38 | the mission begins

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Layla walks down the stairs and enters the common room, finding the boys, including Mattheo, all in suits, whispering away.

But as soon as she takes a step forward and into the light, they all turn to look at her, taking in the beautiful sight.

They each have different reactions, and that's what makes Layla smile.

Draco firstly, stands there adjusting his collar, his nose twitching slightly, which Layla finds hilarious.

Both Liam and Blaise have their eyes wide open with a big smile on their faces.

Theodore, Enzo and Dylan stand there with their jaws dropped, and their eyes wide open as they scan Layla from head to toe.

And lastly... Mattheo.

He stands there with his hands in his pockets, wearing his black suit, scanning Layla from top to bottom, his eyes not drifting away for a second.

His eyes darken and jaw clenches when her eyes meet his, and he looks away and then looks down, with a smile on his face as he rolls his tongue across the inside of his cheek.

Oh god. Why does he have to look at me like that?

He knows how it makes me feel.

Layla approaches the boys and says, "Hi guys. You ready?"

"I feel so underdressed right now looking at you." Dylan scoffs.

"Yeah Layla, you look- amazing!" Liam tells her.

"Thanks guys." She laughs.

"It's going to be hard for you not to stand out. Red was a stupid choice of colour." Draco says, with no facial expression whatsoever.

"I guess so." Layla shrugs. "Oh well, I could always go and change with a flick of a hand."

"Don't." Mattheo mutters, but it's loud enough for Layla to hear. "We have no time so we have to leave now."

"Is everyone geared up?" Liam asks.

"Yep." Theodore and Enzo say I'm unison, opening up their blazers to reveal several guns arranged on their belts.

"So am I." Dylan says, holding out his hands that wear black gloves with micro-spikes along his knuckles, making his punches ten times more lethal.

Designed by Liam, of course.

Mattheo slips out a knife from his sleeve, throwing it in the air and catching it with ease, before striking it towards Enzo standing beside him, but stopping right before it reaches his neck.

"HOLY SHIT!" Enzo flinches, jumping back.

"Watch out next time."


Mattheo takes the group to the Forbidden Forest and pulls out a portkey wrapped in cloth.

"The gala event is taking place in London. So we're going to have to use this portkey to get there." He explains. "When I say, we all have to hold the portkey and do not let go, whatever you do."

They nod and Mattheo places the portkey onto the ground, and the group all hold onto it tightly at the same time, sending them spinning around in the air in a matter of seconds.

In an instant, they all fall to the ground, opening their eyes to find the night sky above them, and the sound of a busy night in London with cars speeding past and people scurrying to wherever they need to be.

Layla stands up and looks around, taking in the wonderful sight.

"Never been to London before." Enzo smiles.

"Well don't let this be the last time you ever come here. I swear to god, do not get yourselves killed." Mattheo tells them with a serious look on his face and the boys nod.

I never knew he cared so much.

The group turn around to find a building right behind them, supposedly where the gala event is taking place.

"It looks abandoned." Dylan points out, everyone looking at the building confused.

"I don't think the party will be in plain sight if there's going to be wizards and witches taking part in criminal activities. We'll have to have a look around for some sort of entrance to sneak in." Liam explains.

"Right you are, Matthews." Mattheo says, giving him a pat on the back as they all head into the building looking around.

Rubble, broken tables, chairs... it seemed to be some sort of closed down restaurant perhaps.

Suddenly, Layla hears music coming from the other side of a soggy wall... yes, a soggy damp wall, with its paint pealing off.

"Guys?" Layla says, calling the boys to her. "I hear something on the other side of this wall. I think this is the opening."

The boys come rushing over and watch as Layla holds her hands out towards the wall, closing her eyes to concentrate.

"Hurry up we haven't got all day." Mattheo sighs.

"Shut it Riddle. I'd like to see you try doing this." Layla rolls her eyes, concentrating once more.

In an instant, the wall becomes transparent and the boys gasp in shock, looking on the other side to find a huge hall, with probably about hundreds of witches and wizards drinking, taking shots, dancing and mostly gambling.

Loud music plays and coloured lights light up the room as if it were a disco.

"I think we've found it." Enzo says.

"You think?" Draco rolls his eyes, as the group enter the party, looking around.

"Guys I forgot to give you these." Liam says, handing out to each of them some sort of ear piece. "We'll communicate through here in case anything goes wrong, or if you find something."

They each put it in their ears and nod.

"Spread out." Riddle tells them and the group part but as they do, Mattheo grips onto Layla's wrist.

"What are you doing?" She asks him.

"You're staying with me love."

"Why? I'm fine on my own."

"It's dangerous, Lopez. Look around. And, it's your first mission. I'm not letting you go off on your own."

"You're making it sound as if you care about me or something, Riddle." She whispers.

"Don't you dare use that name around here. You got that?" He says lowly, pulling her closer to him as she looks up into his eyes.

"Got you boss." She laughs.

"Right. Stay with me, and don't let go."

He takes hold of her hand, and heads off further into the party.

Don't let go.

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