71 | fight me

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The group train hard. Like hard - Mattheo pushed them to their limits, and he had every reason to do so. They had to be prepared, because at any moment, Spector could make a move.

Mattheo knew he was clever, in many ways than one. He had tactics, he knew how to play this stupid game, and he knew how to fuck with peoples minds. He'd been messing with Mattheo's mind every since he arrived - keeping him on his toes and stressed, and not laying an eye off of him.

But Layla has helped him with that - after their confession about their feelings, Mattheo felt like a weight had been lift off of his shoulders. Yet, the problem hadn't just disappeared - Spector was still alive. And it hurt Mattheo everytime he saw Henry even a metre away from Layla.

Even the thought of it killed him. He despised it. But he knew that it was necessary for the plan. Layla already found out so much about him, and ever since she returned back from his home, Mattheo had been planning to attack Spector's manor, and kill him.

But he knew it wouldn't be easy. There'd be multiple factors to take into consideration.

"What are you think about Riddle?" Layla asks, approaching Mattheo who's sat down, sharpening his knives.

She takes a sip of her drink and he looks up at her.


"Something's on your mind." She sighs, sitting beside him.

"Spector. I can't stop thinking about ways we could kill him."

"You know we're not ready Mattheo."

"I know that love, but when are we going to be ready?"

"The time when it's right will come. And we'll burn Henry and his goons down as soon as we get the chance."

"God I could easily just kill him at school. One simple snap of the neck and-"

"Be sent to Azkaban? Be known as the most wanted wizard of the wizarding world? Everyone will despise you." She cuts him off.

"Seems like everyone already hates me Layla. I've come to terms with that. I don't care."

"I don't hate you first of all. And secondly, I don't want you going to Azkaban. So, we need to think about this carefully."

He stands up and takes her hand, taking her with him out of the training hall, not caring if the boys see, and wonder what they're doing alone when they're meant to be hating each other right now.

Mattheo's POV

I take Layla to her training room. It's one place where we can get proper privacy, the windows being tinted black so no one can see through, and of course the door can lock. Obviously.

As soon as we get into the room, I shut the door and she looks at me with a smirk across her face.

"And... what are we doing here?" She asks. "I've finished my training."

"Fight me. Use your powers too." I say to her, taking out my wand.

"Are you being serious?"

"Very much so." I grin and she smiles, but then her face drops, as if she's just remembered something and I look at her confused. "Don't tell me you're backing down."

"No... Mattheo... I-"

I take a step closer to her and hold her face in my hands, tilting her head up to look at me.

God those eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong love." I say to her and she looks away from me, as if she's ashamed of herself or something.

As much as I don't express emotion myself, I'm very good at reading other's.

"My magic... I don't want to use it on you."

"I can handle it Layla. Don't worry." I almost laugh.

"No- I know that... it's just... I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me? Layla you could never hurt me." I say. "You're confusing me, tell me what you mean."

"My magic- irs the same as Spector's... what if it consumes me too- what if I turn out like him?" I look at her speechless and she releases a breath. "What if the darkness takes over me?" She says, and it almost sounds like a whisper that I'm not even sure she said it.

"Layla that can't be possible." Is all I can say.

"I have never used my powers as much as I do now. That's why the darkness hasn't took over. That's why it happened to Henry first. But now- Mattheo I can't help but think that the same thing that happened to him will happen to me!" She says, her eyes watering up as a tear rolls down her cheek.

I place one hand on her waist and pull her closer to me, holding her chin gently with my hand and lifting it up so she looks into my eyes.

"Layla listen to me. That is not going to happen. I promise you. Spector had an evil heart from the beginning - his magic didn't make him like that. He was already that way. And you Layla, you have one of the most purest hearts I've met. Nothing like that will ever happen to you, you understand me?"

She doesn't say a thing and looks away, staring blankly at the wall behind me.

I grip onto her neck and spin her around, so that her back collides with the wall behind me. She looks up at me with those eyes - those eyes - in shock and I take a deep breath, my eyes moving to her lips.

"Fight me Layla."

"I am not doing that Mattheo. You'll end up like Liam... or Luke even!" She says, her warm breath fanning across my face.

"Do you trust me?" I ask her, our faces too close but our lips not close enough.

"Yes." She sighs.

"Well guess what?"


"I trust you. With all my heart."

"I thought you were a heartless bitch to be honest." She scoffs.

"Watch that attitude sweetheart." I say, my grip on her neck getting tighter and she smiles. "You kinky bitch." I scoff.

"Don't lie, you like it too."

"Whatever Layla Lopez." I whisper. "Fight me, or I'll never kiss you again."

"That'll be a challenge for you." She scoffs.

"No it won't." I shrug.

"Mattheo, your eyes haven't been taken off my lips throughout this whole conversation." She giggles.

God, her laugh.

"Fight me, and watch, my lips wont be anywhere near you."

"We'll see about that." She whispers with a smirk across her face, before she pushes me away from her and holds her firsts up.

I pull out my knives from my belt, and whip them out, one in each hand.

Man, this'll be good.

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