30 | the beating

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Layla doesn't waste a second. She quickly gets out of bed, feeling slightly light headed, but she shakes it off. She knows for a fact that he's going to do something terribly stupid, so she decides to follow him.

She heads down to the common room to find the boys gathered in a circle, Layla noticing Mattheo and Draco in the centre. Everyone is silent, apart from Mattheo, as his voice booms through the common room.

Theodore, Enzo, Dylan, Liam and Blaise's heads turn towards Layla as she enters and Theodore quickly walks up to her.

"I don't think you should be here angel." He tells her.

"What's he doing?"

"It's not important."

"No Theo let me see." Layla says, budging past him and joining the boys.

"I told you Malfoy, specifically to get that task done. But you didn't. Why the fuck not!?"

"I forgot." Draco mumbles. "I thought it wouldn't really matter."

"Wouldn't really matter!? Are you thick in the head!?" Mattheo shouts. "The exact fucking people who we didn't want to find out know that I'm then Dark Lord's son!"

"Partially your own fault mate." Draco scoffs.

"Fuck this. I don't give a fuck if your my cousin." With that, Draco receives a nasty right hook, straight to the nose, followed by a few more punches.

Draco drops to the floor and Mattheo won't stop.

"Riddle that's enough!" Layla exclaims, looking at Draco worriedly.

He doesn't listen.

He continues beating the shit out of Malfoy.

"Why is she here!?" Mattheo exclaims, as he turns around to finally realise that Layla is watching.

"Get off of him Riddle!"

"You shouldn't be here princess." Mattheo says, before he cracks his kneck and knuckles, Draco whimpering on the floor.

Before he can throw another punch, Layla moves her hand in a pushing motion, sending Mattheo flying back slightly. Not as much as she wanted to, as she's still very weak.

"Layla! You can't use your powers yet, you're already so weak." Dylan tells her, holding her hands and looking at her worriedly.

"Someone had to get him off of him! None of you guys are doing anything." Layla says, looking around at the boys as they look down in guilt.

"Layla. Mattheo does what Mattheo wants. We can't stop him." Theodore says lowly in her ear.

Mattheo quickly gets up and looks at his boys, his face as cold as ice.

"I swear to god if you guys mess this task up, you'll be ending up just like Malfoy, you hear me?" He says to them and they nod.

"What do you want us to do?" Blaise asks.

"The Golden Trio. They have the Marauder's Map, a map that shows them where everyone in the castle is at any point in time. My name is on there too. And it is not labelled Mattheo Martinez." He explains.

"Oh shit." Enzo rubs his face.

"Go. Now. Retrieve it without them knowing. It's the only evidence they have against me right now. Don't fuck this up."

"We won't." Theodore reassures him, as the boys storm out of the common room.

"As for you Draco, you can fuck off." Mattheo spits.

"Draco are you alright?" Layla asks, rushing towards him and kneeling down.

As much as I hate him, he did not deserve that.

"No I'm great. One hundred percent." He says, his voice muffly as he holds his nose with his hand, to stop the bleeding.

"Doing that isn't going to help. I think it's broken." Layla tells him.

"He doesn't need your help." Riddle says, gripping onto Layla's sleeve and dragging her back to her dorm.

"Hey! Let go of me!"

"You need your fucking rest. What the hell did I tell you!?" Mattheo shouts, slamming the door once they're both inside Layla's dorm.

"I don't care about resting right now!" Layla says when she pulls her arm away from Mattheo, stumbling slightly.

"You weren't meant to see that."

"What, you brutally beating up Malfoy? I think I did. Now I know your true fucking self."

"He deserved it."

"He did not! Over something so little?"

"Potter finding out my actual identity is not little, Lopez. It's a big fucking thing."

"They were gonna find out anyway." Layla shrugs and Mattheo takes a couple of steps forward towards her, tilting his head in question.

"Would you tell them?"

"Tell them what?"

"Tell them why I'm here? Who I am?" He asks, taking another step forward until they're miraculously centimetres apart.

Layla looks up at him and a smirk forms on her face.

"And what if I did?"

Okay, taunting him is a dangerous game, but I'm so down to play.

"Are you being serious right now? Who've you told?"

"I said what if, Riddle. God." Layla sighs and he doesn't take his eyes off of her.

He looks her up and down before saying, "Trust me, if you did, I will find out, and remember. I will not hesitate to do what needs to be done."

"What's with the change of heart? You're caring for me one second and then threatening to kill me in the next. Make up your mind!" She says, raising her voice slightly. "Merlin, you're so confusing!"

He slams his hand against the wall behind her, beside her head and leans in towards her. With a swift movement, he pulls out a knife and holds it to her throat.

"We're doing this again?" Layla scoffs.

"You better keep your mouth shut little slut, one single slip, and you're dead in a second."

Layla gulps but doesn't show any fear, keeping her eyes locked on his.

He won't kill me. His threats don't mean anything. I know he needs me.

"I will never care for you, or ever have any feelings for you." He states, anger filling his face. "I am a gentleman. That's why I did what I did."

They're even closer now, the space totally eliminating between them, Mattheo slowly moving closer to her lips as the tension grows.

All that was fake. I should've known. He'll never love anyone, I've know that he's incapable of loving ever since the day I met him.

"So I see you understand. I'll never love you. Know that Lopez."

Layla blinks, and looks at Mattheo, finally realising something she's ignored for a long time.

"Mattheo- are you messing with my mind right now?" She asks and a smirk forms on his face.

He laughs and pulls the knife away from her throat.

"No clue what you're on about love."

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