Your anniversary

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Stefan: You couldn't ask for anyone as perfect as Stefan. You were absolutely head over heels in love with him. He treated you like an individual, like an actual person with feelings and emotions, which was hard to find these days. He was caring and compassionate, and extremely protective of you, but he knew when to draw the line between making sure you were safe, and suffocating you. Four years you had been able to spend with the love of your life. Four going on five. When your anniversary rolled around, Stefan had planned for you both to get away from all of the supernatural business and celebrate, be it just for one night. His car pulled up to a small clearing, a beautiful, rustic cabin sitting a little further away, masked by a dense layer of old trees, towering over the two of you. Walking closer, you smiled up at him, grabbing his hand in excitement as you now saw the full view of where you were staying. The cabin sat a far way back, overlooking a huge lake, the other side of said lake mirroring the gorgeous forest you had just walked through.
"Stefan, this is," You paused, setting your bag down by the cabin door as he did the same. "Incredible." You finished with a content sigh. He gazed at you for a moment, admiring the look of pure bliss that took over your face as you scoped out your surroundings.
"C'mon." He chuckled, grabbing your hand and pulling you over to the dock that extended to the middle of the lake. Going as far as you could, you stopped to take in everything. Not just your current surroundings, but how perfect that very moment was, with Stefan by your side. Moving slightly behind you, he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, resting his chin on top of your head as you leaned into him.
"The day has barely started, and it's still one of the best one's of my life." You smiled. "I'll remember this forever."

Damon: 150 years you were with Damon. You arrived in Mystic Falls at the same time Ms. Katherine Pierce did. Being her hand maiden, you never thought of yourself having a chance with Damon Salvatore. But you were wrong. As soon as he saw you step out of the carriage that morning, he knew there was something there. Be it fate, destiny or even love, he knew he had to be with you. And you felt the same way.  When you first met, you would wander the gardens of the Salvatore boarding house together, just being happy to be in each others company. It was present day, and you were looking all over for Damon, but you couldn't find him anywhere.
"Damon?" Walking through the house, he was nowhere to be seen. "You didn't forget did you?" You laughed. It was your 150th anniversary, a pretty significant event. You had both planned it weeks beforehand. You were just going to go out to eat 'some place super fancy'. So you stood in the Salvatore house, in your floor-length dress, in search of Damon. Finally you came across the back-door, which was wide open. Hesitantly walking through it, you wandered over to the garden.
"Damon? We're gonna be la-" Your voice was cut short when you saw him. There he stood. In his suit, in the middle of the garden, he was waiting for you. A soft smile played on his features as he looked at you lovingly, a small bunch of roses rested in his hand as music played softly in the background, the are lit up with lanterns that lined the pathway.
"Damon." You breathed with a smile, walking over to him and wrapping your arms around him as you smiled into his shoulder, him doing the same. "This is beautiful." You beamed, gazing around at the garden.
"Better than some fancy restaurant?" He smirked.
"By a mile." You giggled as he handed you the roses. You grinned, leaning up to place a small kiss on his lips.
"May I have this dance?" He grinned as the music picked up volume.
"Why of course." You smirked, placing the roses on the bench-type seat and taking his hand. He led you over to a small clearing in the garden, and secured an arm around your waist, beginning to sway along to the music. Spinning and twirling, his arms around you; you felt as if it were 1865 all over again, and you loved it. Picking you up above his head, your shins rested on his chest, supporting your weight as he gently brought you back down to the ground, not breaking his gaze on you once. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to your lips, resting his forehead on yours.
"I couldn't think of a better way to spend 150 years, than with you." He smiled.

Klaus: Waking up in the morning, you smiled to yourself. Nik's arms were wrapped around your waist, your head on his shoulder. Turning in his arms, you looked up at him, smiling, like he was already doing to you.
"Good morning." You grinned.
"Morning, love." He smirked back, his voice still raspy from sleep. His face suddenly lit up, his arms holding you tighter, "Happy anniversary!"
"Happy anniversary." You replied with a giggle. "So what do we have planned for today?"
"Well, that completely depends; would you prefer to spend the day lounging around with yours truly, or go to a fancy restaurant and do the whole 'stereotypical anniversary' thing?" He smirked.
"Honestly," You paused, "the first one." A smirk made its way to his face at your answer.
"Me too." He beamed before speeding out of his side of the bed, and over to yours, picking you up bridal-style.
"Nik!" You shrieked in surprise. Laughing playfully at your reaction, he put you down, pressing a kiss to your lips.
"Breakfast?" He grinned.
"Sounds good to me." You laughed as you both headed down stairs to the kitchen.
You both sat at the table, eating your breakfast, still in your pj's and hair still a mess. The big bad hybrid, also known as Niklaus Mikaelson, the love of your life, grinning lovingly at you. Yep. Everything was perfect. Being able to be yourselves was far better than going to a stuffy restaurant.
"This is what I love about you, y/n. You deserve the entire world, yet you never demand a piece of it." He spoke honestly. Stifling a light giggle, you looked up at him, smiling.
"I don't want the entire world. I have you. That's more than I could ever ask for."

Elijah: Elijah, being the hopeless romantic that he is, had planned out your anniversary weeks in advance.
"Are you sure about this?" You laughed, Elijah pulling you along with him as your heels clacked against the cobblestone road, your coat whipping behind you as the cool breeze blew around the two of you.
"Trust me." He smiled. Turning another corner and walking down another alleyway, he stopped in front of a rusty door.
"Boy, this looks pretty elegant." You joked sarcastically.
"Trust me." He repeated, the same smile playing on his lips. Pushing open the small door, you gasped quietly at the interior of the rundown building. There sat an almost deserted, definitely elegant restaurant with one single table, in the centre of the room. A man dressed in a tuxedo walked over, greeting the two of you and kindly taking your jackets, hanging them up. You shot Elijah a shocked look, although a smile was visible through it.
Walking over to the table, Elijah pulled your chair out for you, like the gentleman he was.
"Thank you." You muttered with a smile as he took his seat in front of you. Taking your hand from across the table, he gazed at you as if you were the most beautiful being to grace this earth, and to him, you were. A waiter walked over after a minute or two of reminiscing with Elijah, laughing with one another. The man poured two glasses of wine for you both, silently leaving.
"Elijah, you really didn't have to do all of this." You smiled at him.
"You deserve it. You deserve all this and more."
Smiling lovingly at his words, you lifted your wine glass to break the silence. "To us." You giggled at the 'cheesy' gesture you had made.
"To us." He repeated with a slight chuckle, clinking his glass with yours before taking a sip, just as you did. Placing his glass down, he retook your hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a small kiss to your knuckles.
"There is no place in the world I would rather be than here, right now, with you. My sweet y/n."

Thank you to DarknessKiss for this idea, I am SO sorry it took so long to upload!! I had major writers block over this one, no clue why! I hope you all enjoy!x

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