Damon Salvatore- Love/Hate

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//You and Damon secretly liking each other but only showing it through playful sarcasm, until he accidentally admits his true feelings//

Damon Salvatore. He was a cocky, sarcastic, egotistical dick. There was no denying that. But, you kind of loved that about him- and you didn't know why.

You couldn't pinpoint why you felt his obnoxious commentary was a must-have in order to make otherwise dull scenarios tolerable, or why his unnecessary nicknames for everyone were hysterically accurate, but thats just how it was. Perhaps it was because you had since grown used to- and maybe even fond of his witty remarks, or maybe your feeling ran deeper than just comedic admiration. Either way, you kept your feelings for the eldest Salvatore reasonably unacknowledged, and hidden deep beneath your own sarcastic persona and playful banter.


You woke up groggily, pawing at your eyes slightly before curling back into the warm, solid figure that lay next to you. Your comfortability in that exact moment was indescribable- you felt completely at peace with the world. That was until you realized that you had fallen asleep alone, and whoever was in your bed, certainly shouldn't have been.

Your eyes shot open, only to be met with a smirking Damon as he looked down at you- his arms resting behind his head as you lay on his chest. You gasped slightly, quickly pushing yourself away from him and onto the other side of the bed- nearly falling off of it in the process.

"What the hell, Damon?!"

"Well good morning to you too, sunshine." He smirked from his position on your bed.

"What are you doing here?!" You pressed, standing up from the mattress.

"You know you were dreaming about me, explains the drool." He teased, his cocky grin still playing on his lips- satisfied with how clearly flustered he had made you.

"You didn't answer my question." You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"Is it such a crime that I wanted to see you?" He spoke jokingly as he sat himself up from your bed.

"It should be." You scoffed as you turned on your heel, heading down to the kitchen as Damon followed behind, grinning to himself.

"Was I naked?" He wiggled his brows teasingly, sitting himself down at the counter as you pulled out a mug- making yourself some coffee.

"What?" You frowned groggily.

"In your dream," He clarified, "-Must have been pretty spectacular." You giggled at his words tiredly, a smile curling onto his lips as the angelic sound reached his ears.

"Yeah," You played along jokingly with a roll of your eyes, "Phenomenal."

"You wish." He grinned smugly. You scoffed,

"Maybe in your dreams, Salvatore."

"Well clearly it's in yours." He smirked. You sighed exasperatedly, closing your eyes in annoyance.

"Haven't you got anywhere else to be?"

"Nope, I'm all yours."

"Lucky me." You grinned over-enthusiastically, sarcasm practically dripping from your voice, but truthfully, you were glad Damon was there.

"Oh c'mon," He dragged out. "You love it. Besides, it's not like I'd even want to be anywhere else." An airy laugh escaped your lips at his comment as you turned back around to face him- having finished making your coffee. But instead of finding him sat with a smug smirk on his face, you turned to meet a genuine, almost shy smile- his brows slightly knit in anticipation to your reaction as he dropped his gaze to the floor.

You looked at him in awe as you leaned on the bench, your coffee in your hands and a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of your lips before you averted your gaze from him- having noticed just how long you were staring.

"But being around you drives me nuts," He added, "And not being around you- drives me nuts." Your heart was beating like a hummingbird and you were sure he could hear it. You had hardly noticed through the shock, but he had moved from his spot at the bench and had made his way in front of you. "And I'm too selfish not to tell you I'm in love with you, because I am, and it's making me crazy."

At this point you were mere inches apart- eyes scanning over each others features as yours flickered down to his lips before stepping up onto your toes and capturing them in a kiss. His shoulders hunched over as he knelt down slightly to reach your level, his hands cupping your cheeks as yours met around the back of his neck. It was unexpected, and it was rushed, but it was perfect.

Ah! I love writing sarcastic banter scenes! Thank you to tea_smeezy for this idea.x I hope you all liked it!

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