13 | damsel in distress

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"Why did you do all that? I don't even know you." Layla says suddenly, breaking the silence between her and the tall scarred face boy standing beside her.

"You looked like a damsel in distress." He replies swiftly.

"What, and you're my knight in shining armour?" Layla scoffs.

"Sounds about right." He smirks, looking down at her.

"Okay well, don't do it again."

"So you're not going to thank me?" He asks, raising a brow.

"No, because it was none of your business, and to be honest, it seemed like you were only looking for a fight." Layla replies, stopping in her tracks to look at him.

"You're an ungrateful little girl, you know that right?"

"Little girl? You better be joking." Layla scoffs.

"I said what I said. You are quite tiny, I can't lie." He says, looking down at her, eyeing her swiftly from head to toe.


"Okay Matthew or whatever your name is. Thank you for your service," Layla curtsies. "And now I hope we never cross paths again. Good day."

"See you later Daphne."

She instantly stops moving.

Her whole body frozen as her face drops.

Her eyes open wide in shock and confusion.

Her breathing growing heavier by the second.

"Daph- hey why did you call me that!?" Layla exclaims, turning around but she realises that the boy is gone.

Disappeared into thin air.


Dear Diary,

He knows too much. I don't know how, but he knows way to fucking much. Why did he call me Daphne...

I haven't been called that in years.

All I know for sure that there's something off about that boy, Mattheo. As well as his whole bloody crew that follows him like sheep everywhere.

They abducted me, interrogated me, drugged me... and then attempted to wipe my memories. But I have the upper hand here. Don't I?

They don't know that I remember all of it... but I don't know any of their plans either. Any of their goals, or what they want with me.

Sooner or later my secrets are going to be exposed. Without a doubt. All I have to do now is try to postpone that from happening, and find out what these boys want.

What Mattheo wants.


"Hey! Layla right?" A boy says, jogging up towards Layla.

The boxer.

"Uh yeah? What's up?"

"I'm Dylan, nice to meet you." He says, holding out his hand for Layla to shake.

"Likewise Dylan." She shakes his hand, slightly confused as to why he randomly approached her. "You need anything?" She asks nervously.

Then Layla remembers, he's the one who tried to give her the Veritaserum.

"Uh, I'm just a bit lost." He laughs. "I have History of Magic right now, but I don't know where it is." Dylan shrugs, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'll show you the way. I think we're in the same class."

The two of them walk to their lesson, and Layla was surprised when she realised that there was no awkwardness between them. Everything considered, he seemed like a very down to earth, polite guy.

"So Dylan, I have a question." Layla says, as they finally make it to their classroom, taking a seat together at the back as the class waits for their professor to arrive.

"Go ahead."

"Why do you always wear hand wraps?"

"Always? We've only just met." He laughs.

Shit. Fuck.

"Oh aha, I mean I just saw you at the sorting ceremony this morning with your crew. You had them on then too." Layla attempts to play it off, and she does so successfully.

"Well, I'm actually a boxer. I train nearly every hour of the day, so I just keep them on. I'm always ready for a fight." He shrugs.

"Ah, I see. Luckily the fight this morning didn't escalate too badly for you too join in."

"Nah, that's a fight I wouldn't have intervened in. Mattheo can fend for himself, he doesn't need any of us protecting him or fighting his battles for him. Otherwise, if it was any of the other boys, I definitely would have gotten involved." He says, leaning back in his chair.

"I see... Mattheo really did a number on my boyfriend though."

"He did. That motherfucker deserved it. Stupid Gryffindor. They all think they're so prestige."


"So I'm assuming you guys have detention?" Dylan asks.

"Yeah actually, in this very classroom. McGonagall wants us to clean it up, top to bottom. Without magic." Layla sighs, taking out her notebook and pen along with the rest of the class as the professor finally arrives.

"Good luck with that." Dylan laughs.

Why? Why did he have to be so nice? Why did any of the new boys have to be so... normal? They just seem like normal teenager boys, nothing more nothing less. So what made them be part of some weird gang, who are up to no good?

Layla couldn't stop thinking about it. All she felt was conflicted thoughts. She's already been so open with Dylan, even after remembering that he was the one who tried to drug her with the Veritaserum, which obviously did not work.

Her powers came in handy with that part.


With the lesson finally over, Layla and the rest of the students pack their things away, exhausted after a long day of school.

"Just a reminder, you have detention." Dylan tells Layla and she groans in annoyance at the thought of it.

"Thank you so much for reminding me. I'm way too excited." Layla deadpans.

"Have fun!"

"What, being alone with Mattheo and Ryle? I highly doubt it."

"Mattheo will most likely not be there. He doesn't really do detentions." Dylan shrugs. "Okay, see you later Layla."

"See you." She replies, as she's left alone in the classroom, waiting for the other two to finally arrive.

"Let's get this detention over with."

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