07 | dress conjuring

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After a week of grieving and no school, everyone returns to normal when the announcement that the school dance will go on is told. The school chatters in excitement, as if Seamus's death was old news.

But it never left Layla's mind. They never got told about how he died. Was it an accident or not? Or could it have been... a murder?

Layla shakes her head and stands up from the sofas in the Slytherin common room, only to bump into Draco and Blaise.

"Draco, Blaise, where have you two been?" Layla asks them.

"What do you mean?" Blaise asks.

"You weren't here for the assembly when Professor McGonagall announced the tragic news... and you weren't here for the party. I thought you invited Luna, Blaise?" Layla tells them and they blink, as if not knowing what to say.

"I- we were bunking off school. That's why weren't here for the assembly. And as for that shitty party, we just couldn't be assed. Now keep your nose out of other people's business Lopez." Draco replies, before walking away with Blaise.

What a dumb fucking excuse. Something's up.


"Layla! We're going dress shopping!" Pansy exclaims, rushing into the common room to find Layla slouched on the sofas.

"Wait, what? Really?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall has allowed us all to go to Hogsmeade in about ten minutes, seen as though the school dance is tomorrow. This is great for us, I haven't got anything to wear!"

"Oh, right yeah... um you and Astoria go on without me. I actually already have a dress and I don't feel like going out at the moment." Layla shrugs, continuing to read the book she was reading.

"Wait... what was that you said Layla?" Blaise suddenly asks from across the room.

"Huh? I just said that I'm not going to Hogsmeade."

Suddenly, Blaise and Draco share quick serious glances, but Layla notices this.

"What, is there a problem?" Layla asks, sitting up straighter.

"No, no. It's nothing." Blaise says before heading back to Draco.

"Fuck." Draco mutters, only loud enough for Blaise to hear.

"Well that was weird." Pansy says. "Anyways, we'll see you later Layla!"

"See you."

What the hell is going on with Blaise and Draco?

i can't help but wonder whether they're up to something suspicious... they've been acting mysterious all week and they were the only ones who weren't there when the death of Seamus was announced... could it be that...

No, Layla, stop thinking such stupid things.

Layla shakes her head and heads up to her dorm, deciding to conjure up a gown for tomorrow as a last resort. She has to, plus everyone will be out at Hogsmeade so there'll be no one here to witness anything.

Layla locks her door, and stands in the middle of her room, thinking of a dress to make up with her magic. The only colour she could think of was...



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Conjuring the dress made Layla slightly tired, so she fell asleep on her bed, only to be awoken once again by knocks on her door. Only this time, they were soft, gentle knocks.

It must be Luna.

Layla gets up from her bed and opens the door, he face lighting up to see her best friend. They both give each other a hug and Luna enters her dorm. They haven't had much time to hang out this week.

"Woah. Is that your dress?" Luna says, gazing at the black dress that Layla conjured just about an hour ago, which is hanging on her cupboard.

"Yep, it sure is."

"Never knew you had it!"

"Yeah, it's uh... been packed away for a while now. You got your dress?"

"Yes, I've just come back from Hogsmeade." Luna says. "Although... I'm not too sure if I'm going to go to the ball or not anymore."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know... with one of our fellow students gone, even though I didn't know him personally... it just upset me a little."

"We're in the same boat. It upset me too." Layla sighs, pulling Luna in for a side hug.

"Well, we've got the dresses now, so I guess we have to go. Will you Layla Lopez, be my date?" Luna asks, kneeling on one knee, her hand open to find two matching bracelets, one with Emerald gems and one with Sapphire gems. Each one also has two 'L' beads.

"No way!" Layla exclaims, her eyes watering slightly. "Oh my, I'm going to cry Luna these are beautiful!"

"The Emerald one is yours, to match your colour house, and blue to match my Ravenclaw." Luna smiles.

"Ah, I see! I love it, Luna. You're the best!" Layla puts on her bracelet and Luna puts on hers.

All Layla can think about is how grateful she is to have someone so kind hearted and loving in her life... and the only person she can trust with her life.

She can't even trust her own boyfriend, with the way he's been acting recently. Speaking of, there's a knock on the door and Layla rolls her eyes and stands up, opening the door to find the person she really doesn't want to see right now.

"Layla, are you alone?" Ryle asks, holding something behind his back.

Here comes his pathetic apology.

"Yes, I'm alone." Layla says, waving her hand behind her back and letting out a slight cough, signalling to Luna that she should hide.

Luna scurries to the bathroom and slightly closes the door behind her, leaving a gap so she can hear and see what's going on.

Layla only allowed her to do this because right now, she doesn't feel safe with this man... and she wants Luna to witness what else Ryle decides to say to her.

Ryle invites himself to her dorm, still hiding whatever he has behind his back.

"So, what's the matter?" Layla asks.

"You seriously need to tidy your dorm."


"What's with the attitude?" He asks, his face looking as if he's about to burst any second.

"I'm sorry."

"Anyways, I came here to apologise. I'm sorry for being nasty at the party, and I'm sorry for not treating you right."


"Will you go to the ball with me?" He asks, holding out a bouquet of roses.

Layla hates roses.

"Uh... this is so cute and all but I'm sorry Ryle... I do love you but I'm actually going as friends with Luna."

"What- um, that's okay! Have fun." He says and kisses her forehead, before giving her the bouquet and walking out of the dorm.

"Mind my language, but what the bloody hell was that?" Luna says suddenly, coming out of hiding.

"Honestly Luna, I would not know."

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