16 | tour guiding

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Layla shoots up from her bed, rubbing her eyes and opening then to find Astoria, Pansy and Luna sitting on her bed before her.

"What's wrong guys?" Layla asks lazily with her morning voice.

"There's going to be a HUGE party tonight at the Slytherin common room, hosted by the new boys, and Draco and Blaise! It seems they've formed a big gang of guys, but yeah. Everyone's invited!" Astoria hurriedly says in excitement.

"Oh yeah, I've heard." Layla rolls her eyes, remembering her conversation with Mattheo the day before.

"So I'm assuming we're all going?" Luna asks.

"YES!" Pansy squeals. "I am so excited. It's going to be so fun!"

"It really is!" Astoria squeals. "What are we going to wear!?"

"We might want to decide that after school guys. We'll have plenty of time before the party. But right now, we're going to be late for our first lesson." Luna reminds them.

"You're so right." Astoria groans. "I'm claiming pink by the way!"

"I claim green!" Pansy says.

"I claim whatever colour I have in my closet!" Luna adds, making the girls laugh.

"That reminds me girls. Yesterday when I was at my detention with Mattheo and Ryle-"

"Oh yeah! Your detention! How did it go?" Pansy asks Layla.

"It went how I expected it to go. Very weird. Professor McGonagall called me and Martinez to stay behind, and she told me that I have to be his and the new boys tour guide! How unfair is that!"

"NO WAY! YOU LUCKY BITCH!" Pansy exclaims, her and Astoria getting all excited.

Luna sends Layla a smile.

"I wish that was me!" Astoria groans. "Now you can easily get to know them! They're all so hot."

"She's right you know." Pansy agrees.

"Nah. There's something dodgy about them. Especially Mattheo. I don't really want to have any association with him." Layla tells them. "But it is what it is."


After Layla finishes getting ready, she heads down to the common room to find the boys waiting for her. Their eyes lock onto her as she approaches them nervously, but she attempts to seem confident, with her head held up high.

I'm shitting it.

"Let's just get this over with." She sighs.

"No hi? Good morning? Hello? How rude." Theodore scoffs.

"My apologies my Lord. Good day?" Layla says, putting on a posh London accent. "That good enough for you?"

"Perfect, thank you angel." Theodore smirks.

Layla notices Mattheo sending Theodore a glare.

"So, what lessons do you all have? I can give you directions I'm not going to drop each and every one of you off."

"We all have potions." Dylan tells her, sending her a smile.

"Enzo can you stop throwing that?" Theodore nudges Enzo, who throws a ball up a down in the air.

"Sorry!" He says, raising his hands in surrender. "Oh hello Layla, are you going to tour guide us?"

"Oh my days. This boy is so lost." Liam says, rubbing his forehead, making the boys laugh.

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