He talks about you

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Stefan: He had been excited all week about seeing Lexi. The vail was going to drop and he had a chance of seeing his best friend once again.
Arriving at the grill, he took a seat at the bar as he waited. He knew that if she would be anywhere, it would be here. He sat for a while longer, just twiddling his thumbs as he waited anxiously for his friend. A pair of hands quickly emerged from behind him, covering his eyes instantly.
"Guess who?" A feminine voice said in a sing-song manner.
"Lexi!" He chuckled as she moved her hands. He spun around and pulled her into a hug.
"How have you been Stef? Well, technically I know, I mean, Ive kind of been watching over you from the other side, but, its better to hear it from the horses mouth." She spurt out happily, grinning ear to ear as she was reunited with her partner in crime.
"Well then," Stefan started, chuckling at her 'word vomit'. "Pretty good I guess, considering." He smiled
"C'mon! I need details! I haven't been able to watch for like three weeks man!"
"Three weeks?" He replied with a smirk, "Then I guess you wouldn't know about me and y/n.." He said teasingly, lifting a brow, knowing that the suspense would drive her nuts.
"Oh my god! You got the girl!" She yelled happily, lifting her hand to offer a high five, grabbing his hand and bumping into his shoulder as a sort of congratulatory gesture.
"Thanks," He chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Probably one of the best things to happen to me." He said, smiling to himself as he thought of you. She 'awed' sitting down and placing her head in her hands, suggesting for him to continue speaking.
"Well, its only early days, but Ive loved her long before it was official." He spoke, lifting his drink to his lips.
"You love her?" She beamed happily, lifting her head a little.
"Yeah, yeah I do."

Damon: He and Ric sat at the bar, as per usual, chugging down multiple bottles of bourbon at a time.
"So," Ric began, taking a quick swig of his drink, setting it down on the bar. "The rumour mill's been spinning." He smiled mischievously.
"Are you referring to y/n?" Damon smirked back, putting his drink down.
"Bingo." Ric chuckled, "So how are things going with you two?"
"Yeah, good, really good." He smiled, avoiding looking directly at Alaric.
"Look at you Damon!" Ric stated loudly all of a sudden, "You're totally whipped." He laughed.
"So what if I am?" Damon shot back, taking a sip of his drink. "I love her." He said a little more quietly as he set his glass down.
"What was that? Big, bad, ladies man Damon using the 'L' word?" Ric pointed out sarcastically.
"Well," Damon started quizzically, "I don't know how else you would describe it."

Klaus: He had returned to his family home for a while, where His sister Rebekah and brother's Elijah and Kol still resigned.
"Brother!" Kol shouted happily as Nik entered the old house.
"How have you been?" He spoke loudly, pulling Nik into a brotherly hug as he aggressively patted his back.
"Good, very good." Nik replied with a chuckle, happy to see his family again, and not on bad terms this time. Kol pulled away and looked at his brother quizzically, a smile still present on his face.
"So, rumour has it, you have found yourself a girlfriend!" He spoke, shoving Nik's shoulder playfully.
"Ah, is that so?" Nik asked sarcastically.
"Original vampire gets a girlfriend, words bound to spread." Kol joked.
"Well brother, the rumours are in fact true." He grinned to himself as he thought of you. "y/n." He spoke your name. "She is perfection in a human form." He finished, a warm smile crossing his face.
"Human?" Kol asked seriously. "Better be careful with that one Nik. There's a lot of people out to get you. You know they would try and use her as leverage."
Klaus' stomach twisted as he took in Kol's words. Of course he had thought about those kinds of situations happening. In fact, you had both spoken about the dangers of being with him. But that didn't change a pang of fear making its way to his heart as he thought of such a thing.
"I am quite aware of the dangers brother. But I assure you, as long as I live, I will never let any harm come to her." He spoke firmly.
"I love her."

Elijah: Katherine was back in town. And of course, she had decided to make a move on Elijah. She knew he was with you. Her ego, on the other hand, saw your relationship as a challenge rather than a boundary.
"Elijah, she's a human. You're an original." She tried convincing him, but of course, to no avail, "You deserve someone better."
"On the contrary Katerina," He began calmly, ignoring her flirtatious behaviour all together. "There is nobody better than y/n."
"Oh c'mon." She scoffed, gesturing to herself, thinking he would chuckle at her remark, he did not. He stood his ground, barely even batting an eyelash.
"We have so much more in common anyway. L'ijah, I have known you for, what? 520 years?" She smirked, leaning in closer.
"Katerina, I don't know about you, but I care much more about the quality of a person rather than how long I have been acquainted with them. And y/n is the love of my life, nothing is going to change that. Not time, not distance, and not you." He spoke harshly.
"The love of your life?" She repeated sarcastically.
"Yes." He confirmed, only just realizing that the statement was in fact completely and utterly true. You were the love of his life. The only one he saw, the only one he needed.

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