15 | a risky plan

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"Right, as soon as I open my eyes I better see this room all polished and clean." McGonagall says, entering the room that Layla, Mattheo and Ryle having been working on cleaning for the past two hours.

Well, mostly Layla.

McGonagall opens her eyes and looks around, gasping as she looks around in wander.

"It looks brand new! Well done students! You may have your wands back. Now I hope you learned your lesson, and that incident will never occur again." She says, handing back their wands.

"Yes Professor." They all say in unison and finally leave the room but McGonagall calls both Layla and Mattheo back.

Before Layla turns back into the classroom, she feels Ryle grip onto her wrist.

He leans down towards her ear and whispers, "Stay away from him, and all the Slytherin boys. They're going to mess with you, so don't think that they'll actually like you. They're dangerous people, and definitely not the sort we want to associate ourselves with. You hear me?"

Layla gulps, getting nervous. She hates when Ryle tells her what to do, but she doesn't want to cause anymore conflict between the two of them, so she simply replies with a nod and, "Mhm."

"Right you two, please take a seat." McGonagall orders and Ryle releases Layla from his grip and leaves, strutting down the corridor and away from Layla.

Confused, Mattheo and Layla sit down, wondering why they've been called back.

"Layla, as you know Mattheo and his friends are new to the school, and I've seen at least two of them get lost somehow."

"Probably Dylan and Enzo." Mattheo scoffs.

"Yeah, Dylan did get lost. I had to take him to class." Layla adds and Mattheo shoots her a glare.

"Why are you even speaking to Dylan for?" He asks and McGonagall rolls her eyes.

"That's beside the point, Mattheo. As I was saying, you've already been helpful by showing Dylan Jacobs around so I'm requesting that you be the groups tour guide, or buddy, or whatever you want to call it. But I need you to keep these boys controlled enough until they get used to the school." Headmistress McGonagall explains to Layla, and her jaw drops.

"Wait, what?" Layla asks, confused and anxious as ever.

Her goal was to stay away from these boys, not get closer to them! They literally kidnapped her... but to be honest, looking from afar, they seem pretty harmless. Just your regular teenage boys.

Apart from Mattheo and Draco however. Draco has just always been a weirdo, but Mattheo on the other hand... he seems dangerous.

"Do you accept?" McGonagall asks.

"She does, professor." Mattheo answers, bobbing his knee up and down. "Don't you Layla?"

"Let her answer Mattheo." McGonagall sighs.


"If you're unsure about it, I could always ask you friend Luna. She'd be a good candidate too for this job."

No way! I don't want to put her through that. What if she gets abducted too!?

"I guess I'll do it Professor." Layla replies, letting out a deep breath.

Mattheo raises a brow, surprised that she actually accepted the request.

"Wow, I never expected that Lopez." Mattheo scoffs.

"Shut it Martinez, I'm only doing it for the extra credit." Layla rolls her eyes.

"Right, you two can leave now. I want you both on your best behaviour, and no more fights, I beg you." McGonagall says, as the two of them stand up and leave the classroom that is now sparkly clean.

Mattheo and Layla head in the same direction, walking beside each other and Layla sighs, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"So there's a party tomorrow night in the Slytherin common room." Mattheo says suddenly, looking at anything but Layla.

Is he nervous?

"Okay and?"

"You're not invited. Please do not come." He says suddenly.

"That only makes me want to come more."

"Woah there, nice use of words. I know, I have that effect on women." He winks and Layla chokes in disgust.

"I didn't mean it like that you creep!" Layla exclaims, shoving him away and pacing fast through the corridors but he easily catches up.

"Whatever you say m'lady."

"Do not call me that." Layla says, pulling a face.

"Why not? You just love my pet names, don't you?" He says with a smirk, looking down at her.

"No, I do not, I'll have you know. I despise them with a passion. Now leave me be Martinez."

"Glad to know we're on a surname only basis Lopez." He sniggers, turning a corner and leaving her as she enters the Slytherin common room.

Layla flops onto her bed, staring a the ceiling as she gets lost in a frenzy of thoughts.

God, I hate him so much. But I've noticed... my impressions of him from when he fucking abducted me has very much clearly changed. Back then, he seemed way more aggressive and angry... but now, he seems like he has a plan in mind. And I got to be weary of it.

I cannot, under any circumstances, fall into another trap.

I know he's dangerous... and I know he's evil, but I can't seem to get away from him! Everywhere I go, everything I do, he's always around and involved... as well as his 'boys'.

Ever since he's arrived, bad things have been happening. Seamus literally DIED, and everyone has forgotten. Could it have been Mattheo and his minions that MURDERED him? I mean, it all makes logical sense.

I was the last person to be seen with Seamus, before he disappeared and mysteriously died... most likely murdered. Then me being the last person with him, I was suddenly abducted soon after.

Does it all link up? Was there a reason why Seamus was killed? Or was it just a tactic to frighten me, before they took me for a fucking interrogation?

Now I know what to do. I got to do what they did to me. Abduct ALL of them, and find out what the fuck they're up to. I need the upper hand here, but I have to do it without them fighting out about my powers.

It's going to be a very risky plan, but it has to work. Otherwise, my life will be in danger, and my secrets: exposed.

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