42 | five in the morning

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"I had to get us out of there somehow!" Mattheo shouts back at Layla.

"Okay so." Layla takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "They know that we know."


"God I fucked it all up."

"No, you didn't Layla." Mattheo says. "Now we know that Ryle's parents work for Spector. It's pretty obvious. And your theory about how he got his powers is very likely to be true. So don't worry, you did a good job."

"Wow. I guess I did. Thank you Riddle." She sighs.

"Where's Liam?" Mattheo asks the boys.

"He's just on the sofa over there." Dylan points and me and Mattheo walk over to him.

"How is he?"

"The pain has gone thankfully." Blaise tells them. "But it's still there." He says, lifting up Liam's shirt.

Mattheo, can you hear me?

"Yes, I can love. What's wrong?"

Henry hit him with the same magic as mine... do you think I could help Liam? Maybe I could do something...

"No Layla."

What? I can try it might work!

"I'll never truly believe you have the same magic that Spector possess. You don't have dark magic Layla."

And how would you know that Riddle?

"I know what dark magic looks like. And yours isn't."

Are you sure?

"I'm certain."


After a long day, the boys and Layla decide to sleep the night at the base, with only about three hours until they have to be up and ready for school.

They're all exhausted, so Layla using what little energy she has left, uses her powers to form a bed for each of them in the main hall.

"First sleepover! Woo!" Enzo cheers and Layla laughs.

"I love you Enzo!" Layla shouts over to Enzo who's bed is over at the other end.

(Author's note: here's a lil diagram to show you how the beds were arranged <3)

(Author's note: here's a lil diagram to show you how the beds were arranged <3)

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"I love you more Layla!" Enzo replies, waving over at her.

"Go to sleep you twats! It's bloody five in the morning!" Draco yells.

"You go to sleep fucking pussy." Theodore spits. "No one fucking forgot what you said to Layla so how about you shut the fuck up?"

"Whatever. You guys know it's true anyway."

"Malfoy, are you really looking to get battered again?" Mattheo says, sitting up in his bed.

With that, Draco is silenced, making the boys giggle.

"Good night guys!" Liam says.

"Good night Liam, get well soon my love." Layla replies.

With that, everyone is finally quiet and within minutes the boys are asleep.

Layla's POV

I can't help but shuffle around in my bed, finding it difficult to go to sleep. I toss and turn and even flip over my pillow, only to find it warm on the other side.

For fucks sake.

I groan and face the ceiling, staring into space. I begin to form little sparkles with my fingers using my magic, trying to soothe me to sleep and get rid of my boredom.

I just can stop thinking. About everything.

Suddenly, I hear ruffling from beside me, and look over to find Mattheo getting out of his bed, standing up and I find him shirtless, with grey joggers on.

I bite my lip and watch as he comes over to my bed.

"Budge up." He whispers, and joins me in my bed, pulling the covers over himself.

"You can't sleep either?" I ask him.

"Only because you keep shuffling around." He says and I laugh.

"Of course."

"What are you thinking about Layla?" He asks me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear soothingly.

"You don't have to ask. You could just read my mind."

"I know. But I'd like to hear you say it yourself."

"I'm just thinking about everything... a lot happened today... way too much."

"It's been a roller coaster of emotions, hasn't it?"

"Mhm." I mumble, both of our eyes locked on each other's.

"As much as we might hate each other Layla... you do know you can trust me, right?"

"I do know that, Mattheo. You're the only one I can trust at the minute. I don't know how but... out of all people you're the only person who knows my biggest secrets." I smile, playing with his soft curly hair.

"On a scale of one to ten. How much do you hate me though?"

"Hate is a strong word Riddle." I smirk, wiggling my brows.

"Ew don't do that." He says, pushing me away from him, making me laugh.

"Do what?" I ask, wiggling my brows once again.

"God, I hate you Layla Lopez."

"I hate you too Mattheo Riddle." I whisper, and we're left staring at each other for a couple of moments.

Suddenly he holds onto my face, pulling me close.

"I really want to kiss you right now." He whispers, his deep voice sending vibrations through my ear drums, sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"You do?"

"Mhm." He nods, our bodies getting closer and closer by the second.

"I don't think we should start something we can't finish right here and now Mattheo..." I whisper, and his hand trails down my body, across my skin, making its way down until it reaches my ass.

He grips onto it tightly and pushes my hips against his boner, and I let out a breath I never knew I was holding in.

"You're so perfect." He whispers and nervously, I turn around, my back facing him, and I budge my ass against his dick and his hands snake around my waist.

He pulls me closer to him, and rubs his hands across the skin of my stomach, making his way further down to my heat.

"Is this okay?" He whispers into my ear, sending goosebumps throughout my body.

"Mhm." I nod and his hand slips into my underwear, and I let out a gasp, covering my mouth in an instant, in hope that I don't wake any of the boys up.

"Fuck, you're so wet for me."


(Author's note: lol I didn't want to write the smut but I didn't know how to end the chapter and I know you guys like to comment at the end of my chapters and thought it might be a lil awkward replying to such a spicy sentence so you can just reply to this to get rid of the awkwardness🙈 i love you guys tho, and make sure to vote <3 can't wait for the 'WE GOT ROBBED' comments lols😝)

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