You're pregnant

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*Warning: slight season 7 spoiler alert in Stefan's preference.*

Stefan: You and Stefan had been madly in love for as long as time could tell. Having met while you were both human, and having been through it all, you always managed to come out on the other side stronger than ever- it being clear to see just how strong, and deep the bond the two of you shared was.

But there was always the unspoken, painful fact that you were vampires, and would never be able to have the lives you once dreamed of.

You see; all you and Stefan had ever envisioned for each other before turning, was getting married; starting fresh in a new home- complete with the seemingly cliché white-picket fence, having children to love and care for, and ultimately, growing old together. But that, of course, was not going to happen.


Time had passed- years even, and you had grown to accept the fact that the idea of starting a family with the man you loved and growing old together was far out of reach. But then you caught word of Klaus' hybrid child and then Caroline's magical witch surrogacy, and suddenly, the thought of having a baby didn't seem so impossible anymore. You had hope, as did Stefan. And you were determined to find a way.


Finding a witch powerful enough, and even willing to try to help you proved a mission within itself. But once you settled on the sought-out help of an all-powerful, lone voodoo witch in New Orleans, you were on track- whether or not that track was to be successful? You didn't know, but failure without trying seemed to be worse than not trying at all.

The woman- witch, was an elderly individual, and had long since separated herself from any coven and practiced her magic alone, with a little help from the spirits of her ancestors to aid in her power of course.


The journey to meet the woman in New Orleans was a lengthy one- but one defiantly worthwhile. Upon meeting her, she was exceedingly humble, yet awfully cryptic. She gave no name, no background and no means of contact- all that was supplied was the coordinates of the location in which the ritual was planned to take place, and all that was asked for in return was her services to be kept secret, and for Esther Mikaelson's talisman to be handed into her possession; the necklace of which Stefan had given to you decades prior- and you were happy to part with it for the sake of your family.


The ritual was soon to begin, and the witch had you lie down on an alter- you doing so hesitantly as Stefan stood by your side with your hand clasped in his.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked you quietly as the woman set up the last of the candles, his eyebrows knit in hesitation as he looked over the current scenario you were in- the weight of it all dawning upon him. You nodded, looking up at him as a small smile tugged at your features.

"I want a family. I want that for us." You spoke softly, earning a grin from Stefan as he too nodded his head in sympathetic agreement.

"Ready?" The woman spoke up kindly. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes momentarily before replying.

"As I'll ever be."


"Unanimes dicimus tibi," She began to chant- her hand hovering over your stomach as the flames dancing upon the wicks of the candles shot up to three times their size- the flickers of light illuminating the room.

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