68 | the little things

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Mattheo and Layla lay together on the floor of the Astronomy Tower, cuddled up together with a fluffy blanket over them, and a pillow underneath their heads which Layla conjured up that night.

They lay there, together, all night as they watched the stars, just talking about the most randomest of things. They knew each other well, but they never really got to know the little things about each other.

Mattheo only grew to like her even more when she told him things like how she was scared of the dark so conjured a teddy when she was six called Flat Ted - she was only learning how to use her powers at the time so the teddy she made was flimsy and had barely any stuffing.

He also loved how passionately she talked about the romance books she read, or the muggle songs she listened to at night when her parents were asleep.

She also grew to like him even more, when he told her he was scared of spiders, or that he had a full hair care routine for his curls.

"You have to show me all your products I swear on Merlin, Mattheo Riddle." Layla said, turning to look at him as the moonlight shone upon his face.

"Okay I will." He groans. "But you better not tell anyone Layla. This is a big secret."

"Bigger than people find out your the Dark Lord's son?"

"Much bigger than that Layla."

But now, the sun rises, the day light shining upon the couple cuddled up on the floor. Layla blinks her eyes open and looks around, and her eyes widen.

She shakes Mattheo and shouts, "MATTHEO GET UP WE FELL ASLEEP!"

"Okay? And?" He mumbles, his morning voice groggy as usual.

"What if someone came up here and saw us!?" Layla panics.

"It's fine whatever." He yawns, and she shakes him.

"Mattheo Riddle if you do not get up right now I will conjure up a cold bucket of ice cold water and splash it all over you!"

"Ugh you're annoying." He says, sitting up, his curls all messy and covering his eyes.

God that's hot.

"I think you forgot I can read minds pretty girl."

"Hey!" Layla shouts, grabbing the pillow and whacking it on him.

"You think I'm hot."

"Anyway, I got to go and get ready for school. Henry is waiting for me." Layla sighs, standing up and Mattheo instantly stands up too. "Oh god I should not have slept in this dress."

"Red suits you." He smirks, looking her up and down at the red mini dress that she wore for Liam's celebration party.

"Thanks Mattheo." She smiles before turning away to leave but he grabs onto her wrist and spins her back around.

"No kiss?" He asks, his eyes drifting from her eyes to her lips.

"Um... maybe just one." She smiles, pressing her lips against his, and Mattheo starts to get touchy, his hands trailing down to her ass. "Uh uh. You did enough of that last night."

"Fine." He sighs, pecking her lips once more. "I'll see you tonight at base. Training is back on."

"Okay love."

"Love? That's my thing." Mattheo says, holding onto her waist.

"You really don't want me to go, do you?"

"No. Not one bit." He says, kissing her cheek, and then planting soft kisses down her neck before whispering into her ear with his morning voice, "Try not to make me too jealous when you're with him."

"I'll try my best Riddle." She laughs. "But you get jealous quite easily, let's be honest."

"Ugh, I'm gonna miss you darling." He says, hugging her as he hides his face in the crook of her neck.

"I'll miss you too Mattheo." She smiles.


"Hey Henry." Layla smiles, approaching the Gryffindor table and taking a seat beside him, with the Golden Trio opposite them.

"Hello sweetheart." He smirks, looking at her.

"Quite a show yesterday." Ron says. "It was bloody brilliant."

"So do you like hate Mattheo Martinez now or something?" Harry asks.

"Yeah I hate him so much. Him and his friends make me not want to be in Slytherin." I sigh.

"They're all the same." Ron scoffs.

"Yeah I guess so. I hate all of them." Layla replies, clearing her throat.

God, how much longer can I put up with this!?

"Oh by the way Layla, have you heard from Ryle? How's his holiday in the muggle world going?" Hermione asks her and Layla chokes on air.

Holiday in the muggle world? Is that the cover up?

"Oh Ryle?" Layla clears her throat. "I've barely heard from him... we're not really on speaking terms at the minute."

Speaking terms? Ha! He's fucking deceased.

"It's been time since I've seen his parents. Mr and Mrs Stokes." Henry says, and Layla looks up at him.

"Family friends?" She asks.

"Yeah." He laughs. "My parents made friends with a lot of people."

"I mean your family is amazing." Hermione says. "After everything they did to help with the war."

"Layla come with me for a second." Henry says, standing up and taking her hand as he takes her out of the Great Hall, ignoring Granger completely.

"Yes Henry?"

"There will be a ball in two days time. I want you to be there with me." He says to her and Layla's heart drops.

"Oh yeah of course I'll be there. Is there a dress code?" She asks.

"Make it revealing. It'll attract more customers." He sniggers, and Layla feels as if she's going to throw up.

"Okay." She smiles.

"Thank you for this Layla." He whispers. "Your parents would be proud. Of the both of us." He says as he holds her cheek.

"I'm sure they would be." She sighs.

"I'm surprised you don't possess the infamous powers they did. You know, the magic of Mutantur Materia? You've heard of that right?"

"Of course I've heard of it." Layla says. "My parents were very powerful people. I don't know why I didn't possess the same powers." She shrugs. "But I'll be honest Henry... because I don't want to lie to you..."


"Do you have the powers of Mutantur Materia?" She asks him, her heart racing like crazy. "It's just a guess... you know from what I've seen."

This is where it could all go wrong. But she had to ask him, eventhough she already knows.

"I do." He laughs. "Your parents actually helped me to obtain them."

"And how did you do that?" She asks curiously.

"Haha, I'll teach you one day. Don't worry." He laughs.

"Okay... I better get to class."

Layla scurries away, rushing to her Astronomy class. Today the class wasn't when it usually takes place (at night) but instead during the day. The professor suggested that they just complete their notes from the previous lesson, before they do any further constellation spotting using the telescope.

God, back in the Astronomy Tower.

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