04 | say yes to the dress

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Everyone is finally settled down and they take their seats, when Professor McGonagall enters the hall. She stands at the podium and looks around. "Welcome everyone." She finally says, clearing her throat. "I am delighted to see you all returned and ready for another year at our beloved school Hogwarts. I know it's been a rough time..."

As much As Layla thinks Professor McGonagall is a great headmistress, she couldn't help but zone out and just daydream. A lot has been on her mind recently.

"And let the sorting ceremony begin!" She says, catching Layla's attention once again.

"This'll be good." Blaise says.

Layla spots Ryle at the Gryffindor table and he sends her a smile. "You good?" He mouths, Layla lip reading and responding with a nod before turning to watch the sorting hat be brought out.

New first years and students are sorted into each house and the ceremony is finally over. That's when their dinner suddenly appears in front of them on their tables, everyone's face lighting up in joy.

Everyone tucks into their food and has a great time, when suddenly Layla feels someone sneaking up behind her. "Guess who?" They say, covering her eyes from behind.

"Hmm, it's definitely not Ryle." Layla laughs, and he takes a seat beside her. "You're not meant to be at the Slytherin tables Ryle, they're gonna kick you off."

"That's if they notice anyway. Everyone's too busy with their food." He says, taking a chip from her plate.

"Who are you? Filthy Gryffindor." Malfoy spits, sending Ryle a scowl.

"Ryle Stokes, Layla's boyfriend. Nice to meet you, Malfoy." Ryle responds, sending both Blaise and Draco a glare.

"Meet my new friend Blaise Zabini." She tells Ryle, but Ryle just scoffs.

"Pesky Slytherins." He mutters under his breath.

"What was that?" Blaise asks.

"Hey, I'm a Slytherin too. Don't be so stereotypical." Layla tells him, furrowing her brows.

"Whatever." He says, before heading off back to his friends at the Gryffindor table.

"What the fuck?" She says and Blaise shakes his head.

"Your boyfriend seems nice." He says sarcastically and Layla huffs.

Man, why does he have to be against us so much? How petty.

Just then, the students hear a loud tapping of a glass, and everyone's heads turn to the front of the Hall where McGonagall stands with a wine glass and spoon in her hand. "Attention, please. I have an announcement to make." She begins, and everyone sits up straighter. "To lighten up the mood and start this year on a happy note, there will be an autumn ball taking place next weekend."

Everyone gasps, mostly the girls begin chatting to their friends in excitement.

"Please contain your excitement as I want full focus on your learning until the ball. That is all."

Straight after, everyone begins chatting again and Layla tries to find Luna and she finally catches sight of her at the Ravenclaw table, also looking around to find Layla too. They catch sight of each other and send each other a smile and a thumbs up, meaning that they'll discuss about the ball later.

"Why are people so excited for this stupid thing? It's so unnecessary." Malfoy scoffs.

"Just because you don't have a date?" Layla asks him, making Blaise snigger.

"I have many options thank you very much. You're the one who should be worried, Lopez." He remarks and she rolls her eyes, uninterested in what he has to say about her.


When Layla makes it to her dorm, she finds all her possessions in place on one half of the room, on the other, she finds a girl sitting on her bed, organising her jewellery.

"Hello." Layla says and the girl suddenly whips her head around.

"Oh, hi Layla!" She says and Layla finally recognises who it is.

"Oh hey Pansy! I didn't realise it was you." She laughs, flopping onto the spinny sofa chair in the middle of the room.

"How was your holidays?" Pansy asks.

"It was... meh." Layla shrugs, looking down and Pansy decides not to say anything more about it.

"I'm just organising my jewellery." Pansy says, showing Layla her collection of necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings.

"Woah, they're beautiful." Layla says, looking at them in awe.

Layla usually doesn't keep collections of items. Whenever she needs something, she just conjures it up with her magic. It's always been that easy.

Suddenly, the door is swung open, and in comes a girl panting, clearly out of breath.

"What's happened now Astoria?" Pansy laughs.

"Everyone... party... one a.m... tonight." She says between breaths but both Pansy and Layla make out what she's trying to say. "Oh, hey Layla!"

"Hey Astoria." Layla laughs. "What so there's a party?"

"Yes." She says, finally catching her breath. "Man, I ran a whole long way to tell you. We need to start choosing outfits ASAP."

"Ooh this is exciting!" Pansy squeals, standing up from her bed. "We need to look sexy as fuck."

"Agreed. You too Layla. Although that won't be too hard for you girl. You probably look amazing in anything." Astoria says and Layla begins to grow red, not knowing what to say.

"I totally disagree with you there, but thank you!" She laughs nervously and the two girls make their way to Pansy's wardrobe, scrummaging around for an outfit to where at the party.

"Hey Layla, do you need a dress?" Pansy asks.

"No I'm good thanks, I've got one in my wardrobe somewhere."

"Ah okay. Show us!"

Wow, she wasn't expecting them to ask to see it right now. She figured she'd conjure one up when no one's in the dorm, and then just wear that dress to the party.

"Um, actually now that I think about it... I don't think I asked for dresses to be transported along with my other things." Layla shrugs and the girls look at her in shock.

"Always be prepared for all occasions!" Astoria says.

"It's okay, I've got this spare emerald green dress that I haven't worn in a long time. I don't think it fits me anymore." Pansy says, pulling out a hanger with a beautiful short emerald green dress hanging on it. Pansy holds it up against Layla's body and smiles.

"It'll fit you perfectly." Pansy sighs contently.

"I don't want to bother or be an inconvenience! Thank you so much but you didn't have to."

"Girl, just take it."

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