35 | what is love

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"Mhm?" He mumbles, his hands softly rubbing across her skin, sending butterflies shooting through her stomach.

"I don't understand you sometimes."

"There's nothing to understand." He replies with no expression whatsoever.

She doesn't want to, but she instantly pushes his hands off of her and spins around to face him, her eyes meeting with his, and she finds herself almost getting lost in them again but she stops herself.

"Okay I get you'll never like me or whatever. You make that very clear at times. But at times like this? Either you're a really horny prick who's just messing with my feelings or you genuinely feel something for me. Tell me. Now. Which one is it?" Layla says, taking a deep breath after saying all that.

"I don't need to tell you anything Lopez. There'll never be any feelings between us. It can't be like that."

"Why can't it be like that? You're the ones who's doing the most right now."

"Let's just say... we're business partners. Nothing more, nothing less." He shrugs.

"Business partners? What- what are you on about?" She scoffs.

"You're helping me, joining my team... hopefully you'll join our raid tomorrow... and in return, I'm keeping your secret. Your powers. And I've even given you all this." He says, waving around at the room they stand in. "Let's just say, that we both need something from each other." He explains, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Okay... yeah that seems fair but come on. You know there's something else we need to discuss."

"We've already discussed it Lopez. There's nothing more to be fucking said." Mattheo replies, raising his voice a little.

"Oh yeah? That's because you don't believe in love right? Because you're a heartless little bitch? Am I right?" She says with a slight laugh, taking a step closer to him, as she looks up into his eyes but she sees them darken in an instant.

"Love? Love is fucking fake. It's not real." He says, getting louder with each sentence. "It's all a fucking illusion and it misguides you. Mistreats you. Love only ends with pain." He says, taking a step forward towards her, as she instantly takes another step back. "If you don't believe that, then you must be bloody stupid."

"Bro- who broke you? What the fuck?" Layla asks and his hand instantly meets her neck, gripping onto it tightly as he takes a few steps forward, making her stumble backwards so her back collides with the wall behind her.

"Broke me? Does it look like I'm fucking broken Lopez!?" He exclaims, his hold on her neck growing tighter.

"Yeah, it does actually. You think being lonely is going to fix everything." She laughs, choking on her words slightly as the pressure against her throat grows. "You're wrong."

With that, she kicks him straight in the stomach to send him flying back, throwing a spell at him so he's sending flying across the room, colliding with the wall and falling to the ground.

He groans in pain, pushing himself up so he sits on the ground against the wall, ready to block any other attack she throws at him.

Layla struts her way over to him and to his surprise, sits down on his lap, straddling him with ease and choking his neck slightly the way he was doing to her.

She leans in close and whispers into his ear, "I know you want me Riddle. It's very fucking obvious. But until you start acting like a man who's sure of himself, you ain't getting me anytime soon."

Mattheo's POV

Holy fuck.

I look up at her big eyes as she sits on top of me. What she's wearing isn't helping me either as I take in the sight of her. She budges forward onto my lap, rubbing against my dick slightly.

Oh god, she knows what she's doing.

Eventhough I'm in severe pain right now... she's got me turned on. Within fucking seconds.

I lick my lips and tuck her hair behind her ear, holding her face with my hand as I rub my thumb across her cheek.

"Fuck... I do want you Layla. I really fucking do." I groan, as she slowly grinds against me, my boner prominent.

I snake my hands around her waist, squeezing her ass as she grinds slightly, but she's not putting her one hundred percent effort in.

I push her against me harder and she lets out a slight moan, forming a smile on my face.

She leans in close, and with her tongue, slowly licks my ear, leaving wet kisses all across it.

Fuckkk me man. This is my fucking weakness.

"You like that?" She asks, tilting her head slightly as she runs her hands through my hair, gripping onto it.

"Mhm." I manage to make out and a smirk forms across her face.

"Well you ain't getting anymore than that Riddle." She scoffs and stands up, turning away and attempting to walk out of the room.

Before she could, I throw a knife straight towards her, as it skims right past her face and pierces the door frame.

Author's POV

"What the fuck!?" Layla exclaims, turning around to find Mattheo sat there on the ground, spinning another one of his knives with his fingers.

He slowly stands up, regaining his strength before throwing another one straight at her. She instantly pulls the knife out of the door frame and slams Mattheo against the wall, holding the knife up to his throat.

"Things can get fucking messy right here and now. But I know you're not up for that. Are you Riddle?" She says, the knife piercing a bit of his skin to send a drop of blood dribbling down his neck.

"I'm always down for things to get messy Lopez. You should know that." He says, pushing her off of him. "And get some fucking clothes on." He says before walking past her and leaving the room without another word.

Well fuck, me.

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