72 | roti salan

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Mattheo's POV

I stand back with both knives in my hand, watching Layla as she cracks her neck and sends a smirk in my direction.

"I'll go easy on you pretty boy." She almost laughs, and I raise a brow, rolling my tongue across my cheek.

"You think I can't handle you? Hit me with your best shot Lopez."

We both twist our rings and our shields are on, and within a second, she conjures two knives out of her hands and throws them directly at me, I dodge them and she sprints towards me, and I throw a punch at her, but she blocks it, forming a metal shield on her forearm.

I punch again, and she does the same with the other arm. I continue to punch, until I use my knife and hold it against her throat.

She grabs my wrist, and then suddenly kicks me in the balls.

"HEY! THAT'S CHEATING!" I groan in pain, and she trips me over and motions her hands forward to send me flying back and colliding with the wall behind me.

I fall to the ground within seconds and she looks down at me in amusement.

"I'm getting deja vu." I snigger. "You gonna sit on my lap again darling?"

"You wish." She scoffs and I get up onto my feet, and she throws a dagger at me which catches me off guard, slicing my cheekbone.

"Well fuck me." I scoff. "Wasn't expecting that."

Suddenly, her fists turn to fire and my eyes widen, and she comes racing towards me, I dodge every punch she throws at me, before I duck to the ground and swipe her legs off of the surface, so she tumbles to the floor.

But before I know it, she drags me with her and I land on top of her, hovering above her.

"We always end up in some sort of freaky fucking position." She sighs, moving a curl out of my face.

"That's just the way we are princess. Way too drawn to each other."

Suddenly, our moment is disrupted when Kamala enters the room, holding her bow and arrow.

She's always been into archery, and I figured it was a skill that our team needs, that would come in handy during combat.

"Oops, sorry to disturb you guys." She laughs awkwardly.

"Kamala you cockblocker." I sigh, standing up and rubbing my face.

"Yep... sorry about that." She laughs. "I made roti for you lot. Come and eat!" She says excitedly.

"What the fuck is a roti?" I ask in confusion.

"It's like a flat bread. You eat it with curry dumbass." Layla sighs, getting up from the floor.

"See, Layla knows her shit. And you've known me for how long Mattheo? And you still don't know what a roti is?" Kamala laughs, and Layla heads out of the room to her.

"My bad." I laugh, raising my hands in surrender as we head to the training hall, and suddenly the spicy smell of curry hits our senses.


Author's POV

"CHICKEN SALAN FOR THE WIN!" Enzo exclaims, as everyone sits around the table, munching on the curry and roti that Kamala made, with the help of Blaise in his kitchen.

"We need this protein so eat up." Mattheo tells them.

"God this is so good." Draco sighs in content, munching away on the roti, making Kamala laugh.

"Bros never tasted flavour before in his life." Blaise laughs.

"Draco, I have a question". Kamala says and he looks up at her intrigued with a smirk on his face.

"Ask away sweetheart."

"How do you season your chicken?" She asks, trying to hold in a laugh, and Layla and the boys start giggling under their breath.

"With salt like everyone else." He shrugs.

The group end up laughing until their eyes water, enjoying the little time they have together until they have to head back to Hogwarts.

These were the times Layla enjoyed the most, and now she can share them with her new found friend, Kamala.


"Do you have to go?"

"Mattheo you'll see me tomorrow, don't worry." Layla giggles, wrapping her arms around Mattheo's neck, as they stand together outside the Slytherin common room.

The corridor dim with light, and the cold breeze of the castle fanning over their cheeks.

"Be careful okay?" He says to her quietly, before kissing her lips.

"I'm always careful."

"No. You're never. Let's be honest."

"I guess so." She laughs.

"If Spector tries anything, just twist that ring of yours and you'll be shielded. And if you really have to, use your powers Layla."

"I can't do that Mattheo. If he finds out about my powers, he'll see me as a threat, and kill me straight away."

"He's not killing anyone. Especially not my girl."

"Your girl?" Layla raises a brow. "I guess it's true this time." She smiles, pecking him on the lips.

"Good night love, get some sleep." He says to her and her cheeks turn rosey pink.

"Good night." She says, and turns away, heading into the common room first, so no one notices that they were together.

She heads to her dorm, tip toeing in only to hear moans coming from across the room.

Layla gasps, and slaps her hand over her mouth, and she looks over to Pansy's bed, to find her on top of someone.

Draco? No it can't be he just got back from training. Who the fuck is it then?

Pansy's head whips around and her eyes widen as she spots Layla by the door and she quickly puts her clothes on, moving out of the way for Layla to see who the other person was.

"HERMIONE!?" She exclaims with a gasp, and Hermione squeals, pulling the covers over her.

"Oh fuck." Pansy smacks her head.

"I'll give you girls some time." Layla giggles, waving to Pansy as she leaves the dorm, sitting down in the common room to find Draco sat on the sofa, reading a book.

Oh shit. He doesn't know. God... what do I do? I think I'll speak to Pansy and tell her to talk to Draco about it. He needs to know... Draco and Pansy did really like each other it seems like... so if he finds out... God, it might just break his heart.


(Author's note: my pakistani heart is melting🥲 honestly, I'd eat kamala and blaise's roti salan any day😝 and also, draco would defo be dying of the spice lmfao argue with the wall)

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