37 | getting glam

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Layla's POV

As I enter my dorm, the stress instantly hits me. Choosing an outfit is way too much pressure, especially since this outfit has to be perfect for the mission.

Riddle mentioned something about it being a 'gala event' so I'm gonna have to work around that... something dressy? Formal but not too formal.

Basically something sexy.

If I don't find anything in my closet, I can always use my powers to come up with the perfect dress. Although, it does take a tad bit of energy. But it's definitely worth it.

I head over to my closet and flick through my party/event dresses.


That's the colour I want to wear.

My eyes scan over the choice of dresses and my eyes land on a piece that I've been dying to wear for the longest time, but I've never had the occasion to wear it to.

Ryle doesn't let me out much.

"This is the one!" I gasp, taking it off the rack and holding it against my body.

God I can't wait to wear this. Heads WILL be turned.


Author's POV

"Hey Layla!" Pansy squeals, entering her's and Layla's dorm in excitement.

"Hey Pansy, what's got you so excited?"

"Oh nothing." She shrugs, making way over to her bed and flopping on it dramatically.

"Oh you're such a bad liar." Layla scoffs. "Look at you, you're beaming!"

"Okay fine." She smiles. "Liam said I look pretty today."


"Yes Liam!"

"Quiet, nervous, anxious lil' Liam!?"

"He's the same age as us Layla." Pansy laughs.

"Yes yes I know. But wow. Where did he get the courage to do that?"

"Honestly, I don't know. He did look a bit nervous though. He always is when he's around me for some reason." She shrugs.

"Oh my. He likes you Pansy!" Layla squeals.

"I highly doubt that... maybe. I don't know." She sighs. "Anyway, why've you got that amazing red dress out!?"

Oh shit.

"Oh that aha." Layla laughs awkwardly. "I was just going to go out with Ryle tonight."

"Ooh really?" She asks.

"Yep. Soo excited aha."

"Um Layla... I'll be honest. I know he's your boyfriend and all and whatever but I can't lie... I kinda ship you with Mattheo Martinez." She smiles.

"Oh my goodness!" Layla exclaims, flopping onto her bed, but she can't help but smile.

"Aw! You're smiling!"

"No I am not Pansy." Layla groans, throwing a pillow at her and then using another pillow to cover her face, and her smile.

"That's crazy you know." Pansy laughs, skipping over to Layla's bed and tackling her.

"Hey!" She squeals, and the two of them burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Have fun on your date with Ryle though. Just imagine he's Mattheo or something." Pansy shrugs and Layla scoffs, shoving her.

"You know you'd rather be on a date with him than... never mind. I'm only joking!" Pansy laughs.

"Oh yeah for sure." Layla smiles, the thought of going on a date with Mattheo being the strangest thing ever.

He would never. Not in a billion years. Especially not now, with how he's been acting with me.

I don't understand why me asking about the Amortentia and soulmate predictor got him so worked up. Maybe he just really does not like me.

He can be very confusing.

As Layla and Pansy pass time together, it finally reaches nine o'clock and Layla decides to get ready now, so she can leave with the boys at eleven.

"You gonna help me get ready?" Layla asks, and Pansy shoots up out of her seat in excitement.

"UM YES!?"

With that, Pansy begins on Layla's makeup and hair.

"Astoria is a lot better than me with hair to be honest. But I'm not too bad myself!" Pansy tells her and Layla laughs.

"Your hair always looks great Pansy. I trust you!"

Finally, Layla is dressed and ready, and she looks at herself in her mirror, shocking herself with her own view.

Finally, Layla is dressed and ready, and she looks at herself in her mirror, shocking herself with her own view

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Her dress, her makeup and her hair... everything is perfect. Just how she wanted.

"Oh my god. I'm speechless." Pansy says, standing there frozen. "A work of fucking art!"

"All credits go to you Pansy! Thank you so much for your help the hair and makeup are just how I wanted it. Even better!"

"No way. It wouldn't look as good on anyone else but you. God, Ryle standing next to you right now would look homeless."

"Pansy." I sigh.

"I'm just saying... you could do a lot better than him." She says, holding the sides of my arms. "Who is Ryle when... Mattheo Martinez exists?"

"Are you still at this?" I laugh. "Me and R-... Martinez will never be a thing. Even if I wanted to."

"Why's that?"

"We're two very different people and we just don't get along most of the time."

"First of all. You and him are VERY similar. I can tell. You're both as stubborn as each other and when you are together, you can just see the connection. It's there in plain sight and everyone else can see it. Apart from you two which is convenient." She explains and I sigh.

"Oh well. It is what it is. Let's see how this date goes, and if it goes badly, I'll keep Mattheo as an option in mind."

"Really!? You'd think about getting with him!?"

"As a last resort." I shrug. "Nah I'm joking. I'll take it into consideration but I just don't see us working out Pansy."

"You'll see it. Soon, hopefully."

Layla says her goodbyes to Pansy and takes a deep breath before grabbing her small red purse and leaving her dorm. Inside her purse, is her wand, two knifes, a taser lipstick and some normal lipgloss.

Everything a girl needs.

Layla starts to feel the nerves as she slowly makes her way down to the common room, making herself invisible so no one else sees her apart from the boys of course.

She's gotten used to sneaking out by now.

Oh god. Here we go.

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