54 | fake betrayal

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"We need to put on a facade." Layla says, sitting up straighter and tying her hair up, getting ready to plan this shit. "I need to make him think that I've switched sides. That I'm not loyal to Riddle anymore." She whispers, and the boys look at her excitedly, apart from Mattheo who just sits their with his head in his hands.

"He's going to want some vital information from you... to prove that you've betrayed Mattheo." Liam points out.

"Okay well... I'll give him false information." Layla shrugs.

"He won't fall for it." Mattheo says, taking a deep breath.

"Or... I could tell him the truth?" Layla suggests, looking at Mattheo and he instantly reads her mind.

"No Layla. NO. You know how dumb that would be!? That could jeopardise everything!" Mattheo seethes.

"Wait what- what truth?" Theo asks curiously.

"I need to tell him he's the son of..."

"No way!" The boys exclaim.

"Fine then." Layla shrugs. "If you guys have a better idea."

"That could be a last resort if he really doesn't fall for your act." Blaise suggests and Layla agrees. "How about... I don't know. You and Mattheo break out into a fight? In front of everyone? Wouldn't that be more believable?"

"I could do that." Mattheo laughs. "Wouldn't be too hard."

"Don't underestimate me Riddle." She laughs.

"Ooo this is gonna be good!" Enzo gasps, rubbing his hands in excitement.

"When is it happening?" Theo asks.

"Not today. That's way to obvious. He's only just joined the school." Liam explains. "Tomorrow. It would be better if the fight happened then. There's going to be a party in the Gryffindor common room tonight and pretty much everyone is invited. We'll all attend but Layla can be no where near Mattheo."

"Sounds like a plan." Layla nods.

"That'll be easy. Staying away from you." Mattheo says and she raises a brow.

"We'll see about that."

"Wait so is the party just in celebration for him?" Draco asks, looking over at Spector in disgust. "How pathetic."

"Malfoy seems to hate him more than we do." Theodore scoffs.

"Okay so, does everyone understand the plan?" Layla asks them and they all nod, apart from Mattheo who looks like he's going to stab someone in anger there and then.

"I still don't like the idea of Layla being near Spector. He's dangerous. We still don't know what he's capable of." Mattheo states, and Layla sighs, rolling her eyes.

"Mattheo I understand what you mean but what other plan have we got? This is the only thing that can work. He's needs to die. We all know that. But that can only happen, one step at a time." Layla says, getting frustrated.

"Do what you want Layla." He says, before getting up in a huff and walking out of the Great Hall, peoples heads turning to look at him as he leaves, including Spector who takes notice.

"God, people are going to be assuming things now." Layla sighs, rubbing her face.

"No, no. This is good." Liam tells her. "They're going to assume something's wrong between you and him.... Which there is but that's what we want. Right?"

"I guess so." Layla sighs. "I hate it when he's angry though."

"He's always angry, let's be honest." Enzo says, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"He's just being protective over you Layla. He doesn't want a repeat of what happened with Ryle. But even worse this time, because it's Spector." Theodore explains and she just looks down at her food, budging it to one side with her fork.

No one says a word after this, and they all leave once breakfast is over. As Layla is walking to her first lesson, she lets her emotions cloud her thoughts.

The plan was for this to be a facade... to make Spector think that I was on his side, and that I've betrayed Mattheo. But now, he's actually angry with me, and this plan might be easier to occur now that some of it is coming true. But I don't want that.

Everything was fine last night and this morning but I really think that Spector's arrival really has him shaken up. The boys even told me that Mattheo always has a plan... but this time he didn't. We had to resort to my idea, which is extremely stupid and which Mattheo doesn't agree to. But it's the only thing we can do.

I need to get Spector to fall for me, some how. I don't know how but... god, we need some bloody information out of him. About what his intentions are, or where he's based.

He probably knows about my powers too... obviously. I used them on him.

Oh Merlin, how I hope that this plan works.

As Layla is day dreaming, walking through the hallways to her first class, she suddenly bumps into someone and she breaks out of her trance, her face dropping when she looks up to see who she ran into.

"Oh. Hello." She smiles, looking up at Henry Spector who stands before her, with a malicious grin across his face.

Layla scans his face, noticing the scar across his eye and his dark eyes that are filled with pure evil. Layla already resented him ever so much, especially with how people have been treating him as if he's some sort of god.

"Hello Layla." He smiles, and Layla's heart skips a beat.

Oh god. He knows who I am then.

"Are you okay? You look pale." He says with a smile, making Layla feel disgusted by his 'nice guy' act.

"Um aha... no I'm fine." Layla shrugs. "I uh..."

"Can you show me the way to potions? I'm new here so I don't know my way around." He says with another smile, and Layla takes a deep breath before replying.

"Yeah sure. I'm on my way there too now." She says and she begins her tour guide to the potions classroom, her heart beating extremely loudly.

Oh god. I can't breathe. I'm scared as shit right now.

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