He proposes

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Stefan: You and Stefan had been dating for a little over four years. You had been through thick and thin together, and it was very obvious in the moment your eyes had met one another, that love was in fact real.
The weather was nice, so you had both decided to head down to the waterfall deep in Mystic falls. You used to go there all the time when you were first dating, it was even the first place Stefan had taken you when you found out you were in transition and would soon become a vampire. But things had gotten in the way; Klaus, Silas, the list could go on and on, and you no longer had the time to go to your faveourite spot. Considering that you had no supernatural business to take care of for once, and the weather was nice, you decided to revel in it all and walk there, to really soak up how perfect everything was. As you arrived at the waterfall, your laughter with Stefan slowly ceased when it came into view.
"Oh my god Stefan," You began, walking closer, "It's even more beautiful than I remembered." You smiled.
"To the top?" He asked, smiling brightly as you both looked up to the top of the waterfall.
"Can we cheat this time?" You joked, referring to the last time you were here.

It was your last day being human, and both you and Stefan had climbed your way to the top, without the use of his vampire abilities, as a way of really soaking up being human one last time.

"Yeah, Why not?" He laughed before you both sped to the stop.
He gave you a warm smile before walking closer to the edge, holding a hand out for you to follow him, which you gently took.
"Do you remember the first time we came here?" He smiled, pulling you into his side as he looked out over the rushing water and the quiet forest.
"Of course." You breathed, taking in the gorgeous surroundings. "It was the first time you told me you loved me." A smile etched itself onto your lips as you remembered the day.
"Four years later," He grinned, "And I still do." Looking up at him, you quickly realized that he had already been gazing down at you.
"y/n, you have gotten me through hell and back more than once these past years. Ive been able to open up to you like nobody else before, and I know, in my heart that we're going to be together forever, so I kind wanted to make it official." He paused, getting down on one knee. Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes widened in shock as your hands flew up to cover your mouth. Stefan chuckled lightly at your reaction before taking down one of your hands and holding it in his.
"y/n y/l/n, will you do me the honour, of agreeing to officially spend the rest of our lives together?" He beamed, holding out a gorgeous, old ring. You couldn't bring yourself to speak the one word you so desperately wanted to say, so you substituted for nodding frantically as your smile grew even wider across your face.
"Yes." You finally managed to croak, tears of happiness flooding your eyes as he slid the ring onto your finger. Pulling him back up to his feet, his face was overcome with pure joy as he suddenly lifted up your figure and spun you around as you giggled before placing you back down on the ground. You both laughed at how cliche the moment was before the laughter slowly faded into a loving kiss.

