19 | one of a kind

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"My box!" Luna exclaims.

"WHAT THE FUCK MATTHEO!?" Layla shouts, standing up instantly and rushing over to Luna's box, both her and Blaise attempting to pick up the pieces and salvage what they can.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you!?" Layla shouts, standing up and approaching him, so their faces are inches apart.

"What's wrong with me?" He scoffs. "What's wrong with you lot, thinking your fate will be written on some stupid box!?"

"It's not that deep!" Layla shouts, making sure her voice is louder than his.

Thankfully, the music is loud enough so no one else notices the commotion.

"We're Just trying to have fun!"

With that, he gives her one last glare, before pushing past her and walking away from the group.

"He's like a fucking child what's wrong with him?" Layla asks, pure shock expressed on her face.

"He truly doesn't believe in love, Layla." Draco tells her.

"And how would you know that? Im guessing you know him very well." She laughs sarcastically.

"Yeah, I do as a matter of fact, and believe me... he isn't one to mess with."

"Luna, are you okay?" Astoria asks, and everyone's attention is back on Luna as she looks down at the broken box on her lap.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She mutters quietly.

Layla heads over and sits beside her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"It can be mended. Can't it?" Layla asks, examining the pieces.

"No... my mother gave me this... before she... it's one of a kind." Luna replies, her face showing nothing but sadness.

Not even anger. That's thing, Luna never gets angry.

"Would you like to go somewhere quieter?" Blaise asks, pulling her towards him and rubbing her arm.

"Yes please." She sniffles and the two of them head off.

"That fucking bitch. He's dead." Layla says, standing up and taking a sip of her drink.

"Layla- be careful." Pansy says worriedly. "He looks... angry... to say the least."

"Yeah, I see." Layla scoffs.

She heads off into the crowd, wandering around, trying to find the boy who broke her best friend's one of a kind soulmate device.

That's when she bumps into someone in front of her.

"Oh, hey Ryle." Layla says, disappointed that he's the person she has to run into right now.

For fucks sake.

"Hey baby girl. What have you- w-where have you been?" He asks, stuttering and dragging his words.

"My, you're very drunk Ryle. Go sit down."

"That would be a great idea." He says, taking another big gulp of his drink.

"Fuck sake. I can't deal with you at the moment." Layla sighs, turning around to leave but he grips on hard to her wrist, pulling her back around so she collides into him.

The pain in her wrist is even worse now, given that the bruise that he gave her the last time still hasn't been healed.

"Ryle! Let go of me!"

"Now now baby girl, I want you to dance with me. You hear me?"

"Why are you even at the Slytherin boys welcome party? I thought you hated them?" Layla asks, trying to wriggle her way out of his tight grip.

"Do not question me! Dance with me now!" He says, spinning her around.

Somehow, she manages to slip away from his grip and she scurries off, trying to get away from him and his violence rapidly.

Her chest rising and falling, she quickly makes her way out of the common room and into the corridors, where she sits on the stone cold floor, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

"Are you okay?" A voice asks, and Layla looks up to find Dylan approaching her.

"No, not really."

"Want to talk about it?" He asks, taking a seat beside her on the hard floor.

"It's just... my boyfriend." Layla sighs.

"Ah, I see. Ryle Stokes, is it? Gryffindor?"

"Yep. That's right."

"How did the detention go?"

"It went as expected. Both of them being a bunch of weirdos." She sighs. "Can we go somewhere else?"

"Uh- yeah, sure! Where to?"

"Astronomy Tower." Layla tells him, and they make their way up there, slowly but surely.

"Is this like your thinking space?" He asks, looking around at the amazing view, the moonlight shining down on the both of them.

"Yeah, great guess." Layla laughs nervously.

Slowly, she takes a step closer to him, and his eyes widen slightly, as their faces become millimetres apart, her eyes locked on his.

"Y- you feeling any better?" Dylan asks.

"Not really." She says, a smile on her face as she takes a step forward, not taking an eye off of him.

He takes a step back, and then one more as Layla takes another forward.

Suddenly, with the last step he takes back, he falls down into the floor, through a wooden trap door right beneath him. He lands with a thud, and Layla immediately shuts the trap door again, using a spell to make it invisible for her next victim.

She hears his muffled shouts as she walks away. Rolling her eyes, she opens the trap door, the littlest amount of moonlight shining through, enough to see Dylan's face.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING LAYLA!?" He exclaims, looking up at her, panicked.

"Don't worry." She smiles. "Your friends will be here soon."


"Silencio!" She recites, pointing her wand at him so he instantly becomes mute.

Time to get some answers.

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