14 | detention with them

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Layla waits impatiently for her detention partners to arrive, laying on one of the tables, throwing a paper ball up and down in the air.

"Hey baby." A voice says, and Layla sits up to find Ryle entering the classroom.

"Hey Ryle. Are you okay? How's your jaw?"

Why am I being nice to him? He accused me of cheating. Well I guess I'm going to have to explain myself, since Mattheo decided to take it upon himself to state that I was with him 'all night long'.

"My jaw's fine." He says with a smile. "How are you? How's your wrist?" He asks, and Layla looks down at the bruise Ryle left from earlier.

"Oh it's fine." She shrugs, pulling down her sleeve slightly to cover the prominent purple colour. "Um, Ryle... I guess I owe you an explanation."

"It's okay Layla. I know you'd never cheat." He says, giving her a hug.

"So then why did you-" Layla stops herself before she can say anymore. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't even know who Mattheo is, and I have no clue why he said that, or why he even started a fight." Layla shrugs.

"It's okay, it isn't your fault. "

Suddenly, at the corner of her eye, Layla watched as Mattheo walks into the room, his hands in his pockets.

"Well isn't this cute." He says, spinning his wand in his fingers, with an amused expression on his face.

He crosses his arms and then leans against one of the desks.

"Never expected you to even attend this detention, Martinez." Layla says, moving away from Ryle now.

"Trust me, I do have better things to do. But you got to make a good impression on your first day, right?"

He called me Daphne, I need to know why. How?

"Hey Mattheo, why did you call me Da-"

"Right, students. Give me your wands and begin cleaning this room. I want you finished in two hours. Here are the supplies." McGonagall says as she suddenly enters the room.

Fuck, wrong timing.

The three of them give her their wands and put yellow cleaning gloves on, each of them taking a cleaning supply.

McGonagall leaves the room, locking the door using a spell.

"This should be fun." Ryle sighs.

"Oh, just to let you know, I told Ryle that nothing happened between us, don't worry princess." He smirks and Layla turns to look at Ryle.

"So you believed him and not me?" She scoffs.

"Well I summed it up all by myself. Martinez hadn't even joined the school then so there was no way you two could have met. His words mean nothing, I came to the conclusion on my own accord." Ryle responds.


"Okay?" Both Mattheo and Ryle ask at the same time, Mattheo sounding amused but Ryle extremely confused.

"You heard me. The both of you. Now listen here Mattheo." Layla says, slowly walking towards Mattheo and then gripping him by the collar.

She looks up at him, their eyes locking intensely, before she whispers lowly, "I want nothing to do with you. Whatever you know, you better keep it in that stupid head of yours. And stop messing with me. You hear me?"

"I hear you loud and clear princess." He replies with a smirk across his face, and he looks down at her grip on his collar.

She lets go and rolls her eyes, turning around and grabbing the cleaning supplies, aggressively spraying down the tables and leaning over to scrub them clean with a cloth.

"Damn." Mattheo mutters under his breath, his eyes catching sight of Layla as she bends over the table, scrubbing it clean.

He couldn't help himself, and he didn't intend on anyone hearing him and he didn't intend on sounding like a creep.

"The fuck did you just say?" Ryle asks, taking a step as he glares at Mattheo.

"What now?" Layla groans in annoyance. "You know what, I don't care." She scoffs, turning back to her cleaning.

"Didn't say anything." Mattheo shrugs. "You must be hearing things Gryffindor."

"Listen here, Martinez. You look at my girl like that ever again, you're a dead man. Got that!?" Ryle threatens Mattheo but this only amuses him even more.

"You're a funny lad Stokes, but you're messing with the wrong man. Let me tell you now, I can do what the fuck I want, and no pathetic Gryffindor can tell me otherwise." Mattheo spits, squaring up to Ryle so the both of the are only centimetres apart now, glaring at each other.

"You've made enemies with the wrong person. Keep that in mind." Ryle states, moving away and grabbing his cleaning supplies, making Mattheo scoff.

"Enemies is a strong word." He laughs. "But I'll take my chances."

"You two are pathetic." Layla says, side-eyeing the boys.

"He was staring at you like you're some sort of fucking snack, the fuck am I meant to do Layla?" Ryle says angrily.

"Let the pervert look, it's not like he's getting any of this." Layla scoffs. "He knows what he's missing." She says in a seductive tone, moving into the crook of Ryle's neck, planting kisses slowly.

Ryle's hands slowly make their way to her ass, Mattheo's eyes darkening by the second. Layla parts from her boyfriend.

"More of that later." She winks, before turning back to her cleaning.

"Pathetic." Mattheo rolls his eyes, taking the brush and sweeping the floor.

Ryle lays on the table and closes his eyes, resting his arms beneath his head.

"Ryle get up." Layla sighs.

"Nah, I'll let the ladies do the cleaning."

"The fuck man?" Mattheo says. "You see Layla, I am a feminist, and clearly your idiot boyfriend isn't." Mattheo states proudly, continuing to sweep.

"Firstly, cleaning doesn't prove you're a feminist, that's just the bare minimum. Secondly, yes Ryle can be super misogynistic at times but what are you gaining out of telling me this?" Layla replies, raising a brow. "Seems like you're trying to impress me, I don't know." She shrugs, sending him a smirk.

He drops the brush and approaches her, his gaze never leaving her eyes. "You've got it all wrong, love." He says quietly, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I don't need to impress anyone, especially not you."

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