67 | reassurance

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As Layla dances with her friends, she feels someone behind her, their hands snaking around her waist and she instantly knows who it is.

"You can't Mattheo." She whispers, turning around to meet his pretty eyes.

"Why not?"

"Spector will find out." She says, looking down. "And I'm still meant to be mad at you."

"I didn't do anything Layla."

"You lashed out at me. You're confusing me Mattheo, I don't know what to do."

"Blonde suits you." He says, as he plays with a blonde piece of her hair.

"You're changing the subject."

"Listen Layla... I'm not sorry for lashing out at you, okay?"


"I'll admit it, I don't know how to control my feelings... you make me feel things I've never felt before and I don't know how to deal with it."

"So you lash out?" She asks, wrapping her arms around his neck, gaining a few stares. "Can we go somewhere else? Henry's minions are probably going to report this to him." She sighs.

He takes her hand and sneakily takes her out of the party, and up to the Astronomy Tower.

"Your thinking space?"

"Yeah." He says, lighting a cigarette and looking out into the night sky as he inhales a puff.

"I just... there's been a lot going on for me too. It's been stressful I know... But Mattheo... I need you by my side." She tells him, standing next to him and holding onto the railing as they look out at the jet black sky.

"Then be by my side. You work for me yes, but I need to claim you as mine." He says, turning to look at her.

"What? You already gave me this ring." She says, and he takes hold of her wrist, looking down at it. "Mattheo... what are you thinking?"

"You're not going to like it."

"I have a feeling I'm not going to."

"The dark mark."

"What!?! You must be mad!" She exclaims, pulling her arm away from him.

"Layla, this will be a symbol that you work for me, not for the Dark Lord. He's dead. My mark is something different." He explains to her. "Yes I have your loyalty, but I need this reassurance. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Reassurance of what?" She takes a breath, taking a step forward to him, holding his cheek in her hands. "What do you need Mattheo?" She asks softly, titling her head as she scans his face.

"I need you, Layla. I've always needed you." He says, his voice breaking a little as he looks into her eyes, holding her face in his hands as they lean forward, their foreheads touching.

A tear rolls down her cheek and she sniffles, rubbing her nose gently across his as she whispers, "You don't understand how long I've waiting for you to say that, Mattheo Riddle."

"And you don't understand how long I've waiting to feel the touch of those soft lips." He whispers lowly, as her eyes drop down to his lips and back up to his eyes.

"Kiss me then, pretty boy." She smiles, and within seconds, his lips crash onto hers, as they embrace each other in a loving lustful kiss.

What they've each been waiting for after all this time.

Their mouths move in sync, his tongue asking for entrance as his hands trail down her body, before gripping onto her thighs and picking her up with ease.

He holds her up, pushing her against the wall behind her, as her hands grip onto his soft curls, the kiss becoming more intense and passionate with each passing second.

The warmth of his body, and the warmth of hers, radiating off of each other as they embrace each other's touch.

"Fuck, you're so perfect Layla." He gasps, as they part for a second, when he pins her hand to the wall, scanning her wrist.

"I want you to do it Riddle. Mark me." She says out of breath.

"You sure?"

"Mhm." She nods.

"I'm gonna need words princess."

"Do it." She smiles, her hands running through his hair.

Still picking her up, he begins to kiss her neck slowly, leaving wet kisses along her skin as his tongue slides across it. At the same time, he takes out his wand and presses it onto her wrist, and Layla moans out loudly at the pain.

But she enjoys it. She enjoys how it hurts, the pleasure of the pain as Mattheo continues to give her wet kisses in the crook of her neck, the sensational feeling travelling through her body.

The perfect mix of pain and pleasure.

"Fuck Mattheo!" She exclaims, the pain against her wrist as the mark forms sending shivers through her body.

"Nearly done darling." He whispers into her ear, and a few moments later, the pain disappears as he puts his wand away.

Layla gasps, and Mattheo picks her up, sitting down on the floor and placing her on his lap, holding onto her wrist and rubbing against it soothingly.

"It looks good on you." He smiles, and she looks up at him as her head rests on his chest.

"I'm yours now, Mattheo Riddle." She says softly, with a smile, as she moves one of the curls out of his face.

He pecks her lips and tucks a hair behind her ear.

"And I'm yours Layla Lopez."

"I hate to remind you but... we can't be seen together." Layla sighs.

"Sooo, is this gonna be like one of them sexy secret sneaky relationships?" He smirks and Layla rolls her eyes.

"That's if you want it to be." She says, as he trails his finger across the mark on her arm soothingly.

"It'll be risky but that's the fun of it, right?"

"Mhm." She nods, holding onto his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. "You going to tell the boys?"

"That's risky too." He shrugs. "We need to make it believable to everyone that we hate each other."

"Who said I don't hate you still?" Layla says, raising a brow.

"Oh shut it Lopez. That kiss told me otherwise." He smirks.

"Whatever." She giggles, hiding her face as she cuddles closer to his chest.

"You're getting nervous, aren't you?" He laughs.

"I'd say you're the one who's getting nervous. Your heart is beating so fast." She whispers, her hand now resting on his chest.

"It always does when I'm around you princess."

"So does mine." She smiles. "It's beating faster than yours."

"Can I check?"

"You're not slick Riddle." She laughs. "Trying to touch my boobs."

"I'll take any chance I can get. With your consent of course."

"Of course." She laughs, her eyes locked on his, as she presses her lips against his once more.


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