31 | mind reader

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"Riddle, don't even think about lying to me."

"I would never lie to you."

"Oh please, you wouldn't mind killing me right here and now, never mind lying to me."

"There's some truth in that." He shrugs, spinning the knife with his fingers.

"Tell me. How are you getting in my head?"

"Take a guess."

Layla sighs, clearly getting annoyed.

"Tell me how?" She asks, genuinely confused.

"That's for me to know."

"No. You know about my secret powers now I have every right to know about yours."

"Fine." He rolls his eyes. "I guess you could say partially, the power was inherited. But I also learned and mastered it myself." He explains.

"The Dark Lord also had these mind reading powers?"

"Not Just mind reading. He could also fuck with a persons mind, implant nightmares into their minds so they'll have sleepless nights." He stops for a moment and stares blankly for a minute.

"He could even talk to people through minds, and rummage through their thoughts." He says, looking down.

"Oh fuck- what is this power called? Does it have a name?"

"It's called Legilimency. And it's very difficult to master."

"Oh fuck..." Layla replies, tilting her head and analysing Mattheo's expression. "I'm surprised you haven't put any nightmares into my head."

"Not yet anyway."

"So you've been reading my mind this whole time?" She asks him.

"Only when I want to."

"Oh fuck."

"You tend to say that a lot." He raises a brow.

"That's just because there's been a lot of things lately that make me shocked enough to say oh fuck." She laughs.

"I bet I can make you say it a couple more times." He smirks, taking a few steps closer to Layla and she looks up at him, her heart racing.

"By-by doing what?"


Mattheo holds her neck, snaking his hand through her hair and leaning in towards her ear, planting kisses on it slowly as he makes his way down her neck, sending a sudden rush of shivers down her, straight to her legs.

She gasps at his touch as he makes his way further down, playing with her bra straps as continues to place kisses on her collar bone.

Layla grips onto his soft brunette curls, and he doesn't stop, making his way down to her cleavage, planting wet kisses.

Layla's back collides with the wall behind her as it begins to get more intense, Mattheo slowly unbuttoning her shirt.

"Riddle-" she gasps and he stops and looks up at her.

"You want me to stop?"

"Don't stop." She says between breaths.

He unbuttons her shirt, revealing her bare stomach and black laced bra, which he takes in the sight of.

He smirks, before licking from below her belly button, all the way up slowly with his tongue, to her tits.

"Oh fuck." She gasps, gripping onto his hair tighter.

𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙇𝙀𝙎𝙎 | mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now