48 | you've changed

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Layla slowly approaches Ryle, who has his back turned towards her. She takes a deep breath, contemplating whether this really is a good idea. But she knows she can't turn back now.

She pats his shoulder and he turns around, his face dropping in shock when he sees her standing before him. He looks around, trying to catch sight of his parents, but Layla doesn't let him. She wraps her arms around his neck, and looks up into his eyes.

"Dance with me Ryle." She says softly, and he looks at her confused. "Dance with me." She repeats and he reluctantly holds onto her waist.

"What are you doing Layla?"

"I've come to see my boyfriend. Is that okay?" She asks with a smile.

"Is... is he here?" He asks and she can't help but laugh a little.

Fucking pussy.

"Sorry." Layla clears her throat. "Unfortunately Ryle... Mattheo is here but only for my own safety. He believes you and your parents are going to kill me or something. But I know you'd never do that... right?"

"Well Layla, you do know things that you shouldn't." He says and her face drops, looking at the boy she once thought she knew.

After all these years... all trust is lost within a matter of seconds. I don't feel safe around him. I haven't been feeling safe around him for a while now... and I've only just started to realise that. The red flags were there from the beginning. Why was I so blind? How couldn't I see this coming?

"Don't blame yourself love. He's worthless. Keep going you're doing a great job."

"Do you see me differently now Ryle? Am I not the same girl that you've loved all these years?"

God. I should become an actress.

"Ive started seeing you differently for a while now Layla. You've changed."


"Ever since that Mattheo came along. You haven't been the same." He says, as they continue to dance to the violins playing.

"I am that same girl Ryle. What things do I know that I shouldn't?"

He leans in close and whispers into my ear, "I know about your dark magic Layla. Ever since you and Mattheo payed a visit to my house... my parents told me everything. And if I'm being honest... I'm on their side."

"Dark magic? I have dark magic? You've got it wrong Ryle!" Layla says, looking at him as feelings of confusion and regret begin to cloud her thoughts.

"Yes. You have the same powers as Henry Spector." He laughs maliciously, and he holds Layla's neck with one hand, his grip getting tighter and tighter, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"I- I- can't breathe Ryle!"

"That's the point baby." He laughs once more, but suddenly he's cut off by a green flash of light hitting him out of no where, making Layla stumble back as she watches Ryle fall to the ground.

She turns around, only to find Mattheo with his wand out, glaring at Ryle's dead body before her.

"Oh my god." She gasps, holding onto her neck, which is all red.

Suddenly, there's a huge commotion in the ballroom as everyone starts screaming and gasping, running away. Mattheo instantly grabs onto Layla's hand and pulls her away, making sure they both aren't seen.

They run to the exit and bump into Theodore and Dylan, also in a rush.

"GO. NOW." Dylan says panicking and they all run out of the ballroom, and Mattheo whips out the port key.

Within moments, they're all transported back to the base, all of them out of breath and panicked. They take a few moments to take a few deep breaths and they all look at each other, making sure all of them are okay and not injured.

"The Stokes?" Mattheo asks.

"Dead. We did the job." Theodore tells him and Layla's face drops completely. "We're all good?" Theo asks, looking around. "Angel you okay?" He asks worriedly and she nods, covering her neck with her hand.

"No that son of a bitch nearly choked her to death!" Mattheo shouts, moving Layla's hand away from her neck to check her injury. "Oh god that's going to fucking bruise."

"Blaise kept some of his healing cookies in a jar. I'll go get them now." Dylan says, rushing to the kitchen.

"Honestly guys I'm fine-"

"No. You're not." Mattheo cuts her off and he takes her to sit down on one of the sofas in the training hall.

Suddenly, she begins to shake and she holds her head in her hands, tears staring to form in her eyes.

Mattheo's POV

I sit beside Layla and pull her close to me, letting her rest her head on my chest as she lets her tears out.

For the first time in forever... I can understand the reason for someone's tears to be shed. I hate seeing people cry. I usually think it's absolutely useless and they're being weak. But with Layla... god I feel something different.

I feel sympathetic. And I fucking hate it.

But all I want to do right now is comfort and protect her. To let her know that it's all going to be okay and we did what we had to do, in order for her safety and all of ours.

I embrace her warmth and tuck her hairs covering her face behind her ears, revealing her wet cheeks soaked with fallen teardrops.

I rub them away with my thumb and she looks up at me.

"We did what had to be done, right?" She asks me and I nod.

"Of course we did Layla. Ryle was about to- I don't want to even talk about it. But I was not going to let him do that to you. He had to be killed."

"Mattheo-" She pauses for a second.


"He told me something." She says, taking in a deep breath. "He told me... he told me that Henry Spector and I both have the same powers. Mutantur Materia."

"So your theory was right then?" I say. "Your parents must've taught him how to obtain these powers..."

"Through sacrificial fucking rituals... they killed masses of people- I-"

"You'll never have to do that love. You're not like them. Even if you do have the same powers as him... so what? Clearly yours isn't dark magic."

"And how would you know that Mattheo? How can we know for sure?"

"Do you trust me?" I ask her and she doesn't hesitate before answering.

"Yes of course I do."

"Then trust what I say. Your magic isn't like his."

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