21 | a smart tactic

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When Layla approaches Luna's dorm, she hears some sort of film playing, and Layla smiles to herself.

Seems like those two are having a fun time. I'm glad to see that Luna has found someone that makes her happy... other than me of course. But did it have to be Blaise? I've known him my whole Hogwarts life but it's only until recently that he's shows his true colours to me...

I just hope he doesn't break her heart, or put her in any sort of danger. That's exactly the reason why he needs to be questioned, along with all the other Slytherin boys.

Layla knocks on the door, a couple of moments later, Blaise opens it, his eyes widening to see me.



"Hey Layla! Come in." She hears Luna's sweet voice call out.

Layla tilts her head, sending a sarcastic smile to Blaise before entering the dorm, to find Luna all cuddled up on her bed, watching a film on a projector that emits the film onto the wall opposite the bed.

"Wow, nice set up! You look so comfy!" Layla says, making Luna giggle.

"Yeah, it was Blaise's idea." She says, Blaise leaning against the door frame.

"You feeling a bit better?"

"A lot, don't worry about me."

"That's good Luna, and don't worry, I'll make sure your soulmate device is fixed... somehow. Mattheo has to pay." Layla adds, her eye twitching at the thought of her enemy - yes, enemy.

"No, no. I forgive him it's fine... he probably wasn't thinking straight."


"Layla, trust me." She smiles. "It's all good."

"Ah." Layla sighs. "Well in that case, I'm going to have to borrow Blaise for a bit."

"What? Why?" He asks, standing up straight off the door frame.

"I'll tell you outside. It's important."

"Luna is that okay with you? I'll be back quick."

She nods and both Layla and Blaise exit her dorm.

"What is it?" He asks her, as they make their way over to the Ravenclaw common room.

Thank god all the Ravenclaws are at the party, otherwise we would have been kicked out instantly. The other houses aren't usually fond of us Slytherins.

"It's Theodore. He asked me to call you up to the Astronomy Tower. Merlin knows why, but he seemed upset." Layla shrugs.


"Yeah. He told me to make it quick so we better go now."

He nods and the two of them make there way up to the tower, and as soon as they make it up there, Layla immediately pushes Blaise into the trap door, using the silencing spell on him, and spelling the door shut before she heads back to the party.

This has all become so easy to her.



Let them fall.


And trap them in there.

Now time for the next one. Draco. Ugh. The snobby little brat, who thinks he's all so prestige. I'll show him what fucking prestige looks like.

Layla re-enters the party, keeping her head down, trying to stay on the down low. Now this is where it gets risky. She can't have anyone disturbing her plan.

But that's when she spots Draco sat down on the sofa, with Pansy sat on his lap. Layla's eyes open wide to the sight, and with a giggle she walks up to them, sitting beside them on the sofa.

"Oh hey Layla." Pansy says, looking at her with a nervous smile.

"Hey Pansy." Layla wiggles her eyebrows. "Uh, where's Astoria?"

"Oh she's probably off snogging some guy." Pansy shrugs.

"Lopez." Draco says, turning towards her.

"Have you seen any of the boys? They've seemed to disappear." He asks, and Layla's heart thumps even faster now.

She can't break character now.

"Uh... no." She says, and quickly gets up, wandering off to the bar, when she sits down at takes a shot.

She knows Draco is watching.

That's exactly what she wants; she wants him confused, intrigued and curious.

At the corner of her eye, she notices him standing up, leaving Pansy on the sofa and heading towards her. By then, Layla has already made it out of the common room, as she makes her way to the Astronomy Tower - making sure that Draco is following her from behind.

But she makes it seem as if she doesn't know that she's being followed.

It was a smart tactic. One that has worked perfectly.

Layla hides behind a wall when she makes it to the top, waiting for Draco to enter.

As soon as he does, Layla whips out her wand, casting a spell at Draco to sending him flying above the trap door. He lets out a loud squeal as soon as he falls through, making Layla laugh a bit too much.

She looks down at the boys in amusement, watching as they look up at her, extremely confused... and scared.

She's shown what she can do... but there's a lot more where that came from.

"Guys, what the fuck is she doing!?" Draco asks the boys, but before they could answer - it's not like they can answer anyway - Layla casts the silencing spell on Draco, closing the trap door with a sigh.

Man, this is hard work. If only I could use my powers - this all would have been done in a second. But I've got to stay safe. They cannot know about my abilities. It'll only put me in more danger than I'm already in.

As soon as Layla turns around to head out of the tower, she bumps into a wall of muscle, and her heart drops.

Oh fuck.

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