39 | a powerful man

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Still holding her hand, Mattheo takes Layla over to the dance floor, where a crowd of drunk people are dancing.

"You gonna dance with me?" He asks her and she looks up at him with a smile.

"That's not what we're here to do Martinez."

"We're here to blend in. Come on, dance with me." He says, placing both hands on my waist and instantly pulling me closer to him so there's practically no space between us.

I begin to sway my hips to the beat, running my hands through his soft hair. I look up at him and as usual, a smirk is plastered across his face.

"What are you doing to me Layla?" He whispers in my ear, his lips against my skin.

Out of no where, he begins to lick my ear slowly, and seductively, and I gasp at the feeling, my grip on his hair getting tighter.

"You like that?" He whispers and I instantly spin around, so I'm not facing him, and holding onto my waist once again, he pulls me close to his body.

I begin to sway my hips once more, my ass grinding against him, and his hands trail further downwards.

"Remember where we are Mattheo." I whisper. "Look, over there. That group of men are looking at us."

"Fuck." He whispers, and spins me back around to face him. "We better go look around."

He takes my hand and we head over to the bar to get some drinks, and I catch sight of Enzo talking to a random girl.

"What's Enzo doing?" I ask Mattheo.

"He's getting information out of her. In his own way." Mattheo laughs.

"I should try that." I say, as we both sit on the stools.

"Try what?" He asks. "Two fire whiskeys please." Mattheo asks the bartender.

"You know, flirt." I shrug.

"There is no way in hell you're doing that." Mattheo scoffs, handing the money to the bartender.

"All drinks are free tonight sir." She tells him with a smile, leaning in close as she slides him back the coins.

"How strange. Why's that love?" He asks, with a smirk on his face as he stares down the woman.

Fucking hypocrite.

"All drinks are on the owner." She giggles, biting her lip which instantly pisses me the fuck off.

"And who's the owner?"

"Don't you know? He's very famous around here."

Mattheo's jaw clenches and he squeezes my hand tightly.

"Ah yes of course." Mattheo clears his throat. "Remind me of his name again?"

"Spector. Henry Spector. A very powerful young man." She tells Mattheo, before giving me the side eye.

"Ah, I see. I'd like to meet this man, is there any way I can do that?" He asks her, and I squeeze his hand tightly.

Don't do it Mattheo. We don't know how dangerous he is yet.

"I have to love. To know what we're dealing with. He doesn't know who I am, we're safe."

"He's always busy with clients, you know. Handling his business." The bartender shrugs, cleaning a glass with a cloth.

"And what's his business?" Mattheo asks, his jaw clenching even more.

"You ask a lot of questions handsome. I'd assume everyone he knows who Henry Spector is. Strange that you don't." She raises a brow.

"We're just plus one's, here to have fun." Mattheo lies instantly with ease. "Anyway, we better be off now. Thank you for the drinks."

With that, Layla and Mattheo take the shot of fire whiskey at the same time and clink it back down onto the table before getting up and walking away.

"Boys, can you hear me?" Mattheo says, pressing the button down on his ear piece.

"We hear you." Theodore responds.

"Let's all regroup. Now. Me and Layla are sitting at a spare table by the dance floor, meet us there."

"Roger that." Enzo says, making Mattheo roll his eyes.

The two of them sits down, and he's still holding Layla's hand, looking a bit stressed.

"What's wrong Mattheo?" She ask him, and he runs his hand through his hair. "After all this time, I'm finally this close to finding out who the man behind all of this criminal activity is. You don't understand Layla, these people do the worst things. For example, over there on that stage. They're literally selling off women."

Little does he know, Layla is already aware of all this, but she doesn't know how to tell him.

Not yet. Now's not the time to tell him.

"We'll find him Mattheo, don't worry." She says, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I bloody hope so." He mutters, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Thank you for being here." He clears his throat.

"Sorry, what was that?" Layla asks, raising a brow. "Could you repeat that for me?"

"I said, thank you for being here." He repeats, looking away and scratching the back of his neck.

"Wow. Mattheo R- Martinez. Thanking his one true enemy. Never thought I'd see the day." She laughs.

"Well this is a one off. Never again."

"Hey guys. Enzo says, approaching them with the rest of the boys.

They all take a seat around the table, and look at Layla and Mattheo intensely, their faces serious.

"You all look like you found something." Mattheo says.

"That's right." Enzo clears his throat. "We did."

"There's a man, who owns this place. He basically rules this evil side of the order." Enzo tells them.

"He's up to no good. He holds to much power here." Dylan adds.

"Yeah, too many people talk about him. I've been talking to a lot of girls and they all mentioned his name." Draco says.

"Henry Spector." Mattheo states, his eyes darkening as soon as he says the name.

"Yeah. That guy. How come we've never heard of him?" Blaise asks.

"He holds too much power. If anyone here speaks of his name outside this building, they're dead within seconds." Liam tells the group.

"He's loaded too." Theodore adds. "But, I haven't seen him at all. Have you guys?"

"No." I tell them. "Apparently he's always busy with clients."

"Some people don't even know what he looks like. They just know of his name." Blaise tells them.

"Sounds like someone we know." Layla says, turning to look at Mattheo.

"My bloody father."

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