73 | disobedience

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TRIGGER WARNING: s*xual a**ult
(if you don't feel comfortable reading this chapter, feel free to skip, nothing plot changing happens in this chapter)


"LAYLA SIT WITH US." Enzo shouts over to Layla as she enters the Great Hall for breakfast, and she approaches the boys.

"Nah she can fuck right off mate." Mattheo laughs and Layla rolls her eyes, approaching the Gryffindor table with a sigh, sitting with the Golden Trio and Henry, who greets her with a smile.

"Seems like Martinez is still salty." Ron scoffs.

"Very much." Layla laughs, putting some beans and toast into her plate.

Layla looks up at Hermione opposite her and her face is bright red, looking anywhere else but Layla.

Suddenly, she notices Hermione's eyes widen, as she looks at the entrance of the Great Hall. Layla's head whips around.

Well, what do you know.


"I'll be back guys." Layla says to the group, but Henry pulls her back by her wrist.

It's giving... Ryle.

"Where are you going?"

"Just to talk with Pansy." Layla says.

"You shouldn't be associating with Slytherins, Layla." He says, and her eyes meet Hermione's, who looks down in embarrassment.

"I am a Slytherin though." Layla scoffs.

"Yeah, very unfortunate." Henry rolls his eyes. "Just stay away from them."

"I'm sorry but she's my friend, I really need to talk to her." Layla says, and walks away before Henry can say anything back.

Pansy sits alone on one of the tables, and Layla joins her, sitting opposite her. Mattheo and the boys, sitting on the table beside them, glance over at her, wondering what's going on.

"Hey Pans." Layla smiles.

"Oh god." She takes a breath, covering her face.


"Honestly Layla, I'm glad you found out." Pansy sighs.


"About me and Hermione... I really wanted to talk to someone about it but she wouldn't let me. She told me she'd never see me again if I told anyone." Pansy says, looking down and budging her food about with her fork.

"Oh god."

"Yeah... but now you found out... I guess I can talk about it." Pansy says, looking up at Layla in relief.

"Of course yoy can Pansy. Honestly, I'm here for you, and I'm glad you can finally talk about it with someone too. Sometimes it isn't good to keep such a secret to yourself, you know?"

"Yeah I totally agree. I've just been... confused lately. I think Hermione has been too... obviously. And we're both in sticky situations. She has Ron, and I well... I don't have Draco, but we did have something going on."

"Yeah... that was something I was gonna talk to you about... Draco really seemed to like you you know... so do you think you should, I don't know, talk to him? You don't have to tell him anything, but just let him know you've moved on." I tell her and Pansy shakes her head.

"No, I don't think I do need to speak to Draco. We were quite serious at some point, but honestly, I felt like he was just there for the sake of it... and secondly, it seems like he's already moved on."

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