25 | unpredictable

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As the group head back down to the party, along with Layla, she pulls Theodore to a side, making sure the rest of the boys don't see.

"Don't worry, I'm not kidnapping you again." She smiles.

"Thank the Lord." He sighs. "What's up?"

"I uh- I just wanted to ask if you were okay? Before in the Astronomy Tower you looked upset..."

"Yeah don't worry it's all good."

"I know you don't know me well, but you don't have to lie to me. Is it Mattheo?"

"In a way yeah... as loyal as I am to him, and as good as he's been to me for ages, he can be a bit stressful sometimes."

"I can imagine." Layla sighs.

"Yeah... the training have just been getting a lot more difficult recently."


"Yeah, we train almost everyday. It can be really tiring." Theodore explains. "Don't tell Riddle I told you that though."

"Don't worry I won't." She laughs.

"You look tired. Do you really want to go back to the party?"

"Not really no..."

"Well I could drop you off to your dorm if you want." Theodore smiles.

"That would be great. Thanks Theo." Layla replies and he raises a brow. "Sorry, can I call you Theo?"

"Yes, of course. Can I call you angel?"

"I guess so." She laughs, and they continue their way back to the Slytherin common room, the boys just ahead of them.

"Where did you two go?" Enzo asks them.

"Just having a chat." Layla shrugs, and she notices Mattheo listening in, looking back to glare at Theodore.

Man, I can't imagine what it must be like working for Riddle. He seems so bloody controlling.

"I'll just be dropping her off to her dorm." Theo tells the boys and they nod.

"No, Nott. I'll take her. I don't trust her alone with you." Mattheo orders.

"Fine." Theodore sighs, giving in so easily.

"What?" Layla says.

"Come on love. In you go." He says, placing his hand on her back, guiding her into the Slytherin common room.

The. Hand. Placement.

I want to die.

Is he really giving me butterflies right now?

No. No Layla. He isn't.

Layla and Mattheo make their way through the noisy party, which surprisingly is still going, even after they've been gone for quite a bit.

"Where's your dorm?" Mattheo asks.

"I can go by myself." Layla says, looking up at his dark eyes.

"Didn't you know? I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you from now on." He says, leaning down and whispering into her ear. "Can't have a witch on the loose with unpredictable powers wondering about, can we love?"

"I know how to control my powers Riddle, that's nothing you should be concerned about."

"Well I am bloody concerned. Now come on, to your dorm." He says and she groans.

"Fine." She huffs.

"L-l-layla?" They hear a stuttering voice approaching, and they turn around to see Ryle stumbling towards them.

"Oh for fucks sake. Not this dickhead." Mattheo sighs. "What do you want, Stokes?"

"My girlfriend." He says.

"You're really drunk Ryle. Even more than before. I'm surprised you haven't passed out yet."

"C-come with me baby." He says, reaching out for her arm but Mattheo immediately takes out his want, piercing it into Ryle's head until he drops unconscious to the floor.

"What the fuck Riddle!?" Layla exclaims.

"Don't worry, he's not dead." Mattheo tells her. "God I wish he was though." He mutters under his breath.

"When will he wake up?"

"Tomorrow. He should've past out already with the amount he's been drinking anyway."

"Okay, okay. Let's just go." She sighs and she makes her way into her dorm, stopping at the door.

She turns around, looking up at Mattheo standing before her.

"Fuck, you looked so hot in that dress tonight."

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Huh, nothing." Mattheo shrugs. "I didn't say anything."

"Oh okay."

"Goodnight kiss?" He says, with a smirk and Layla rolls her eyes.

"I think not, Riddle. Good night though."

"Good night princess." He says softly, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

With that, Mattheo leaves, with his hands in his pockets, walking away back into the party.

With a sigh, Layla enters her dorm, to find it extremely messy from when the girls got changed for the party. She waves her hand, and the room instantly becomes spotless.

She waves her hand once again and she's changed out of her black mini dress into some comfy shorts and a baggy top, ready to sleep.

"One heck of a day." She sighs, flopping onto her bed.

I guess my plan worked out... in a way. But now, all seven boys know of my powers, but it's okay. They need me... so they won't do anything stupid that could risk my life - I think.

Man, Mattheo Riddle. I still haven't processed that Voldemort has a son!? Like, how can that be?

But what if... what if they really are up to no good? I know they said that their goal is to get rid of all corrupt wizards and witches in The Order, and to seek revenge but... he's Lord Voldemort's son for gods sake!

What if... they want to get rid of the The Order - and I mean - all of it? All those people.

They have a clear ass motive to do so...

But for some odd reason - I believe them. I don't trust them, but I believe them.

I've seen the horrors of my parents already, and that's enough to prove that most people in The Order are evil.

But before I do something about it - as much as I want to - I need to find out more about those boys.

And find out how the fuck Mattheo seems to know so much about me already? How does he know my middle name? I've NEVER told anyone. I doubt even Ryle knows. It's just something my father used to call me.

Named after his great grandmother or something I assume.

But anyway, that's besides the point. My first plan was a success - in some shape or form - now I need to conjure up a new plan, to gain more intel on Mattheo and his gang.

Theodore mentioned that they train everyday... and I doubt they train inside the castle.

I have to follow them, and find their secret location.

That's the plan.

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