32 | similar scents

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"You dare carry on reading it I'll slit your throat!" Layla whisper shouts, and Mattheo rolls his tongue across his cheek.

"In front of everyone? I don't think you would Lopez."

"You underestimate me too much." She replies, conjuring up a knife underneath her desk.

Mattheo's eyes shift towards the knife and a smirk forms on his face.

"Go on. I dare you."

Layla reaches over for her book, but he holds it up in the air, out of her reach. She leans forward, getting closer to Mattheo by the second as she attempts to snatch it off of him.

God, I wish I could use my powers right now.

She reaches further for the book when Mattheo holds her waist with his other hand, and she pauses for a moment, looking down at his hand placement.

"You alright there love?" He asks with a smirk and she rolls her eyes before successfully grabbing the book off of him.

She sits back down and shoves her diary back in her bag, facing forward and avoiding eye contact with Mattheo, who has a smirk plastered to his face like always.

Layla doesn't say anything but she can't help but ask, "God, just tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"How much of it did you read?"

"I read enough."

"And how much is enough?"

"Enough to know that you're totally in love with me." He says, and she turns to look at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I never said such a thing."

"It's all implied darling."

"Oh my god Mattheo I really need to tell you something!" Layla says suddenly.

"What!? Tell me!"

"Not everyone likes you, bitch."

"Fuck you Layla."

"Mattheo and Layla!" The professor shouts, making everyone startled. "Since you two are making such a racket, you can come up to front of the class."

"What, why?" Layla asks.

"Do not question me! To the front. Now." The professor demands.

Both Mattheo and Layla stand up and head to the front of the class, all the students watching them.

Blaise sniggers as the two of them walk past, and Mattheo whacks the back of his head and rolls his eyes.

"Both of you stand in front of the cauldron."

"What is this?" Mattheo asks, and the boys start to snigger. "Why does it smell of vanilla... and strawberries?"

"Are you dumb Martinez?" Layla says. "It smells of cologne or something... uh, cigarettes and... books? Where did you get vanilla from?"

"Guys. It's Amortentia." Enzo tells them, and the boys begin to laugh.

Mattheo and Layla slowly turn to look at each other and their eyes open wide.

"So who did you smell Mr Martinez?" The professor asks him and he just stares at her blankly.

"I don't know professor." He says rather quietly.

"And how about you Miss Lopez?"

She pauses for a second, the fumes from the potion still emitting the scent that she wished she'd never smelt. It was a very nice scent... but not the one she expected.

"I don't know either."

"Useless." The professor rolls her eyes. "Do take a seat and keep your mouths shut this time."

The two of them walk back to their seats, shell shocked. Neither of them risking taking a glance at each other as they sit down awkwardly, the silence between them deadly.

The rest of the class take turns smelling the cauldron. Layla took note of what each of the boys smelt, and it was quite apparent of who it was.

Blaise smelt Luna and Liam smelt Pansy, or Astoria. I think. They both use the same perfume. God knows who Draco smelt. Um, and Enzo smelt cupcakes and cookies? He seemed happy about it. That's all that matters.

"Theodore and Dylan, please come and take a sniff of the potion." The professor calls out, the two boys excitedly getting out of their seats and heading up to the cauldron.

The both take a sniff at the same time and as soon as they do, their eyes open wide, meeting Mattheo's in a spilt second.

"And what do you smell?" The professor asks.

"Vanilla and strawberries." They both say at the same time.

What the fuck.

Layla can't help but notice Mattheo's fist and jaw clenching, as he glares straight at the two boys at the front of the classroom.

"Wow it seems like three boys are after the same girl!" The professor laughs.

"Are you sure you smell vanilla and strawberries?" Dylan asks Theo.

"Of course I'm not stupid."

"Well maybe your nose is blocked or something I don't know."

"If it was blocked I wouldn't be able to smell anything at all dumbass." Theo says.

"But how can we all smell vanilla?" Dylan questions, still in shock.

"I don't know but I'm sure there's a lot of girls out there who have that scent." Theo comments, out of experience?

"Take a seat boys."

"Professor I don't think this potion is working." Dylan says.

"It's working perfectly fine Mr Jacobs." The professor tells them, and with a huff, the two of them return to their seats and Layla can't help but notice Mattheo glaring at them with each step they take.

His fists clench and he suddenly stands up from his seat and rushes out of the room.

"Layla please go and get Mattheo." The professor sighs, rolling her eyes before she continues with the class.

God, why me? He's such a man child.

Layla gets up and heads out to find Mattheo storming off down the hallway. She jogs up to him and he scoffs in anger as she approaches him.

"Why are you following me?"

"Trust me Riddle, it ain't by choice."

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