Damon: Three years you have spent with Damon. Three of the best years of your life if you're being honest, as corny as it may sound. It was your three year anniversary so of course, you spent it with Damon. Making your way over to the Salvatore boarding house, you knocked on the door, a smile etched onto your face as you awaited an answer from Damon.
"Hey." He beamed knowingly, quickly moving forward to wrap you in a hug.
"It's a special day today." He smiled, taking your hand in his as he led you to the parlour.
"So it is." You giggled as you both sat down on the couch, your hands still incased in his.
"Listen, y/n," He started, gripping your hands tighter as he looked into your eyes. "What I'm about to say is absolutely nothing like me, which is how I know what I feel for you is real." He began, staring into your eyes as your heart began pounding rapidly. "Considering we're both- Well- Vampires," he stated, putting emphasis on the word 'vampires' dramatically, causing you to giggle lightly. "We're kind of stuck with each other forever."
"Oh, how awful!" You joked sarcastically, making him laugh.
"So I think it's only fitting that I do this," He smiled, dropping down onto one knee in front of the couch where you sat. You gasped, hands flying up to cover your mouth as you stared at him, wide-eyed, his hands holding out a small, gorgeous ring. "y/n y/l/n," He paused, gazing up at you lovingly, "Will you marry me?"
"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" You almost shouted as you leaned down into him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He laughed happily, standing up and bringing your figure up with him as he brought you into a hug that lifted you from the ground. Putting you down after a minute, you both returned to your seating positions on the couch. Gingerly, he lifted your hand and slid the ring onto your finger with ease.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Klaus: "So where are we off to today?" You giggled as Nik grabbed your hand dragging you behind him as you made your way to the car.
"Well if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise." He teased, a mischievous smirk playing on his face as you entered the car. A couple of minutes of driving, and you had arrived at the location.
"The beach?" You asked surprised. "I didn't think you liked the beach."
"But you do." He stated happily, causing you to smile as you got out of the car. You took in the amazing view before grabbing his hand and making your way down to the shore. The beach was completely empty, the moon glistening amongst the small rippling waves. Walking along the sand, you began to shiver slightly, the cool breeze hitting your skin. Nik's arms suddenly wrapped around your shoulders, leaving his jacket in their place, draping it over your back.
"Thank you." You blushed quietly. You had been with Klaus for years now, yet the affect he had on you still caused the heat rise in your cheeks and your heart to flutter.
"y/n," He paused, stopping in his tracks as you turned to face him.
"In all my years, never have I had the slightest thought of asking someone to spend eternity with me. But as soon as I met you," he pressed on, smiling gently at you. "I knew I would be asking you this very question sooner or later." Your heart felt like it was beating so fast it would fly out of your chest and you held your breath.
"I can't go on any longer without knowing for certain, that you will be by my side forever." He paused, taking a deep breath as he slowly got down on one knee, pulling a small box from his pocket and presenting you with a stunning ring. "My dear, sweet y/n, will you become my wife?"
"Niklaus," You gasped, a smile slowly making its way to your face as you stood there in shock. "Yes. Yes, yes, yes!" You cried as his smile widened at your response, placing the ring onto your finger. He stood up and pulled you into him, grinning wildly to himself. The king of New Orleans finally had his queen.

Elijah: ~England, 1492~
After Trevor had introduced you to Elijah, you immediately found yourself interested in the man. The way his eyes glistened as he looked at you, the small smile that tugged on his lips, despite his intentions to hide it, he was handsome, there was no doubt. All it took was one conversation with him to realize that you had in fact fallen head over heals, madly in love with him, as he did for you. Disregarding his brother's demands, he had continued to spend his days with you, wandering the gardens hand in hand as he thought of how lucky he had been to find someone like you. The more time he had spent with you, the more he came to realize just how much he felt for you. Unlike most, you treated him as an individual instead of 'Niklaus Mikaelson's brother', which he appreciated greatly. Also, you didn't cower away from him when he confessed his vampirism.
He found your beauty to be beyond compare, watching you smile and laugh as you ran through the tree's brought him more joy than could be put into words.
"Slow down y/n." He laughed as you both ran through the woods, him jogging behind you as you held the sides of your dress, dodging the loose branched that had fallen to the forest ground.
"You're meant to catch me!" You giggled, turning your head back slightly to look at him. Taking the challenge, he suddenly sped in front of you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you squealed in surprise, causing him to laugh.
"Caught you." He smiled, looking down at you.
"So you have." You teased playfully, shooting him a smirk. "And what do you intend to do now that you have caught me? The game is over."
"The game may be over, but this," He gestured between the two of you, and the strong, loving relationship you shared. "This has only just begun, and I intend to keep it going forever."
"I couldn't think of a more brilliant idea." You smiled.
"Well then, if we both agree," He grinned, taking a step back and pulling both of your hands completely into his before lowering onto one knee. You gasped before giggling lightly, out of shock and pure joy.
"Never have I believed in love. Not until I met you. y/n, will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs. Mikaelson?" He asked, almost shyly.
"I would love nothing more!" You cried happily, jumping into his arms as he stood up.
"You are my world y/n."
"And you are mine."

Thank you to de_booklover16 for the suggestion! :) I really hope you all enjoy, thank you so much for reading!!

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