89 | end of a battle

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"BLAISE! BLAISE! HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" I scream, holding Mattheo in my arms. I conjure up a spherical shield to protect us, as I look down at my boy.

Spector did this.

I hold him tight and a smile forms on his face. "You love me that much, huh?" He chuckles and then coughs, groaning in pain.

"Don't talk right now. We need to get you healed." I say, my eyes watering up and my voice breaking.

I look to my right and notice Blaise running towards us. I let him into our shield and he swiftly takes his things out, analysing Mattheo's injury.

Blaise's face drops.

"Blaise?" I say. "What's wrong? Heal him."


"What Blaise? Tell me what's wrong?"

"My love," Mattheo says, taking hold of my hand. "He can't do much. Spector hit me... you know his magic is lethal."

Suddenly, we notice Spector throwing spells at our shield, trying to break it down.

"We have no time." I say, my voice breaking as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I can give him something to ease the pain and stop the bleeding... but there's a chance it might not do much." Blaise says, brewing up a concoction.

"Please, just do anything. And I swear Mattheo, that man is going to die today. Mark my words." I sniffle and he brushes a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"No mercy." He says, and I nod.

"No mercy."

I plant a kiss on his cheek, and stand up, stepping out of the bubble as I leave Mattheo with Blaise.

I step out and hold my hands out.

"Ooh she's back." Spector torments.

With one swift move, I cast a blast of fire, pushing and pushing so it burns him. He screams in pain, but then holds his hands out, deflecting the spell.

I go again.

No mercy.

I keep doing this, on repeat. Until he grows tired. I push and push. The blast of fire lighting up the battlefield, the gust of heat blowing my hair back.

He begins to fumble.

Each time, I take a step closer and closer, until I'm just within two metres from him. My rage is mighty, and he can't do anything about it.

He begins to grow weak.

"Full potential yet?" I chuckle, and push and push and push. I give it everything I got.

Suddenly, he stops fighting back for a second, slowly looking up at me. His dark eyes stare right at me, and a malicious grin slowly forms on his face.

"You're just. Like. Your. Parents."

I stop in my tracks, my eyes widening. I stop and think about what I'm doing.

"A mirror image." He coughs, holding onto his knees for support.


I'm not.

"You're not like them Layla. You are your own person. Don't fall for his trap."


I take a deep breath and look up at Spector standing before me.

"Fuck you?"

And with that, I conjure up a large shard of glass and slash it straight across him.

He swiftly falls to the ground.


Within seconds.

The death eaters are brought to a halt, and they disappear in a puff of black smoke.

I look around, and everyone's looking at me, smiling.




They all begin to cheer and I laugh, looking down at his pathetic body. But then, I begin to feel dizzy.

I fall straight to the ground, onto my knees.

War is over.


Author's POV

"Is she awake?"

"Not yet, I don't think."

"Aw bless her poor angel, she looks so peaceful."

"Shush Enzo, angel is my nickname for her."

"Guys, she's awake!"

Layla slowly blinks open her eyes, to find seven boys all towering above her, watching her as she wakes up. A smile forms on each of their faces.

"Hi guys." She says, and laughs to find them surrounding her.

"ANGEL HOW ARE YOU!?" Enzo asks in excitement.

"What happened?" She asks, adjusting to her environment as she sits up. The boys each sit on her bed.

"You knocked out love." Mattheo replies, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Mattheo you're okay!" She squeals, jumping onto him. He winces slightly at the sudden pain, and she pulls back. "Are you okay?" She asks doubtfully now.

"I'm fine don't worry. His spell wore off after he died." Mattheo smiles.

"Minor burn marks." Blaise adds. "But they shall soon heal."

"Thank Merlin!" Layla exclaims. "We did it guys."

"We sure did." Theodore laughs. "You did it most of all. It was mental!"

"Yeah, so sick!" Dylan agrees.

"Thanks to Liam, the super suit really helped me reach my full potential." Layla says, and Liam salutes her with a chuckle.

"We never doubted you." Draco says, and everyone turns to look at him in shock.

"Wow, reformed Draco. Never thought I'd see the day." Layla laughs.

"Shush. One time thing."

"How is everyone though? Any injuries..." she pauses for a second. "Fatalities?"

"Uhm... a couple major injuries, but Blaise's food really helped." Liam takes a breath. "A couple student deaths."

"Oh my god." Layla gasps. "Anyone we know personally?"

"No." He replies.

"We'll commemorate them for what they did. We couldn't have done it without everyone's help. It was brutal." Layla states and the boys nod in agreement.

Layla rubs her hands over her face. "I'm just glad it's over."

"Us too." Enzo sighs. "Anyway, Professor McGonagall is expecting us in the Great Hall."

"I'd assume so." Layla says, and they all exit Layla's dorm, but Mattheo pulls her back, being the last ones out. They stop by the door, and he takes both of her hands.

She looks up at him with a smile.

"First we've got to do something." He tells her and she raises a brow.

"What's that Mr Riddle?"

"You'll see, Mrs Riddle."

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