08 | the autumn ball

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"What a shitty half ass apology. He didn't even let me speak, or even let me have a say on what he called an 'apology', and then he proceeds to ask me out to the ball! Ha! Pathetic he is sometimes. As much as I love him, and as sweet as he can be, sometimes, he just really gets on my nerves." Layla sighs, flopping onto her bed.

"Honestly, Layla... I don't have the right to an opinion on your relationship, but I really feel like it's a toxic one." Luna says softly.

"I'm starting to think so too... but it might not be! We've been together for so long and even his parents think that we're going to get married." Layla scoffs. "Yeah, marriage. Imagine that."


The day of the ball arrives and Layla, Luna, Pansy and Astoria get ready together, helping each other out with hair and makeup. It's good to have like friends to help with these things, and it didn't feel unusual like Layla thought it would, as the only friends she has had is basically Luna and Ryle...

She's never been much of the sociable, open person. But this time, with Pansy and Astoria, she's never felt more welcome to become acquainted with them.

The girls finally are glammed up and they head down to the common room, where they find Draco and Blaise waiting, for some reason.

"Hello boys." Astoria winks.

"Pansy, you look beautiful tonight." Draco suddenly says, holding out his hand for her. Her face turns bright red and the girls stare at them, jaws dropped.

"Thank you Draco." Pansy takes his hand and then she looks back at us. "Sorry guys, I've got a date." She shrugs.

"No worries! Have fun!" Astoria winks, and we all giggle in excitement for her. "Did it really have to be Draco though?" Astoria whispers to Layla.

"Maybe she can change him." Layla shrugs.

"Luna... I want to apologise." Blaise says, approaching Luna.

Layla holds onto Astoria's hand and turns to Luna. "We'll leave you guys to talk." She quickly says before dragging Astoria out of the common room with her.

"That's actually so adorable!" Astoria squeals.

"It is, isn't it! I hope he doesn't break her heart though." Layla agrees. "Right, you're my gorgeous date now Astoria."

"Woohoo!" She exclaims and they laugh as they make their way to the Great Hall, to find a crowd of students waiting to enter.

The students chatter among themselves impatiently, waiting for the grand doors to be opened.

"Can't believe they're still putting on this ball after what happened." Someone says, catching Layla's attention.

"I know right! What happened to Seamus was so tragic." Another student replies.

"Oh well, I guess we'll have to move on some day."

Suddenly, the doors are opened, and the beautiful grand decorations are already visible, as the crowd of students push their way through.

The array of flowers on each of the tables, catch everyone's attention, as colourful leaves float mid air near the roof of the hall, representing the arrival of autumn.

"It's so beautiful!" Astoria exclaims.

Everyone scatters and looks around, already snacking on some of the delicious treats laid out. Layla and Astoria wonder about, when they spot Luna and Blaise finally arriving, both of them with a huge smile on their faces.

"Ooh, look at them two!" Pansy says suddenly, approaching the girls from behind with Draco.

"I know right, they make such a cute couple!" Layla states.

"Personally, I think Blaise could do a lot better than Looney." Draco scoffs, and Layla's expression turns into a deadly one.

"The fuck did you just say bleach boy?"

"You heard what I said, loser."

"Pfft, Draco Malfoy, caling me a loser? Bitch the fuck? Your hair follicles are on the verge of collapsing with all that bleach." Layla remarks.

"My hair is all natural, stop being so jealous, Lopez. We know who your family is, dodgy people they are." Draco spits.

"Dodgy? What the fuck makes you think that?"

"Mysterious death of your parents and all." Malfoy laughs.

"That's enough Draco." Pansy says, pulling his arm.

"No, let me finish." He protests.

"You legit can't say much, you've still got that dark mark on you, haven't you? If anyone is dodgy, it's you Draco. Come on Astoria, let's go." Layla huffs, taking Astoria away from them.

"Can I please have your attention!" Professor McGonagall calls out. "Thank you all for attending this spectacular autumn ball. Please students, behave and don't do anything stupid. Feel free to consume any of the snacks our kitchen elves have made for you. Now, the music shall play, and let the dancing commence!"

Suddenly, the sound of violins start playing and everyone rushes to the dance floor with their couples.

Astoria and Layla join in, having the time of their life. They dance to the rhythm of the music but suddenly, the hairs at the back of Layla's back stand up once again.

The same feeling of coldness rushing past her as it was when she was at the Slytherin party, dancing with Seamus... until he disappeared.

For some reason, Layla doesn't turn around to check, instead she keeps her eyes on Astoria, in case she disappears like Seamus did.

It was a silly theory that Layla came up with... but somehow, she had a feeling she had some sort of reason as to why Seamus died. She knows she didn't kill him, that much was obvious. But she feels like she was the last one to see him.

And now that sudden rush of coldness, only hints death, and Layla doesn't want to be the cause of it again.

"Actually, Astoria... I think we should sit down for a minute."

"Sure, are you okay?" Astoria says, pulling her to the side and taking a seat at one of the tables.

"Uh, yeah. I just need a breather for a second."

At that moment, the sudden rush of coldness returns, forming goosebumps everywhere on Layla. She looks around this time... spotting something at the entrance of the Great Hall, hiding behind the door.

A black figure... the absence of light shadowing their face.

"I'll be back Astoria. I just need to check something." Layla quickly says, standing up and holding her long black dress up slightly as she speed walks to the entrance of the hall, her heels clicking as she does so.

She stops and looks around, but the figure is gone.

Is someone messing with me?

Her breathing growing heavier, Layla frantically looks around, when suddenly she feels someone grabbing her from behind and putting a cloth over her mouth.

Within seconds, Layla stops trying to fight for escape, and everything around her faces to black.

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