77 | within seconds

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Henry holds onto Layla's waist, her arms hesitantly wrapping around his neck, as they dance to the sound of the classical music that plays in the majestic ball room.

Layla looks around confused, feeling uneasy.

This is nothing like the last ball... nothing like the last ball where Mattheo, Theo and Dylan killed Ryle and his parents.

"You good?" Henry asks and Layla looks up at him.

"I... I'm confused."

"What do you mean?"

"This ball... it's nothing like the gala event that I attended with-" She hesitates for a second before saying his name, scared that Henry would get angry. "With Mattheo. It was all so hidden and secret... this ball looks like it's open to anyone... not just your followers?"

A malicious grin forms on Henry's face and he chuckles, looking down, before looking back at Layla.

"You been to one of these balls before?" He asks her and she furrows her brows, puzzled.

"Uh yes. Occasionally... with the Stokes. With Ryle." Layla gulps.

"And where did you say they were? The Stokes? Haven't heard from them in a while."

"I uh- they're on holiday in the muggle world. Don't know where though. The muggle world is very confusing." Layla nervously laughs.

"So they're not six feet under?"

Layla's heart drops.

Her eyes widen.

Her face with an expression that says, "kill me right now."

Her heart feels as if it's about to fall out of her body, as Henry sends her a menacing glare, directly into her eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" She gulps.

"It's just that... three bodies were found at a previous ball that I didn't attend. They said that their bodies were so destroyed and dead, that they couldn't identify who they were." He takes a breath before continues. "So I took time out of my day, sat down in my living room and wrote a letter to the Stokes. But... my owl. It returned the letter right back. It didn't deliver. You know what that means Layla Lopez?"

Her hands begin to shake.

Her mind filled with a million worries.

A million ways she could die.

"I- I don't know."


Layla stumbles back a few steps, everyone turning to look at the scene in shock.


Henry instantly takes out his wand and presses it against her throat, glaring into her eyes as he tilts his head to inspect her.

"Tell me, Miss Lopez. Did you kill your boyfriend and his parents? Hm?" His voice is low now, stern and serious, as he takes another step forward towards her, his wand still pressed against her throat.

"I DID NO SUCH THING!" She shouts, and there's a moment of silence, and she stands there, trembling in confusion as she looks up at Henry - at his eyes.

They turn black.

All black.

"Guards." He says so quietly, as if it was a whisper. "Get her."

Within seconds, Layla holds out her hands, ready to kill anyone that comes near her, but before she could, she feels shackles being placed on both her wrists. She motions her hands forward... but nothing happens.

"My powers-" She whispers to herself.

"You powers won't work sweetheart." He chuckles menacingly.

"I- how do you-"

He takes a step forward, a grin on his face.

"How do I know? I know everything you stupid girl. EVERYTHING. I also know about your little friend. Mattheo Riddle, is it?" He chuckles and Layla's face drops instantly.

The whole crowd begins to chatter and gasp and gossip, looking around in confusion.

"Riddle? Did he just say Riddle?"

"Is the Dark Lord back!?"

"No he can't be!"

"Mattheo Riddle? Who in Merlin's name is that!?"

Layla stands there speechless, not a word coming out of her mouth.

"LAYLA!" She hears someone shout, but before she could turn her head the slightest bit to see who it is, she falls to her knees, Henry's hands on her shoulders, as he apparates her away.

Gone, within seconds.

A second too early before she could see him for the last time.


Mattheo's POV

"LAYLA!" I scream, looking ahead to find her wrists locked in shackles, two guards standing behind her and Henry with his wand against her throat.

Before she can turn to look at me, he apparates her away. Gone within seconds.

"FUCK!" Theodore exclaims.

"Where did she go!?" Kamala asks in worry.

"MATTHEO WHAT DO WE DO!?" Enzo yells.

"Are you Mattheo Riddle?" A random wizard approaches me, scanning me from head to toe.

I shake my head in confusion.

"What? What did you just call me?"

"I HAVE FOUND MATTHEO RIDDLE!" He shouts to the crowd, and all their heads whip around to look at me.

"Are you the next Dark Lord!?" One of them asks, everyone holding out their wands towards me.

"It's him! It's Lord Voldemort!"


"No that was Tom Riddle! His name is Mattheo Riddle!"

"Is this his son? ARE YOU THE DARK LORD'S SON!?"

I stumble back, the crowd getting closer and closer to me, yelling questions in my face.

So we apparate out of there, and back to the castle. Landing back in the Slytherin common room, my breathing rate fast as hell, as the boys and Kamala look at me, puzzled.

"How the fuck do they know?" Liam pants.

"Spector. He's known this whole time." I say so quietly, it's almost a whisper.

"What? How could he-"

"We underestimated him Nott. And now he's taken my Layla."

I stand there, knives in both hands. A few seconds ago I was ready to get there and kill Spector myself, but now... he took away what matters most to me.


I told her I'd be right there.

I told her I'd get there as soon as I can-

I failed her.

I failed my Layla.

And now she's gone.

All because of me.

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