65 | mafia part two

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"If we think about this logically, what if Layla and Mattheo are both in the mafia? They could be putting on an act that they aren't working together, so we think that they're not it." Liam suggests. "But really, they're working together to get people out."

"Oh shittt! That's a bloody good theory." Enzo gasps.

"I'm sorry, but if Mattheo was on the same team as me I wouldn't play." Layla scoffs. "So no, it's not me. I still think it's Mattheo and Kamala."

"Seems like her judgments are clouded by jealousy." Mattheo smirks.

"Jealousy?" Layla scoffs. "What's there to be jealous of?"

"I think we're all thinking the same thing." He replies and she rolls her eyes.

"Can we please just vote Draco out." Theodore groans. "It's him. It's blatantly obvious."

"I agree." Dylan laughs. "Look at the guy."

"I second that." Kamala adds, laughing at Draco.

"You guys are seriously going to regret this." Draco sighs.

"Watch, it's not him." Layla says, glaring at Riddle still.

"So, are we calling a vote?" Enzo asks and they nod. "Okay raise your hands if you think Draco is in the mafia."

Everyone puts their hands up apart from Layla and Liam.

Draco stands up from his seat and slams his card on the table, everyone leaning forward to see what it is.

"Bloody bastards!" He shouts.

"See! I told you it wasn't him!" Layla says, giving a high five to Liam.

"Oh damn, I really thought it was him." Theo laughs.

"Nott you look really suspicious right now for that." Blaise sniggers.

"Hey don't blame Theo. We all thought it was Draco.

"We didn't." Layla and Liam say at the same time.

"Let's not lose anymore people guys." Layla sighs. "Let's vote out the person who it's most likely to be. Cough cough. MATTHEO."

"Bro, get over yourself it's not me. Stop involving your personal problems in a game." Mattheo says to her and her eyes widen.

"Um excuse me? Personal problems?" She scoffs. "The only stupid problem here is your idiotic ass."

"Layla, you're the most suspicious right now. More than Nott." Mattheo says.

"What the fuck? I'm not suspicious at all." Theo says, and everyone laughs.

"Nott, you were the one who tried to vote out Draco the most. Seems like the tactic of someone in the mafia to get rid of the weakest ones first." Liam points out.

"Yeah, listen to the clever clogs." Dylan says. "You are being awfully suspicious."

"It's not me!" Theo says, raising his hands.

"Hmm, it might be you though." Kamala says.

"Yeah I agree with her." Dylan adds. "You were very eager to get Malfoy out."

"No but you can all agree that he was acting weird!"

"Yeah we agree, but you really pushed for him to be voted out." Kamala shrugs.

"Hey I'm not weird!" Draco says.

"Shush Malfoy! You've been voted out so you can't speak." Enzo says and he rolls his eyes.

𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙇𝙀𝙎𝙎 | mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now