Klaus Mikaelson- Wake up

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//Klaus being daggered by Kol and being compelled not to wake him up, only to break the compulsion a year later, Klaus having to feed on you to regain his strength//

It had been months since Niklaus was daggered. All you did was relive the event in your head, to no avail.


You were together when it happened, wrapped in a hug as he greeted you into his home, when suddenly, he took in a sharp breath, and his body tensed around you before dropping to the floor. You yelled his name, cried, kneeling down beside him as you tried to wake him up. You found a white oak dagger protruding from his back, and instinctively went to pull it out. But that's when Kol spoke up, making his presence clear.

"I was going to let you have your little soap opera moment for a little longer, but I'm afraid I have to stop you from doing that." He spoke, motioning toward the dagger and your intent to remove it.

"You did this?" You questioned, anger in your voice.

"Sorry love, no hard feelings?" He smirked sickly as you stood up from the floor.

"Why?!" You yelled, disregarding his comment. "You're own brother Kol? I know he has done the same to you countless times, you know how it feels!So why would you stoop to that level?!"

"Long story short; revenge." He smirked. "Which is why I also need to do this." His demeanor completely changed from being his cocky self, to almost shame and regret. Ripping your vervain necklace from your neck, your hand immediately flung to where the small pendant once lay.

"Kol, no." You breathed as you realized what he was going to do, beginning to back away. He was going to compel you.

"Sorry y/n." He spoke regretfully before fixing his gaze on your eyes. "You will not wake Niklaus up, nor will you get anybody else to do it for you." A tear made it's way down your cheek before you repeated his words.

"I will not wake Niklaus up," You choked out, "nor will I get anybody else to do it for me." With that, Kol had fled, taking Niklaus with him.


You had tried everything you could to reverse the compulsion. You had looked for loopholes and tried to find a siphon willing to absorb the compulsion. You even considered going as far as to turn yourself, but left it to a last resort. Thinking that there might be some sort of magic that could undo it, you went to Bonnie.

"Bonnie, please, there must be something." You begged.

"Okay, um, hold on, I'll grab grams' old grimoire." She smiled lightly but cautiously, returning to you with the thick book in her hands. You looked through it together, when finally, Bonnie found something.

"I think I've got it." She spoke suddenly, furrowing her brows as her fingers followed the words on the page. You looked at her, patiently waiting for confirmation as your heart beat sped up in anticipation. After a minute, she raised her head, giving a small, light hearted nod. Your eyes widened in shock as a grin grew on your face, jumping up, you gave her an enthusiastic hug.


"This is going to hurt." Bonnie warned as you both sat cross legged on the ground.

"I'm ready." You sighed, Bonnie giving you a sad smile before raising her fingertips to your temples, closing her eyes. You closed yours as well as she began chanting. A sudden pang of pain sparked in your head, like a small knot, tightening. You grimaced at the pain when suddenly, the knot tightened. You held in a scream as you scrunched your face up in pain, Bonnie's chanting only getting louder. The pain got to the point where you felt as if you were on the brink of death, when without notice, it all stopped. The only reminder of the pain being a dull ache where the knot once was.

Lifting your head up, opening your eyes as you let out a strained breath, you looked at Bonnie.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"It worked." You breathed, a smile making its way to your face. "It worked Bonnie! I worked!" You could feel it. The part of your consciousness Kol had locked was wide open. Leaping from your position on the ground, you almost tackled Bonnie in a hug, crying multiple 'thank you's' before running out the door.


There you stood, in front of Niklaus' coffin. Letting out a breath you didn't realize was being held, you slowly lifted the lid.

Breathless. You couldn't think straight, you couldn't speak, nothing. You were so overwhelmed with seeing him after so long, it was hard to function. You're hand hovered over the dagger protruding from his chest, coming to the conclusion that Kol must have taken it from his back and replaced it for easier storage of the body. Grabbing the handle, you anxiously pulled the blade from his chest as you sighed a breath of relief. Not wasting a minute, you sliced the blade across your forearm are raised it to his lips.

"C'mon." You groaned, waiting for him to react. Lightly moving his lips, he began to regain his strength, drinking the blood. Raising his hands to weakly wrap around your arm, he opened his eyes, causing tears of happiness to well up in your own. Pulling your arm away, his weak eyes locked with yours.

"y/n." He mumbled quietly, a small smile appearing on his face. Helping him up and out of the box, he stumbled a little, his still disorientated figure leaning up against yours for support. Not being able to drink enough from the poor circulation in your forearm, you pushed your hair to one side and offered him your neck to drink from. You trusted him, and he needed it. He looked at you with a questioning but still weak gaze, worried he would hurt you.

"Nik, you need this, please." You insisted. His cautious eyes made their way to your neck before he delicately placed a hand on your back, the other on the back of your head before leaning in, his eyes becoming a faint red before he began to drink.

It hurt. You weren't going to lie. But you knew you would be fine. Niklaus' grip tightened on you as he pulled your body closer to his. You let out a small whimper and Niklaus pulled away instantly, quickly biting into his own wrist and healing you.

After recomposing yourself, he pulled you into a tight embrace. Pulling away after a minute, you explained to him what had happened that night, Kol daggering him, and you being compelled. He was furious.

"He compelled you?" He spoke, his voice laced with anger as his body tensed up. You nodded solemnly.

"It took a while, but Bonnie managed to undo it."

"My poor ignorant little brother. How he thought all of this was a good idea, is completely beyond me. Thank you, my love." He spoke sincerely, his grimace turning back into a loving gaze, fixated on you.

"Anytime." You giggled jokingly as Niklaus' smile grew wider.

"And this is why I love you." He laughed.

OKAY OKAY OH MY GOD! 110K!?!! WHAT HAPPENED!?? Thank you all so much! I can't explain how much this means to me! I love each and every one of you! Stay safe and be happy!xx
Thank you to Imagination_Factory for this idea.xx :) I hope you liked it!! 💕

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