29 | they know

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"What if I can't control my powers?"

"I thought you said you could." Mattheo says.

"Yes I can- but I've never really explored how far I can go with my powers. I've never been able to."

"Well this is your chance. You can do anything in here without harming anyone." Liam tells her.

"Give it a go love." Mattheo tells her and she takes another deep breath.

Using her hands, Layla conjures up an armoured soldier, standing before her with a sword in its hand.

"Oh my god this is going to be epic!" Enzo exclaims.

The soldier takes its first attack, striding forward to strike Layla, but she throws a spell right back at it, making it fly all the way across the room, colliding with the wall behind it.

"THAT WAS SICK!" Enzo cheers.

Layla then conjures up a sword of her own, standing in her fighting position as the soldier gets back up, ready for round two.

"Bring it on." Layla cracks her neck, before sprinting towards the enemy, colliding swords with it as she attempts to strike it.

She misses the first time and the soldier instantly strikes back, almost hitting her. The boys flinch and Dylan is about to take a step forward to help her, but Mattheo stops him.

"No need Dylan. She's powerful enough." Riddle tells him, his eyes locked on Layla as she casts a shield that blocks the soldier's attack.

Layla finishes it off by forming a ball of fire in her hands, throwing it straight at the soldier, as it falls to the ground and disappears into dust.

Layla collapses onto the ground onto her knees, completely out of breath as if she's about to pass out. The sword disappears into dust too, and she begins to shake, as she attempts to catch her breath.

"Layla!" The boys shout, as all of the rush towards her panicking.

"I- I'm fine..."

"Doesn't fucking look like it." Mattheo replies, running his hands through his hair.

He kneels down and picks her up, holding her in his arms bridal style.

"She's weak. Her powers have worn her out. I shouldn't have made her do this-" Mattheo says angrily.

"She'll get stronger the more she trains Mattheo. This was her first time using her powers extensively." Liam tells him.

"Clever boy's right." Layla mutters weakly, her eyes closed as she can barely move.

"See. She said so herself."

"Fine. But I'm not making her do that again." Mattheo states before carrying her out of the room and apparating out of their hideout.

They appear back into the Forbidden Forest and Mattheo pulls some sort of cloak over the two of them.

"What's this?" Layla whispers.

"Invisibility cloak. Stole it off Potter." He tells her and she gives him a small smile.

Mattheo's POV

I look down at her as we're both hidden by the invisibility cloak. For some reason, her small smile she gives me- I don't know it just does something to me.

I try not to look at her as I carry her out of the Forbidden Forest, just the look of her face is going to make me do some stupid shit like smile.

Ew. Never.

I'm actually kind of worried about her... well not that I care about her or anything. I just don't want her to die.

𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙇𝙀𝙎𝙎 | mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now