88 | good intentions

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Author's POV

Back at the castle, all the students chatter in the Great Hall, worried for their lives. Rumours and comments get thrown about that begin to infuriate Mattheo.

"It's like Voldemort all over again!"

"Does anyone know what's happening!?"

"We're all going to die!"

"Don't worry, Harry will save us all!"

"Fuck this." Mattheo spits, and makes his way to the front of the Hall, looking down upon everyone. Professor McGonagall looks at him, giving him a nod.

"EVERYONE SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!" Theodore exclaims, and suddenly everyone goes silent, their attention focused onto Riddle who stands there, waiting.

"I'm sure you're all wondering what the fuck is going on." Mattheo starts, and McGonagall raises a brow. He continues, attempting to refrain from cursing. "Well, don't react stupidly about what I'm going to tell you now. We need to act calmly, and smartly." He takes a breath. "Hogwarts is under attack, once again. This time, by someone you all know personally."

Everyone gasps, looking around at each other.

"Henry Peters, as you all know him, is not who you think he is. His actual name is Henry Spector, and his goal is to take over the wizarding world, to take over what Voldemort left behind. His throne, his death eaters. Spector wants it all!"

Some students begin laughing and the chatter begins once more.

"Why should we believe you?"

"Is this some Slytherin prank?"

"I want to go sleep."

"I AM VOLDEMORT'S SON. MY NAME- my name, is Mattheo Riddle, and I am heir to the Dark Lord's throne. HEAR ME NOW, Spector is here to kill me, and to do so, he'll tear down the castle."

Everyone's jaws drop. Before they can react, a scream is heard from outside the castle.

Mattheo could recognise that scream anywhere.


"DEFEND YOURSELVES! He has Berkshire, Zabini, Matthews and Layla. Believe me now!?" Mattheo shouts, and Harry Potter steps forward.

"You've literally admitted to being the Dark Lord's son! Why should we believe you!? How do we know you're the next Dark Lord!? I died trying to kill your father!"

"I am not my father! I am not like him, I never have been and I never will be. I'm trying to stop an evil from taking over. I know it's hard to believe, but you're going to have to trust me with this one. Professor McGonagall believes me, so should you Potter."

"I do. Mr Marti- Riddle, has good intentions."

"He does." Kamala approaches them from the crowd, and a smile forms on the boys face to see her. "I'm ready to fight with you."

"Nice to see you Kamala." Draco smiles.


With that, Riddle summons his broom, along with Dylan, Theodore, Draco and Kamala. They fly out the castle and spot Layla and the boys laying on the ground outside the Forbidden Forest, which remains on fire.

"Oh fuck." Dylan gasps. "What's with the fire!?"

"My girl." Mattheo says, a small smile forming on his face.

They rush towards the scene, watching Spector walk towards Enzo, pointing his wand at him.

Layla's POV

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