22 | the interrogation

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"Hey princess." He says, looking down at her, her eyes opening wide.

He takes a step forward, slowly backing her up against the wall behind her, his hands beside her head on the wall as he leans forward, gradually becoming closer to her by the second.

"Martinez." She gulps.

"Now why do you look so bloody suspicious?"

"Suspicious? I don't know what you're talking about."

"See, now that's exactly something a person who is up to something would say. Isn't it love?" He says as he clenches his jaw, moving even closer so that their faces are inches apart.

"I uh... just came up to smoke some weed." Layla says, taking the bag of weed out of her purse which she was to smoke with Enzo and Theodore earlier on.

"You, Layla Lopez, smoking?" He scoffs. "Now tell me, why do I find that so hard to believe?"

"I guess you're just a paranoid person." She says, tilting her head and shaking the bag in her hands.

He glances at it and snatches it out of her hands.

"You shouldn't smoke." He tells her, shoving the bag in his pocket.

"Funny of you to say. Now tell me. What made you destroy Luna's box?"

I'm still infuriated by what he did. By anything he does actually - he's just a mysterious person and I really can't read him. It pisses me off.

"Take a guess."

"What, you don't believe in love?" Layla scoffs, pushing him off of her, as she slowly moves away from him, taking a quick glance at the trap door.

He's only a few metres away from it. I can do this.

"Something like that. Now you tell me, Lopez. Why have I been getting messages from people who have seen you repeatedly leaving the party... only to come here?"


"They said you've been leaving with multiple boys each time, and I've only happened to notice that my guys are gone so I'm assuming you have something to do with it. Tell me. Where are they?" His whole expression darkens as he pulls out a knife from Merlin knows where, taking a few steps forward.

"Now who's been telling you those lies?" She asks him, pulling out her knife from her purse.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere Lopez. I'm not one to be messed with. Answer me now, or I won't hesitate to let this get messy." He states, as he grips onto his knife even tighter.

"As I said. You're very fucking paranoid." Layla laughs, throwing her knife directly at the boy, as it skims right past his ear, forming a cut as blood dribbles down his neck.

Mattheo tilts his head, a smirk forming on his face, before he rushes up towards her, the knife in his hands. Layla instantly dodges his first attack, but he's fast.

He suddenly has her backed against the wall again, his knife to her throat with a tight grip.

"Listen," Layla wheezes. "I'll tell you where they are, but please let go of me."

"Fine." Mattheo grunts, releasing her from his grip, but as soon as he does, Layla hits him with a spell using her wand, to sending him flying backwards, only to land directly above the trap door.

"Bullseye." Layla smirks, as he's sent falling straight through, landing with a thud.

"Silencio." Layla immediately says, causing Mattheo to be muted.

She conjures a lamp using her powers, making sure the boys don't see, before jumping straight through the trap door, landing swiftly on her feet.

The lamp lights up the room, allowing the boys, who are all tied up in ropes, to find seven chairs in a line.

Layla uses her wand to move the boys, so they're each sitting on a chair, then using her wand to tie their ropes to the chairs so they can't escape.

(Author's Note: here's a lil diagram to show you how they were sitting)

(Author's Note: here's a lil diagram to show you how they were sitting)

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"Now it's my turn to interrogate." Layla laughs, waving her wand so the the silencing spell is removed.

The boys gasp as they get their voices back.

"Now how the fuck did she manage to get all seven of us down here!?" Mattheo asks them, his face full of anger.

"She tricked us!" Enzo tells him.

"Told us she'll share her weed." Theodore scoffs.

"She told me Theodore was crying!" Blaise says, making them laugh.

"Theodore crying?" Dylan laughs.

"Yeah, you all fell for my trap. Quite literally too." Layla laughs, slowly walking across the room, taking a look at each one of them, to stop in front of the middle seat, which Mattheo is sat in.

"So I'm guessing you remember everything from that night?" Mattheo asks her.

"What night? Did you two fuck!?" Enzo exclaims, looking at them in excitement.

"What!? No!" Mattheo shouts. "The night we interrogated her. She remembers it all."

"How!? I obliviated her!" Blaise says, looking at Layla in confusion. "How do you remember?"

"That's for me to know." Layla scoffs. "Now it's my turn, and I need answers."

"Ask away. It doesn't look like we're going anywhere anytime soon." Mattheo sighs.

"Did you kill Seamus Finnigan?"

"Lol." Enzo says, and the boys all turn their heads and glare at him.

"Enzo." Theodore says through gritted teeth.

"So you do know what happened to him?" Layla raises a brow.

"Next question please." Dylan sighs.

"Fine. I'll just assume you did kill him."

"Something like that." Enzo shrugs.

"ENZO!" They all shout.


"Next question, bitch." Draco says and Layla raises a brow.

"Wow, the ferret speaks." She laughs.

"Keep your mouths shut lads. We're not telling her anything." Mattheo orders.

"No. There is one thing you're going to tell me." Layla states.

"And what's that love?" Mattheo scoffs.

"Who the fuck do you work for?"

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