70 | carried away

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Later that evening, it was coming closer to midnight, and Kamala had come over to Layla's dorm so they could get ready together to leave the castle and head to the base.

Layla made sure she formed an invisibility device too for Kamala, and showed her how to use it.

"I- this is amazing! How on earth did you get this?" She asks in shock.

Layla grew to like her, and realised that her first impressions of Kamala definitely was clouded by jealousy. But now that she has Mattheo wrapped around her finger, she doesn't have to worry about that.

"Listen, Kamala... I know we've only just met but I really do feel like I can trust you." Layla sighs, sitting beside her on the edge of her bed. "Now what I'm about to tell you, you cannot tell a single soul."

"I pinky swear." She says, holding out her pinky as Layla locks hers with Kamala's.

"You've heard of my family right? The Lopez's?"

"Yes of course. Your parents were famous for having a unique power." She smiles.

"Well... no one knows this, but I also have those powers. It's called Mutantur Materia - the power to manipulate and create matter." Layla explains.

"Holy shit that's epic!" Kamala gasps. "Can I get your autograph?"

Layla laughs and the two of them spend time talking about her magic and basically everything she's been through and how she met the boys. They had quite a good girls bonding time.

"No way they kidnapped you." She gasps.

"They really did!" Layla laughs. "It was hilarious. They were acting so mysterious and all."

"I can imagine. Let me guess - Mattheo arose from the shadows or something-"

Layla and Kamala burst out laughing, making fun of Riddle.

"Oh Merlin you really do know him well!" Layla says.

"Yep. My parents were death eaters, and I used to come around to his Manor a lot, and yeah. We became friends at the age of six. Then when he left for Hogwarts, I rarely saw him. So it's been a while." She sighs.

"Well I'm glad you two are reunited."

"So... is there something going on between you two or?" She asks and Layla looks down, having flashbacks from earlier on in the day.

"Oh god no. I really don't like him." She shrugs, feeling guilty for lying.

"Oh well. It seems like you two have some good chemistry and I can already tell after being here for two days!"

"I guess so. Still though. We barely get along." Layla sighs. "Anyway, we should get to base."

The girls use their invisibility devices and head out of the castle, hand in hand as they run towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Okay. I'm out." Kamala says, turning right around when she sees the darkness of the forest ahead.

"No no no." Layla laughs. "Trust me. It's not as bad as it looks." She tells her, taking hold of her hand once more.

Kamala takes a deep breath and they set foot into the forest, on high alert.

Suddenly, there's rustling in one of the bushes and their girls squeeze each other's hand, begging to grow nervous.

"Okay maybe it is as bad as it seems." Layla whispers. "I've been in here so many times but each time, I'm running to the base so I don't take notice of what's around me."

"Well you should've done. This shit is scary."

Suddenly, they hear scurrying behind them and they whip their heads around but nothing's there. Just darkness.

Their hearts pounding, they continue their way into the forest, when suddenly, a twig snaps and Layla instantly takes her wand out and says, "Lumos."

A flash of light emits from her wand, and the girls scream in fear when they find Lorenzo and the boys standing right in front of them.

"BOO!" Enzo shouts and their hearts fall out of their chests.

"HAHA WE GOT YOU!" Theodore laughs hysterically.

"THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" Layla shouts, and the boys begin to run away, scared of her wrath as Layla and Kamala chase them down.

As they're running, they get closer to base, and that's when Layla feels someone grab her by the hand and pull her to the side, her back colliding with a tree.

"OH SHIT!" Layla exclaims, only to find Mattheo standing before her, slapping his hand over her mouth.

"Keep it down, love." He smirks. "You didn't do a good job of that the first time in that hallway."

She looks away from him, beginning to grow nervous, as he eliminates the space between them, his body touching hers as he lifts one of her legs up, and wraps it around him.

She holds onto his face and gazes into those sparkling eyes that the moonlight shines upon.

"You'll take any chance you can get, isn't that right?" Layla giggles and his hand grips onto her neck, pulling her closer to him.

"Mhm." He says, pressing his lips against hers as he plants a soft gentle kiss, but as usual, it turns into a more heated make out as his tongue asks for entrance.

Her hands grip onto his soft curls as she continues to kiss him, his hands slowly rubbing against the thigh of the leg he holds up.

He begins to plant kisses down her neck against her skin, and she begins to become breathless within seconds, the touch of his soft lips and tongue against her skin making her go crazy.

"Mattheo! Layla! Where are you!?" One of the boys suddenly calls out and Mattheo lets go of her, and sighs.

"For fucks sake." He sighs.

"We'll finish that off later." She says, ruffling his hair and strutting past him.

"God, you really choose the tightest gym wear don't you?" He laughs, looking her up and down as she walks in front of him.

"Just for you." She laughs, and runs away from him towards the base as he chases her on the way there.

"Now where did you two go?" Enzo asks, raising a brow as he looks at Mattheo's now messy hair, and the redness on Layla's neck.

"We got a bit carried away with our chasing game." Layla shrugs.

Mattheo laughs, "Yeah, very carried away."

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