74 | chocolate covered strawberries

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"Hey Layla. You have Charms too?"

"I- I'll be back. Please tell the professor that'll I'm having girl problems or something." Layla quickly says to her classmate.

Layla's heart pounds as she makes her way through the busy corridors, covering her face, hoping she doesn't get stopped or seen by anyone she knows.

Nobody can know.


It'll ruin everything.

That's what kept repeating through her head. 'No one can know'. She scurries her way to the moving staircases and heads to her dorm room, and locks herself in.

She waves her hand and she's instantly changed into something more comfier, before she hops into her bed and pulls the covers over her.

'Hide. Hide from everyone and nothing will matter'. That was her motto. If she could just stay in bed, and get comfy, all the thoughts will go away.

He kissed me.

Henry Spector kissed me.

But I didn't want to kiss him.

Over and over again on repeat. Thoughts clouding her brain, flashbacks of that evil man gripping onto her neck and slamming his lips onto hers - his tongue acting violently against her mouth.

She hated it.

Every fucking second of it.

And she didn't know what to do. No one could know. Because if the boys find out, she'll feel like an inconvenience that'll ruin the plan. Everything will go to shit, and it'll be her fault - that's what she thought anyway.

Little did she know she was wrong.

Mattheo. He can't find out. Merlin please, he can't find out. Spector gave me the location for this ball - this could be the next big step to destroying the evil side of the Order, and to stopping Henry from becoming the next Dark Lord. My little inconvenience can't ruin that. I can't ruin that. I can't ruin our chances of winning - what? Just because he kissed me? I didn't want it to happen. But it did. I have to act strong, and move past it. It's what I signed up for. I knew it was coming. I knew it. God I knew it. It was my fault. All my fault. Now I definitely can't tell anyone, they won't believe me. I am to blame. They'll hate me. Think I'm annoying. Think I'm not good enough. I will attend this ball and I will give the location to the team - this way they can plan some sort of attack. Please. Please. Please work.

He kissed me.

Henry Spector kissed me.

But I didn't want to kiss him.


"Okay, guys. I have intel." Layla takes a breath, looking around at the team that stands before her.

"It's been a while." Draco scoffs.

"Shut it ferret. All you do is stand there and eat your green apples." Enzo rolls his eyes.

"Tell us Layla." Mattheo says and she takes a deep breath, handing the paper that Spector gave, to Mattheo.

"That piece of paper there is the exact location of a ball that'll be taking place tomorrow night. Spector gave it to me himself, wanting to go there on my own without him. Apparently, I haven't been following his orders so he doesn't want to see my face til tomorrow night." Layla sighs.

"What orders didn't you follow?" Theo asks curiously.

"He told me not to associate with any Slytherins. At all."


"That's what I thought!" Layla laughs.

"You're a Slytherin yourself though... that doesn't make sense." Dylan adds.

"I know. He's weird."

"This is perfect." Mattheo rubs his hands together. "This gives us a chance to attack."

"He'll be in a vulnerable position, and won't see us coming." Liam tells them.

"That reminds me Liam, have you finished the suits? No rush of course." Dylan asks.

"Now that I'm fully cured of whatever that was, I'm feeling better than ever and I'm back on my feet. I'm making a lot of progress with the suits but they're not done yet... sorry." Liam tells them.

"No no, that's fine." Layla says to him. "Just take your time, we don't desperately need them now anyway."

"Agreed." Blaise says.

"I can't wait to wear those sick suits, it's gonna be great!" Enzo says excitedly.

"Right. Tomorrow night, we'll attend this ball. Layla will be travelling there by herself, as instructed by that son of a bitch Henry-"

"Mattheo! Anne is not a bitch!" Enzo says to him.

"Enzo, please shush." Mattheo sighs, before he continues. "And then, Layla will distract Henry and we'll enter in our amazing disguises and kill Henry with a simple Avada Kedavra."

"Learnt that spell from his father." Draco scoffs, and Enzo whacks him on the back of his head.

"Kill yourself Malfoy, I beg." Mattheo rolls his eyes.

"I remember good old Tom." Kamala sighs. "God, he was hot before he turned into the no nose man."

Layla laughs and the two of them start giggling about how good looking Tom Riddle was and Mattheo rolls his eyes.

"My father was not hot." He scoffs.

"Oh he was." Layla says and he pushes her shoulder and struts off to train.

"You two still arguing then?" Enzo asks Layla.

"Meh, yeah kind of." She shrugs. "I guess we'll always have a hatred for each other."

"I think it's just a really slow burn enemies to lovers to be honest." Enzo sighs, shrugging his shoulders.

"Looks like someone's been reading too much romance novels." Layla giggles.

"Oh please, I don't have time to read." Enzo says dramatically, running his hands through his hair.

"Berkshire, you sit on your ass all day eating chocolate for gods sake." Draco scoffs.

"And what do you do Malfoy? Smother that green apple everyday?" Enzo sniggers.

"Five-a-day Berkshire. At least I'm healthy."

"Five-a-day is a load of bullshit." Enzo rolls his eyes. "Muggles and their bloody capitalism."

"As you can tell, Lorenzo my lad is very against fruit." Theo says, patting Enzo's back with a sigh.

"Enzo have you ever tried chocolate covered strawberries?" Layla raises a brow and Enzo's eyes widen.

"You have me intrigued Miss Lopez." He gasps, and Layla and Enzo head to Blaise's kitchen to get their dessert.


(Author's note: don't you just love enzo <3 he needs more screen time, or word time, or whatever you call it💔 also I feel so sorry for Layla, she has to go through that alone😔)

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