckles. "You can hide them there. Now tonight, we need to be ready. Because tonight, we attack. We'll be at this nightclub at midnight on the dot, and that's when we get Layla, kill Spector in the process, and get the hell out of there."

"But... do we have a plan? You know... for actually getting Layla?" Theodore asks.

"Yes. Don't worry. I have something in mind."


Layla's POV

Music. I hear music coming from up above, each day I've been here. It stops for the whole day, and then stars playing for hours. It muffled, but I can hear it. The sound of the beat. It makes me wonder where the fuck I am.

Where the fuck this lunatic is keeping me. Why it's so cold.

I hear clanging and crawl my way over to the metal bars that keep me confined in here. I touch around, trying to feel for the tray that they bring my breakfast in. I take hold of it, and place it in my lap.

A slice of cold toast and half a cup of water.

My hands tremble as I pick up the toast and bring it to my mouth, I shake with every movement I make, but try to take in the food and make do with what they've given me.

But god I'm so hungry.

So so so hungry.

None of this satisfies me at all. None of it. I grow weaker everyday, more fragile as if I could shatter to pieces almost instantly.

I'm so glad it's dark so I don't have to look at myself, look at my body and see how frail it's become.

I'm starting to lose hope. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. This coldness and emptiness is eating away at me with each passing second and I don't know what to do about it.

God, I don't know what to do.


Enzo's POV

Mattheo told us boys to go about our day normally. Wait till the school day finishes before we start our prep to rescue our girl. Our Layla.

I miss her so much. My best friend.

I walk through the hallways alone, ignoring the glances of the students walking past, whispering between themselves as I refrain myself for beating the living life out of them.

God I hate this.

Usually when I'm walking through these hallways, there'd be girls whispering about how good looking I am or whatever, and how fricking sexy I am. But no.


"Death eater."

"He's one of Riddle's."

"Bloody Slytherin."

There's all sorts. But the comments that really get me... are the ones about my parents. I can't take those. If I hear one of those, there's bruised eyes and crying students. I can't help myself. It triggers me, it really does.

With a sigh I walk through the corridors and finally, there's no students around. Just me and an empty hallway. I take in the breeze of the castle and take a deep breath.

I hope Layla's okay.

I hope she's... alive.

She must be. She has to be.

Suddenly, I hear rumbling coming from behind me. I stop in my tracks and halt, taking my wand out before turning around slowly, only to now find two grand doors against a once blank wall. I gasp at the sight before me, and do something stupid.

I take a step forward.

Reach out my hand.

And pull the door open.

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