Damon Salvatore (&Kai Parker)- Return

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//Being trapped on 'the other side' with Kai, and returning home after months of Damon trying to save you//

"y/n, quick!" Damon yelled in complete worry and fear, grabbing your hand as he ran toward Bonnie, the anchor. The other side was coming down, tearing itself apart. Pulling you along behind him, he reached out for Bonnie, only just touching her hand when a bright, almost blinding white light illuminated out of nowhere.

"Damon!" You cried, fear clear in your voice.

"y/n!" Damon's faint scream echoed slightly, fading away as he was ripped from your grasp just before the blinding light turned into a terrifying darkness.


He fumbled a little, regaining his stance as he looked around. He made it back. Damon made it back. Eye's darting around in fear, eyebrows furrowed, he turned back around to Bonnie who he had quickly dismissed upon his arrival, with only you being on his mind.

"Where is she?" He asked, worry consuming his voice as he stepped closer. She froze, her body tense and her mind a blank. He began to tremble ever so slightly at her silence, some of the specks of blood on his face, caused by running through the dense forest to get to her, beginning to slide down his jaw. "Bonnie." He started clearly, "Where's y/n?"

"I'm so sorry, Damon." She finally breathed. Her voice catching in her throat as she began to almost silently cry.

"No. No, no, no!" He began to yell, stepping back. Dropping to his knee's, his eyes widened, jaw tense and body stiff as he began to sob. "You are not dead." He mumbled to himself as tears welled up in his eyes.


The darkness had faded away. Slowly waking up, you found yourself right where you were when it all happened. Lying carelessly amongst the fallen foliage on the forest ground, you sat up, blinking a little to adjust your vision before looking around. Nobody was in sight.

"Hello?" You groaned, standing yourself up and dusting off your shirt. "Hello?!" You called again. Nothing. Not a sound. Deciding to make your way out of the woods and back to civilization, you finally made it to Wickery bridge. There was nothing but an eery silence. The bridge looked different, but you couldn't put your finger on it. 

As you began walking through Mystic Falls itself, a cold shiver made its way up your spine. Where was everyone? No cars drove down the streets, no people to be seen, there weren't even any birds in the sky. Your breath quickened and your heart picked up pace. You were terrified. You were lost. And you were alone. Running, you made your way to Damon's house.

"Damon!" You yelled through the house as you shoved open the front door.
"Stefan? Anyone?! Please!" Still nothing. Your head began to spin, putting a hand out to lean on the table in the foyer, tears began to spill from your eyes. Looking down, a newspaper rested underneath your hand on the table. Carefully picking it up to inspect it, what you found left you breathless. You dropped the papers and backed up to the wall, your hand covering your mouth in shock as fearful tears slipped from your eyes. You were in Mystic Falls, Virginia, 1994.


It had been a little over two months, and Damon was still looking for you. He knew you weren't dead. He could feel it. 

"Bonnie, can you please just do the tracking spell." He groaned, asking for the third time.

"I don't want to give you any false hope Damon. She's gone. I'm sorry, I miss her too, so much, its just that-"

"She's not dead! Please just- just try." He yelled, his voice lowering as he almost begged. Giving a solemn nod, she decided on doing the spell, thinking that it might put his mind to rest.

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