author's note

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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞

thank you for choosing to read my story! before you read, I'll just give a little info on what to expect from this book and a few important notes you might want to keep in mind :)


- this is my third fan fiction! hello to those of you who are from my previous mattheo fanfic 'sunset lovers' or 'masquerade'. I highly recommend you read those aswell! (But this story is not linked to my previous fanfics, it's a completely different story!)

- this fanfic is an 'OC' x Mattheo and my OC is called Layla Lopez, but the story will be written in THIRD PERSON, so from the author's perspective

- sorry if you prefer y/n, my first fanfic 'sunset lovers' is in y/n's POV if you prefer that, but this fanfic will be just as great I promise

- the romance tropes in this story include: enemies to lovers, VERY MUCH slow burn, and more but I can't reveal those yet because they're practically spoilers

- this story is set after the Hogwarts war so Voldemort is dead - it will still be set in Hogwarts of course with the same Harry Potter characters and a few fan casts

- there will be SOME smut - not a lot bc I'm not usually comfortable with writing it, but there will be some ;) I'm great at writing sexually tense scenes tho too so don't worry <3

- there's a lot of cursing and swearing, like a LOT so if you don't like that I don't recommend you reading this book

- TRIGGER WARNINGS: mature content, knives, abuse, violence, sexual references/scenes, morbid scenes, child neglect, aggressive behaviour, child abuse, etc...

- I proof read everything I write but if there are any grammatical or spelling errors just let me know in the comments



- some of the fan casts aren't mine: Mattheo Riddle (creds to @yasmineamaro ), Lorenzo Berkshire (creds to @babynaomi ), Theodore Nott (idk his creator so let me know their @)

- any of the Harry Potter characters also don't belong to me, credits to J.K R*wling




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