Holding hands

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Stefan: Bonnies funeral took its toll on everyone. Saying your final goodbyes to your best friend made it seem all too real, and sadly, it was.


A cool breeze sauntered through the forest as you stood around the tree stump covered in mementoes of your fallen friend. Elena laid down a handful of white feathers, of which brought her the dearest of memories of the Bennett witch. Caroline added her pompoms, Matt; his team whistle, Damon; Bonnies grimoire, Stefan; A photograph of you all together, And you; A necklace that you had once given her.

There you all stood, solemn gazes fixated on the small tree stump that held more meaning than ever before. Jeremy stepped forward, picking up a bell and ringing it in Bonnie's memory. Although he was gifted with the ability to still see and talk to her, her death brought him almost as much pain and sorrow as the rest of you.

"She says that she's not going anywhere." Jeremy began as he glanced to his side, to Bonnie. Your heart skipping a beat as you realized that she was there, and tears began to well in your eyes as you held back a sob. "She's been here the whole time." He continued.

Bonnie sent her messages to everyone through Jeremy- each and every one bringing more and more tears to the event as he spoke her words.

"y/n," He began, reaching you. You sucked in a sharp breath as the lump in your throat grew- Stefan shooting you a reassuring glance as you prepared yourself for her words. "She says that she loves you like the sister she wished she had, and that you're the strongest person she knows." He continued, mimicking Bonnie's words as a hint of a smile crossed your lips- it quickly being consumed by a shaky intake of breath as you fought to hold in your sobs.

"But she wants you to know that you don't always have to be strong for everyone else- that it's okay to be a little vulnerable when you need time to heal." He quoted her. You clutched the fabric of your dress as the tears spilled from your eyes- that's when Stefan shuffled next to you, not being able to take seeing you so broken as he quietly lifted your hand up and laced his fingers with yours, pulling you into his side and wrapping his other arm around you. You whispered a muffled 'thank you' to him as he rubbed your back comfortingly, his grasp on your hand tightening throughout the remainder of the ceremony.

Damon: Damon was not one for PDA, but on occasion he would suffice his disgust for the publicly viewed actions of love and hug you- kiss you, or hold your hand.


Although these occasions seemed to be quite rare, they were almost always completely necessary- Damon only really initiating the observably affectionate actions when appropriate.


The two of you had once again been dragged into a plan devised by the Mystic Falls gang, and of course, were happy to keep your friends and your home safe.

It was planned for the group of you to meet at the Lockwood cellar, which of course meant a lengthy, and possibly dangerous hike through the woods ensued- you not having the vampiric speed or stamina to zap your way there like the majority of those involved. 

"I swear, it's like theres a new battle to fight every week." You laughed dryly as you ventured through the woods- Damon by your side. He chuckled; a sweet sound that followed with the corner of his lips curling into a smirk.

"Yeah, but I think we make a pretty bad-ass duo." He teased with a grin. "Nobody stands a chance with us in town."

"You maybe." You laughed, "But I don't know how much of a chance a human stands against a world full of vampires, werewolves and witches."

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