60 | the spector manor

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Author's POV

"She should be back by now! Where the fuck is she?" Mattheo groans, pacing back and forth in the Slytherin common room.

"He tends to do that a lot when he's stressed." Enzo whispers to Theodore, and he nods in agreement.

"It's only half eight. If she isn't back before school starts, then we should be worried." Blaise says.

"Fine. Anyway, how are you holding up Liam?" Riddle asks, trying to focus his mind on another problem.

"I'm fine... like it's totally painless, and I don't want to worry you guys..."

"Liam, you're our brother. Obviously we're going to be worried no matter what." Mattheo says.

"God, Layla's turned me into an emotional freak."

"Wow. That's like the deepest thing I've ever heard Riddle say." Enzo says in shock.

"Yeah, whatever man."

"Okay... I'll be honest with you guys. I know you've been telling me to rest and not work hard... but back at the base I've been working on suits. For all of you. Including Layla. So the same thing that happened to me, doesn't happen to you. Hopefully, it should deflect Spector's magic, I'm not one hundred percent sure yet. But it's made in the same way that Layla's training room was made." Liam explains.

"Liam- that's epic!" Dylan says in excitement. "But you know you shouldn't have been working that hard."

"I know I know. But I have noticed a difference in my body... I'm growing weak. I'm not the same as I used to be." He says, and everyone's faces drop.

"God, Layla better find that antidote whilst she has the chance." Draco says, rubbing his face.

"At least this will be a slow death! Not an agonising slow one." Liam points out.

"Hey! Don't say that!" Blaise shouts at him. "Nothing will happen to you."

"Don't think like that Liam what the hell." Theo adds.

"Let's just pray that Layla has the antidote." Riddle sighs.

"That's if she ever comes back." Draco adds.

"Malfoy!" Enzo whacks him. "You're really not helping."


Layla's night at the Spector Manor wasn't as eventful as she'd thought it'd be. Nothing really happened, apart from the fact that they shared a bed. And that's about it.

She realised that Henry Spector is a simplistic man, his manor built with a minimalist interior design, with barely any pop of colour, apart from black and white.

Practically everything was either black or white. Two contrasting colours that represented his contrasting personalities - Henry Peters, who was everyone's bloody saviour, and Henry Spector, who was an evil man, with a lot of power, who's done such horrific things that are unimaginable.

That's why Layla was still scared. She knew he could switch at any point.

Whilst Spector was in the shower that morning, Layla decided to head down stairs, to have even more of a look around, because she didn't have the chance to last night, as the first thing they did was get to bed.

𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙇𝙀𝙎𝙎 | mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now