26 | game player

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Layla lazily gets out of bed, looking over at Pansy's side of the room to find her in bed with some random boy, his face out of sight.

Must be some guy she hooked up with after the party.


Layla heads into the bathroom and makes sure the door is locked. She doesn't want that random boy walking in in the middle of her shower.

Once Layla finishes up having a shower, she wraps a towel around her and realised she forgotten her clothes in the dorm.

"Fuck." She grunts.

With a huff, she opens the door to exit the bathroom, and suddenly bumps into what feels like a fucking wall.

Layla looks up and gasps, to find Mattheo directly in front of her, wearing nothing but grey joggers.

"What the fuck Riddle!?"

"Good morning to you too darling."

"The fuck are you doing in my dorm!?" She exclaims, gripping into her towel tighter, when she catches sight of his toned abs.

"What does it look like?" He chuckles, turning his head to look back at a fast asleep Pansy.

"Don't tell me you-"

"That's for me to know love, and you... to never find out." He grins, his eyes wandering a bit too low.

"Eyes up Riddle." Layla says through gritted teeth.

"Nothing to look at anyway." He smirks.

"I'm so very offended." Layla rolls her eyes. "How the fuck would you know anyway?"

"I'd love to find out." He chuckles. "Now please move, I need the bathroom."

"Not. A. Chance." Layla says, glaring at him intensely.

"Your eyes are pretty." He says suddenly, and Layla blinks in pure surprise.


With that, Mattheo uses Layla's moment of distraction to slide past her and into the bathroom.

But Layla's fast too. She instantly turns around, and waves her hand in a pulling motion, causing Mattheo to be pulled by force, directly to Layla.

Before he falls on top of her, he leans his hands on the wall behind her for support, each hand at either side of her head.

Layla looks up at him, her stomach going crazy.

God, this towel better not fucking fall off.

"And what if it does?"

"Huh?" Layla asks.

"What if it does fall off?"

"Did I say that out loud?" Layla asks confused, looking up at Mattheo as their faces are centimetres apart.

"What if. It fell. Off?" Mattheo asks lowly, his deep voice sending vibrations through Layla's ears, causing goosebumps to form all over her body.

"You really want to know?" Layla raises a brow, and Mattheo looks at her intrigued. "You'll never be able to resist me, love."

Layla pushes him off of her, and walks back into her dorm, pulling out some clothes from her closet.

"I already can't resist you."

Layla's head shoots up to find Mattheo leaning against the bathroom door's door frame, gazing at her as her eyes meet his.

"What kind of game are you playing Riddle?"

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