Your first dance

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Stefan: Dancing certainly was not your type of thing. Never was. You adjusted the straps on your dress as you looked yourself over in the floor-length mirror that sat in your room. It was graduation day. Your dress flowed onto the ground as you added a few pins in your hair to keep it in place. Getting dressed up wasn't a normal thing for you either. Not like this. You exited your room cautiously, as not to trip over the gown as you began to make your way down the stairs. Stefan's head shot up as he heard the click of your heels hit the steps.

He looked up to you in awe, hid jaw dropping at the very sight of you.

"Oh my god" He muttered as you reached the end of the staircase.

"This is the most clichè thing that has ever happened to me." You laughed, ruining the moment.

"Pretty cheesy huh?" Stefan chuckled.

"C'mon." He said, taking your hand and ushering you out to the car.

You arrived in a matter of minutes, making your way in and greeting all of your friends. After mingling a bit, you sat down with Stefan at your table. Laughter started flowing as you joked together. Fast paced, almost club-like music echoed through the hall, everyone was up and dancing but you and Stefan. You both shared an awkward look between one another as you watched everybody dancing crazily, and let out an almost synchronized giggle.

"Wait for a slow song?" He laughed.

"Good plan." You smiled back.

Almost like clockwork, the music came to an end, quickly being replaced by a slower song as everyone stopped their jumping and found their partner. Stefan stood up from his seat and made his way in front of you, a small smirk beginning to grow on his face.

"y/n, may I have this dance?" He asked half jokingly

"Why of course." You giggled, taking his hand as he lifted you from your seat. You found an empty spot on the dance floor, desperately trying to contain laughter as you felt extremely out of place. Stefan smiled as he placed one hand on your waist, and laced the other with yours, your free hand resting on his shoulder as you slowly started to twirl around to the music. It didn't take long before your head nodded lazily on his chest, arms around your waist, pulling you tight as yours slung around the back of his neck.

"This is nice." He stated, pulling you in just that little bit tighter into his chest. You smiled at his words as the music slowly faded away, a large round of applause replacing it as you lifted your head to look at Stefan. He gave you a warm smile as he looked deep into your eyes. A smile to which you happily returned.

Damon: Dancing isn't something that you would do willingly. Not without the aid of alcohol anyway. Everyone had left for the weekend, leaving yourself and Damon to do as you please, the Salvatore boarding house all to yourselves.

Music boomed through the parlor as you both jumped around to the beat. Bottles of bourbon lazily grasped in your hands as you whipped your y/h/c hair around, dancing. You stopped dancing, giggling at your actions as the music stopped, changing to a slower song. You slumped down onto the couch in a fit of laughter, bottle still clasped in your hand as you giggled. Damon stumbled over to you, laughing too and throwing himself down next to you on the couch. He looked over to you in your slightly drunken state and a warm smile crossed his lips. Content with watching you be this happy and carefree for the rest of eternity. The chorus pulled him out of his trance on you as he stood up.

"Oh! I love this song!" He stated, only just realizing what was playing. He took a swig of his drink and reached a hand out for you, which you happily took with a small smile. He pulled you into him, your hand in his, his around your waist as you swayed sloppily to the music. He looked into your eyes, grinning as he began to lip sync the lyrics giddily, making you giggle quietly. He gave you a small twirl and dipped your figure backwards, supporting you with his arm wrapped securely under your lower back, pulling you in closer than before as be stood you back up.

"Let's do this forever." He stated suddenly, brows furrowed as he thought of how perfect that exact moment was.

"Sounds good to me."

Klaus: The Mikaelson ball was always a huge deal, so you've heard. This was your first year together with Nik, so of course, he had invited you as his date. You dressed yourself in a floor length gown, complete with elegant gloves, the dress code was very formal. You arrived at the ball, taking a minute in your car to compose yourself, feeling a little overwhelmed, the thought of being around so many important people, not to mention age-old vampires, for you were only human. You stepped out of your car, adjusting your dress and smoothing out your hair, your clutch held tightly to your side as you wondered into the mansion. You stood just inside the door, looking for anyone you knew so you wouldn't stand out as much, although there were only a select few who you actually did know. That being Klaus and his siblings, the enormous crowd making it difficult to spot them out. You walked a little further in, feeling a little out of place, you continued to look around and soon saw Nik speaking to someone on the other end of the room, you quickly caught his eye and he pulled his conversation to a halt, making his way over to you with a large smile beginning to take over his face. He approached you, centimeters away from your face as he gently pulled your hand up to his lips, placing a delicate kiss atop of it.

"You look breathtaking tonight, y/n." He stated, his warm smile making you feel more comfortable in the intimidating environment.

"Thank you," you smiled shyly, never really being too good with compliments. "As do you, Nik." He chuckled at your comments before grasping your noticeably smaller hand in his as the song changed through the speakers, a much slower one, although it was all classical music.

"Might I have this dance?" He asked, a cheeky grin appearing on his face.

"You may." You smiled back, lightly laughing.

You placed your clutch down on a table as he began to lead you to the centre of the room.

"I have to warn you, I honestly have no idea what I'm doing." You laughed as he lifted your still intertwined hand's up, to the side, and placed his other one on your waist, yours resting on his shoulder.

"Not to fret, love," he began, "Ive had quite a few year of practice." He smirked cheekily, you laughed lightly at his joke, the sound of your giggle making his smile grow even wider as you both glided across the floor.

Elijah: You were quite a shy person. A little introverted, maybe even a little antisocial at times. You spent a fair amount of your free time home alone, dancing and singing along to your faveourite songs, as it was the only time you felt comfortable doing it, alone. You sung out to your phone on shuffle when a much slower song came on, a song without many lyrics. You began to sway across your room as you tidied up the place, humming quietly to the melody. A short knock at your doorframe pulled you out of your trance as you quickly spun around to see Elijah standing there, a small smile on his face. You immediently felt embarrassed as you pulled your hands up to cover your blushing-red cheeks as the music continued to fill your room.

"Well that's humiliating." You giggled, trying to blow off the embarrassment with humour.

Without any words, or hesitation, Elijah made his was over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as his free hand picked up, and placed one of yours on his shoulder, then lightly intertwining with the other.

"Thought you might like a partner." He smiled lovingly, looking deep into your eyes as you both began to glide across the floor, no longer feeling embarrassed, but feeling loved. Cared for. As the song came to a halt, you pulled away from Elijah hesitantly and blushed a little as you looked at him.

"Thanks Elijah." You giggled, hand still held firmly in his. He raised your hand and brought it to his lips, lightly kissing it.

"I'm in love with you, y/n." He stated, as if he had only just realized within the last few minutes that those words were completely and utterly true. The absolute love and adoration that consumed his eyes made you sure of that.

"I'm in love with you too, Elijah."


A huge thank you to @VollieGirl for the idea.x

I really hope you enjoyed and please feel free to leave idea's for imagines in the comments, running a little low on inspiration!x

I absolutely love you all, thank you!!x

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